> CHAPTER 12 <

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Her apartment was just a few steps away from our college so we decided to walk over. Her closeness was giving me a warmth that I was craving for years. I could feel her hairs brushing through my shoulder, her arms snaked around mine and her eyes stealing glances at me time to time. It felt so new and different. The vibe was no more friendly, it seemed something more than that. But the most surprising thing was that none of us felt any discomfort in other's touch or presence rather we were loving it.

POV ended~

"We are here!" Mallika stated softly stopping in front of a small one storeyed building where she has been living on rent for quite a few months now, and with that she slowly removed her hand from Sumedh's to take out the keys. She pulled out the keys gently from her sling bag and opened the door. Both of them stepped into the house. It was quite small yet cozy.
"Sorry! I know it's small but please don't feel hesitant to comfort yourself." Mallika hesitantly glanced at Sumedh with an apologizing look on her face.
"Don't feel sorry Mallika! I just loved your house, it's quite cozy and comfortable unlike mine--" he stopped abruptly to prevent Mallika from noticing the last two words.
"Uh what?"
"Oh no nothing! I was just telling that your house is so cozy and comfortable!  I really liked it so much!" He lied with a hesitation in his voice. But fortunately Mallika didn't notice it.
"Oh thanks! To be honest, you're the first person I brought to my house, so I am trying my best to make you comfortable enough! Anyways, you might be hungry, right?
"Don't worry about that I am all ok!" Sumedh assured Mallika.
"Ok then! You wait here while I freshen up."
Sumedh didn't need to wait much as Mallika was back within a few minutes. Sumedh started with the explanation of the different chapters and gradually giving her the notes on the important topics that had been done.

I don't know why but everytime I wanted to concentrate on the explanations and notes, I used to get lost in his hazel orbs that used flicker from his glasses. I felt a different feeling of pleasure and comfort in his presence. His voice felt so tranquil and peaceful. It was the moment when I realized that we forgot to maintain the distance between us but I dropped the idea of reminding him about that as the closeness felt so genial. But when I was taking down the notes, my jaw dropped when I saw how alluring his handwriting was. It seemed like printed words. Even the strikes and scribbles couldn't make it ugly. I was just so grateful to god for giving me such a friend like Sumedh!

POV ended ~

It was quite a while when finally both Sumedh and Mallika took a sigh of relief as they were finally done.
"Um maybe!"
"Black or normal?"
With that Mallika headed towards the kitchen. Soon she was back with two mugs of coffee. She sat down handing one of the mugs to Sumedh.
"Mallika! I have been wanting to tell you about this from a long time yet I was unable! But now I after a lot of thinking I am ready, I am ready to confess! I don't know whether it's the right moment or not but I had to do it now or never." With that he took a deep breathe for a moment and looked upto to Mallika who seemed to be the most confused person in the world.
"I love you Mallika Singh! I love you with my whole heart! The day I first saw you, I just couldn't help my heart skipping a beat but I controlled myself and waited for the moment."

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now