> CHAPTER 16 <

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It was a new day for the whole world but nothing much altered in Mallika's life as she was still drowned in her thoughts. She was just in state where she can neither go back nor move forward. But her only comfort was - Jannat! She had asked her to stay with her the last night as she was really in need of someone's company. Mallika couldn't sleep well thinking of those awful memories she had to go through in her past but the thought that disturbed her the most was of Sumedh's! She could feel her heart ache whenever she thought of those last words said by him before leaving. Her mind seemed to be unaware of the fact that time doesn't stop for anyone and she had to attend college today as they have quite an important test.
"Mikks! You need to overcome it! You can't ruin your future just because of some stupid negative thoughts and memories!" Jannat snapped this time as she can't withstand the condition of Mallika anymore.
"Do I even have a future?!" Mallika replied blankly. After hearing these words Jannat finally broke into tears as it was becoming impossible for her to see her Mikks in such a situation. She finally pulled her into a tight hug which felt very different to Mallika. It wasn't very gentle but the warmness was constant and it felt very concerning. Jannat was too worried about Mallika and she wanted her to feel better which Mallika understood immediately when she felt that the embrace she felt around her generated a different vibes than before. She thought that Jannat had done a lot for her and was always by her side all along like an angel. Her presence used to generate a motherly and caring vibe within her. So she decided that it was her time to show her strength and she was no more that weak Mallika who was scared of her future just because her stupid past. She knew she had take a step ahead.
"Jan! I love you! Stop crying!" She sounded rather quiet and calm this time which didn't generate any coldness or negative vibe. It somehow sounded more mature and understanding but strong. Jannat looked up to her in surprise and smiled to get a new and fresh Mallika by her side. She had faith in her Mikks and knew that she was strong enough to fight away her stupid fears and dreadful past.
"I love you more my Mikks but promise me that you won't cry over such silly things ever again! As I can't stand your crying!" Jannat said in a shaky voice and cupped Mallika's cheek. Mallika smiled at her maintaining a serene look on her face and said,
"So let's get going! Or we're gonna be super late to college!" And Jannat grinned to that.
"Now that's like mah Mikks! " and they both shared a jolly laugh. But deep down in her mind Mallika was still thinking about this one person..

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now