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Jannat slowly calmed Mallika down, grabbed her hand and took her to the place where Maya was laughing and cackling with her minions. Jannat was just fuming with rage as she can't withstand any kind of bully. But she thought of playing the game with her wit not with her strength. So she asked Mallika to sit back at a bench far from Maya's and watch what happens next. Jannat sat on the bench just diagonal to Maya and acted as if she was oblivious to anything that happened. Maya was into her gossips that she didn't even notice Jannat. After all her gossips when it was time for her to leave, Jannat extended her leg on Maya's way which caused Maya to trip over it and fall onto the ground.
"Oops! I'm so sorry Miss!" Jannat teased and then got up from her seat.
"How dare you? Jerk! Do even know me?" Maya shouted before noticing Jannat.
"I'd better be Def rather than knowing your name!"
When Maya finally got up with the help of her minions and saw Jannat standing in front of her, she walked away with an embarrassing face and the whole canteen burst into laughter. Mallika too was giggling from her place. Jannat came up to her and laughed with her.
"That was quiet embarrassing for Maya!" Mallika spat out a word from her mouth laughing.
"See! I told ya I have handling these brats from the past few years and I know how to chop off their wings when they try to fly off. By the way, you finally spoke up Mallika! You look so lively when speak! Just keep opening up yourself and then you can explore and fight with the world!" Jannat finished.
Mallika was again inspired by her words but it was not an easy task for her to open up after her deathly past which haunts her like the most frightening nightmare. It was soon time for their recess to end and get back to their classrooms. Jannat gave Mallika a gentle hug and left while Mallika made her way towards the class. While entering she saw something that was quite unexpected, the tall boy was being bullied by a group of boys and his glasses were down on the floor completely broken. The boy seemed to be almost blind without his glasses and was continously rubbing his hands on the floor in search of his glasses. Mallika instantly remembered about the morning incident and thought of helping the boy. She helped the boy get up, picked up his broken glasses and led him towards his seat or rather their seat!
"Ooo! See nerdy boy's, wimpy girfriend!! And the whole class burst into laughter. Though she felt embarrassed and ashamed but she thought to follow Jannat's words and help the poor guy.
"You are safe now! Here's your glass.. but it's completely broken"
Mallika spoke in low tone.
After hearing that his glass was broken, he randomly searched inside his bag and took out a new pair. He finally wore to see that it was Mallika who saved him.
"Thank you" He stated it in serious tone as he could and gave her a almost an invisible smile.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now