> CHAPTER 19 <

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"Avery, I am really satisfied with your sincere work from the past years and would really like to appreciate it thoroughly by upgrading your salary by 20%! You served both the company and me whole heartedly without any demand which I appreciate the most." Mallika's cold voice rather seemed a bit soft today which made Avery more relaxed and as soon as those words slipped out of Mallika's tongue Avery was on cloud nine. She couldn't hold her happiness as this was the very first time Mallika was this soft to her.
"Thank y--ou sooo much ma'am!" She nervously smiled with a drop of happy tear rolling down her cheeks. Seeing that Mallika handed her a tissue and smiled at her as she was happy to see this little soul beam with joy. Avery soon left the cabin thanking Mallika for the 12799th time. Mallika soon got back to her work and it wasn't a quite a while when the clock struck 12. Mallika was always punctual so she was already there at the meeting room with Avery and Anna(one of the employees) holding the important and necessary documents. Soon they could hear the creak of a few pair of shoes heading towards the room indicating that the guests have arrived. Mallika stood up from her seat as they heard the door screech open. She didn't knew who actually owned the company now as she heard that the previous CEO had retired and there was no information about the new one. As soon as the door opened Mallika found a similar figure standing in front of her whom she hadn't seen for decades. Though the figure wasn't the same all the way but those hazel eyes were constant hinting that it was the same person who had left her many years back, the person who used to be at her side each and everytime. While the other person couldn't believe what he had just seen. The girl of his dreams, the only girl who was different from others and accepted him the way he was. Those dark brown orbs still had the shine within them which made him certain that it was her. Both the people were way too stunned to witness each other's presence and were lost in each other's eyes. When finally moved away her gaze and coughed making them realise how awkward the situation had been.
"Welcome! Mr. Mudgalkar! Please have your seat." Mallika returned back to her stern formal voice.
"Uh- yeah sure!" Sumedh still couldn't digest the fact that Mallika was sitting right in front of him as his business partner?
"So let's get to our discussion!" Mallika spoke. Both of them kept it all formal and didn't drag anything personal between the meeting as they both were quite professional when it comes to their work. The meeting came to an end sooner than expected when Sumedh spoke up addressing the other staffs except Mallika.
"I would be glad if you all could provide us with some extra private time as we have some more confidential things to discuss about!"
Mallika's face showed how confused and annoyed she was with this decision of Sumedh but as she didn't had any other option left she nodded in agreement. All the staffs were soon out leaving the two of them all alone sitting at two ends of the table.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now