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POV ended~

Mallika was clueless of her next step as it was just impossible to find out one random person in this vast college without knowing his name. Therefore, she tried to stop thinking about that incident and moved forward to find out her classroom. She was wandering here and there searching for her class when she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. Her whole body trembled with fear as soon as she felt the tap. She was so scared that she couldn't turn around to see who it was. But she was even more scared about the feeling that her ignorant response can have a bad impact. So with all the courage stored in her she slowly turned around. It was cute, chubby girl, who was standing in front of her with the warmest smile on her face. The smile on her face almost melted Mallika's heart. But Mallika stayed strong and kept quiet without even uttering a single word. Suddenly the girl extended her hand forward gesturing for a handshake. Mallika understood that, and reluctantly extended her hand. Her grip was so warm and friendly that it seemed that they were some long lost sisters. Even her Mom's grip was not so gentle.
"Hi cutie! I am Jannat! I guess You are a newbie and can't find your class right? Well I am here to help you! I know that you are quiet younger than me as accordingly I am in third year, but nevermind you can call me Jan! I will be more than pleased!"
Mallika was never used to so much of talking. But the way Jannat talked was everything to her. But suddenly her past memories came flashing to her mind and she instantly shook away her hand from Jannat's and handed her a piece of paper where her classroom number was written.
"OK so you are one of those introverts! Right? It's ok, no problem! Even I faced that phase of my life but this college changed my life and many others' as well. Ok let me head you to your class, sweetie!!"
Mallika faked a smile and started walking behind Jannat. Though her past life was the worst but her new beginning didn't start out that bad except for the first incident. Suddenly Jannat stopped and turned around Mallika and asked-
"Ughh! See ! I talk so much that I almost forgot to ask your name! What's your name sweetie?"
Mallika stayed quiet for a few moments and thought of answering.
"Mallika Singh"
"Wow! So your name is also as sweet and adorable as you!"
Mallika felt so flustered after getting her first compliment from someone new.
- " T-hhank you." She stammered and Jannat smiled softly and finally headed her to her classroom.

Maybe! Not together Forever? // A Sumellikan Fanfiction// Alternate Universe (✔)Where stories live. Discover now