> CHAPTER 18 <

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It was a pleasant morning in LA with the birds chirping and the rhythmical sound of autumn breeze blowing. Though the sun was quiet bright, the weather was absolutely tranquil and beautiful. The sun rays were flickering from the small space between the curtains of Mallika's room. Soon there was a buzzing sound of the phone vibrated the entire room waking Mallika up. She turned it off and headed to the restroom to get ready for work. Soon enough she was in her formals with a shade of scarlet lipstick on her lips and her long wavy hair secured into a tight bun. Today Mallika was the CEO of one LA's most popular and largest fashion brand. She was known for her cold nature, bold attitude and perfect work. Mallika Singh was now the idol of many. Being an Indian CEO of the most desired and admired fashion brand of LA wasn't an easy job for her.
After her text, the only reply she got was - Don't blame yourself Mallika! You were not  the reason I left, I am always there by your side, I know destiny is really cruel and maybe it didn't want us to be together forever? That was the thing that hit Mallika the most. She knew how cruel destiny was and to tackle that even she has to change herself from top to bottom. Soon that sweet coward Mallika changed into the most cold hearted and hard working student of the college. Nobody except Jannat would even dare to go near her. Though Jannat always supported Mallika but her cold nature and attitude distanced their relationship. Mallika pursued fashion designing as her career choice and studied to bits to get full time scholarship to most prestigious fashion designing college of New York. As she moved abroad she didn't have much contact with Jannat but she still tried her best. Soon enough she got an opportunity to join the most famous fashion brand of LA as a fashion designer. She worked their for five years before she became the CEO of the same company. She was the only person to get that position within such a short span of time.
                ..end of flashback-..

She sat at the breakfast table with a bowl of cereals and a mug of coffee. She sipped in the coffee when she could a call from her personal assistant - Avery.
"Ma'am, jus--t to-oo remind you that we have a very important meeting with the CEO of the prestigious clothing band - Skylights about the collab of the two brands at 12 noon."
"Thanks Avery. We'll be reaching work within an hour." Her cold voice finally spoke.
"Ok-kk ma'am!"
As soon as she hung the call up, Mallika sipped in her coffee and looked at the picture on the wall. It was a picture of her, sumedh and Jannat together during their college days. She could feel those smiling faces and a drop of tear rolled down her eyes. Every morning she used to stare at that picture for some moment and missed her real self every time. She then quickly wiped off her tear and left the house driving off to her office. Soon she parked her car and headed to her chamber. The tapping sound of her heels indicated her presence and all the employees got up to greet her one by one. She nodded her head and finally entered her cabin. She took her seat and the first person who was called to meet her was Avery. Avery was a short yet beautiful brunette who always admired Mallika as her boss even though she was quiet scared of her.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now