> CHAPTER 15 <

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It wasn't a while when Jannat  reached her place! Mallika was still in the same position with her bloodshot eyes staring at one direction. She wasn't even blinking. Jannat was horrified seeing Mallika in such a melancholy posture. She couldn't bare her state and without wasting a moment she pulled her into a warm embrace. But Mallika wasn't showing any reaction, she was cold, silent and still as a stone. She suddenly cupped her cheeks softly and asked her with a shaky voice.
"What happened Mallika?!"
"Is everything ok? Where's Sumedh! He was supposed to provide you with the notes? Did he do something? Did he hurt you?"
Suddenly Mallika pulled back Jannat into a tight hug and burst out her whole heart leaving tear stains on her dress. Jannat knew that she should be silent and let her cry her whole heart out. She kept calm and caressed Mallika's long wavy hairs trying to console her. After a few moments Mallika wiped off her tears and started talking in a low shaky voice.
"Jan! You were the only person who knew about my past and loved me like an elder sister. You are already aware that how afraid I am of 'love'!  Sumedh and I had got real close as friends. But today I heard the unexpected- he confessed something that I didn't even imagine, he -he loves me!"
"Yes!! He confessed and for that I had to reveal all my truth and past to him but he never reacted the way I imagined, he was such a gentleman that he pulled me his warm embrace and gave me the comfort that was craving for at that moment!! But the worst thing was something different-
"What Mallika! What bothers you so much!"
"I felt a guilt in his voice and it seemed as he wanted to leave me and stated that he was always with me and will give me the time I required! What did he mean by this-!"
"Don't overthink Mallika! You should talk to him tomorrow during recess or anytime you feel!" Jannat suggested and wiped away her tears which had been brimming from her eyes. Jannat stayed with Mallika all that time and gave her the motherly warm comfort that she always wants. Deep in her mind Mallika always wanted someone like Jannat to be by her side always and give her the love that she searches and craves for every time. She was never uncomfortable in her presence and always gave her the place just beside her mother. They both shared the purest bond. But one thing that kept bothering her mind were 'those words'! Deep down she knew that even she had developed feelings for that kind gentleman but the fear and dread of her past always haunts her like a ghost. She knew that she had to move on and write a new beginning in her life but her weak heart never supported her. She was always overthinking which caused negativity to get on her mind so easily!!

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now