> CHAPTER 14 <

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Mallika felt her heart as heavy as an iron ball. She knew that telling her darkest secret to Sumedh could result in a different way but after his confession, she couldn't help herself telling those to her.
Suddenly she felt two gentle hands wrapping her into an embrace. The one she was craving for all the time. She cried her heart out in his chest.
"You know what Mallika! Love is a feeling that only connects two person but also make their souls inseparable from each other. I always respect and appreciate this feeling. Nobody is this world is perfect, so how can I expect you to be exception. Every one has flaws and pasts but love doesn't judge those. Love is a pure and tranquil feeling that always gives you happiness. It treats your true inner self. Even I passed through a hard time many years back which caused my heart to tear apart but I never lost faith in love or my inner true self. I know that it is not possible for you to accept me now after your dreadful past but I can wait for you my whole life!" With that he gently pressed his soft lips on her forehead and left. She felt her heart longing to stop him but an unknown fear in her mind prevented her from doing that. They looked into each other's eyes as if it was for the last time.

I don't to if I should believe him or not but he looked so true and he made me realise the facts! I don't know but my heart was craving to stop him but not a single word dared to slip out from my tongue. I don't know if I did a mistake cause I feel so ashamed and guilty. I feel like I broke his heart but I can't-
I can't make the same mistake. Maybe he deserves someone better than me. I am just not capable of his love. My thoughts were leading me into some crazy imaginations so I finally thought of calling that one person that can help me out and is always there for me - Jan! I instantly grabbed my phone which was placed on a small table right beside me. I dialed the number and the sweet familiar voice spoke up from the other side!
~ POV ended

"Hi Jan!"
"Why do you sound so down Mallika?"
"Umm, nothing much but can you come over to my place right now, I have a few things to talk about?"
"Yep ok! I am reaching their by 10 minutes."
With that she hung the phone.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now