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Vampires. A species not everyone can appreciate in this world. Vampires are the criminals of the night, the bedtime stories parents tell their kid to make them fear the night. You wouldn't want to run into one, they won't let you live. But not all humans care about the stories or the danger. it isn't a high threat. you could go out, but if you're unlucky enough your name is written on a vampire's menu. And because of the murders happening there are Vampire hunters who try to keep the night safe for the humans, they are merciless in their job. Saying every single one of the creatures has to be killed. It was a hard task for even them to notice a vampire in the crown of normal humans. Not all stood out that much, they almost looked like regular humans. Some wear contacts to hide their red eyes from others. some hide their whole face. Most just dont go outside at all and hide until deep in the night.

Another way to recognize a vampire is their fangs. And their appearance, they tend to look too polished and pale. Acting with no care in danger. vampires knew they can't just die by a push off the stairs. Which made them almost fearless when getting into a fight. they are stronger than humans, and they cant die like a human, it makes them act fearless.

The best way to kill the vampires was using silver weapons or simply behead the creature. there are many ways to do it, you could also shop them up in pieces or set them on fire. Just make sure they don't heal so don't be slow.

Most hunters tend to stick with silver bullets or arrows depending on the situation. or beheading when they have the chance to. cutting the head off was the fastest way and it was 100% guaranteed to confirm death.

The hunters have not the biggest group like an army, but they have enough. you have to be worthy to join the organization. You have to possess fighting skills and stealth skills. Most importantly have knowledge of vampires. When you want to join you undergo a long training which ends with your first kill. see it as an exam. when you kill a vampire you pass, when you dont you fail and have to try again or quit. But this wasn't as easy as it seems. It is a shot between life and death. many humans have died trying to make their first kill. some underestimate the power of vampires.

Even after knowing with all this danger that could come during only his training years Taehyung went to join them, the only thing to do now was make his first kill. Only then will he be one of the big worthy in his fathers eyes. his father who is the leader of the hunters. he havent seen his son be able to do anything, he didnt want taehyung to joining saying he wont be ale to do it. but to prove him wrong Taehyung was going to join and pass the exam.

Which is the reason to why he was walking through a shady alley way at night. Taehyung turned into the corner nearing the location where his target was. He had to kill one of them...He had to kill one of the monsters, only that way he will be accepted in the group he will be accepted by his parents and the headmasters.

He peeked around the wall seeing a tall black dressed man just dropping a women on the ground, wiping his lips as he turned around.

"another one of you" the man said with a visible smirk. Its glowing red eyes stared right at taehyung. And before he could notice the vampire was right in front of him. "you're too slow...Are you sure you're a hunter?" the vampire chuckled as he pinned taehyung against the wall with a grin. he was almost surprised that the hunter havent made a move yet. they usually shoot on sight.

"i have to kill you for that" Taehyung had gathered his courage saying this. But at this moment he was scared. Taehyung havent killed anyone before, this will be his first actual kill. he knew he had to do this, yet he coudlnt make himself pull the trigger that was now pressing into the vampire's stomach.

"oh really, im gonna be your first kill, i am honored~? Go on then, kill me pretty boy~" The vampire stepped back raising a brow at the hunter "see it as a gift" the vampire was clearly amused by this "dont be afraid. I can take the hit"

Taehyung gripped the gun filled with silver bullets tightly and aimed it at the vampire. It wont hurt killing one like this. That way taehyung doesnt have to fight. it wasnt exactly cheating if he didnt fight for his kill. they didnt mention any further details about how. so he saw this as his chance.

"come then, pull the trigger" the vampire dared the other. "im a monster arent i? Kill me"

Taehyung pressed his lips together. His hand started to shake. He couldnt do this. No matter the training he got he couldnt kill someone. Not even a vampire. With teary disappointed eyes he lowered the gun dropping it on the ground, he looked down. If he cant get into the organization he might as well die. his only thing in life he wanted to achieve was to be seen by his father. to not be seen as worthless and weak. but it seems his father was right, he cant do this. he cant do anything. 

But the vampire didnt make a move to hurt him he just walked closer and picked up the gun from the ground. Placing it back in Taehyung's hand. "you will learn" he said making sure the other heard him. "come find me when you're ready to kill me" the vampire walked away with that, a grin on his lips. Leaving the vampire hunter unharmed in the alley.

"this might get interesting" the vampire said to himself thinking of the boy in the alley.


this is the intro to this story. new chapters will come soon after all this festive time passes. i really coudlnt wait and had to put this out already. i am exited for the story, i still have to figure somethings out but thats fine. I ant wait to start publishing the chapters for you all! i hope to see you soon in chapter 1 and you enjoy the story!🐣🥺


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