> CHAPTER 17 <

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They reached college sooner than they expected. Both parted their ways as they headed to their respective classrooms. Mallika quickly took her seat and started settling her stuffs. Though she wasn't completely fine but tried her best to maintain the fake smile on her face. Her eyes were still longing to meet that one person. But she couldn't spot him anywhere, her heart was still waiting for him. Soon it was time for class but there was no sign of him which made Mallika's heart ache but she had concentrate on her studies as that was the only thing for which she was here today. But the unknown feeling kept her bothering all day long. She couldn't focus and was often zoned out. She didn't feel well during the recess so she dropped the thought of meeting Jannat. She really wanted sometime alone. Soon it was time for her to get back home. She was really wanting that strong support that she got the previous day. Those strong arms on whom she can believe and take support. She suddenly felt an embrace around her. The one that she was longing for. She instantly closed her eyes to feel it but alas it was just her hallucination. She soon got home and found a letter inside her letter box. She quickly took it out and read it.
" Hey Mallika,
I really couldn't believe that I had to tell you this. I know we've been quiet close pals in these days, we cherished a lot of fun memories and even some sad ones too. We have really grown close these days. I really wished I could've been there for you and always have you as, even not my partner but my bestest friend all the time. I am lucky enough to have you in my life. I really loved you to bits but today I have to leave. My dad called me to London as he wants me to take him over as soon as he retires. He wants me to quit this college and join a fancier institution there. I wasn't a bit fond of this idea but my mother requested me to give my father a hand so I had to leave... I wish we could meet again someday!
Best Wishes,
This shook Mallika. She was stunned as if an arrow went through her heart. She couldn't move. Suddenly realization hit her and she immediately called Sumedh. But as expected, he never answered. Suddenly she received a text from an unknown number -
"Hey! Sumedh this side. Just to inform that this my new number."
It didn't take her much time to understand that it was an automatic AI generated message. She tried calling but as it was an international number he couldn't place the call. Finally she texted back-
"Why did you leave me!? I am sorry Sumedh, I never wanted to hurt you!! Please don't do this to me.."
She grabbed her pillow and sunk into it with tears brimming her eyes. Suddenly she looked at her pendent which her mother gave her on her fifth birthday. She held in her hands and talked to herself.
"Maa! You left me when I needed you the most. My whole teenage life was a waste without you. I never got to be close with Papa after you left us just because of that woman. I don't know what have I done but do I really deserve this much of misfortune in my life. When I tried loving someone I was betrayed and when someone loved me God just took him far away from me. Do I really deserve this!? I just wanted some time, I knew that deep inside even I had the same feelings for Sumedh just the way he had it for me. I knew his love was selfless but something still kept me from trusting him. And now I know that I can't just have him any more.. He will not be mine anymore.."
That was the day when the whole world turned upside down for Mallika.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now