31: undead

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"i don't get it, why hasn't he woken up yet? it should be working by now!'' Jungkook said panicked when he was back up to check on the other. Only to see no progress on him. his eyes were still normal and blank. his teeth haven't changed either. The only thing that came close to a vampire was that his body was cold and pale.

"I don't know....maybe it was really too late," Yoongi said, now joining the two who had disappeared upstairs. "how long was he gone for?"

"I don't know, I didn't bring a watch!?" jungkook said panicked. "fuck fuck, no. I can't lose him, I don't want him to be gone. please work" he checked the eyes again but nothing had changed in these past two minutes since he last checked them. "why isnt it working, work! anything! just give me a sign..."

but there was nothing.

"I need to kill someone, I can't do this," Jungkook said, turning around and leaving the room. immediately the two went after him. Yoongi blocked his path to the front door while Jimin halted him halfway the stairs.

"dont, Taehyung wouldn't want you to release your emotions like that. its okay to cry it out, even vampires can feel emotions. not everything hase to turn into anger. this is not the time to act like that."

"But.." Jungkook doesn't want to cry and be weak. He will be weak for Taehyung but since he wasn't here he doesn't want to feel these emotions. He hated them, he couldn't control himself like normal. "you're right.... it won't solve anything and it's wrong. I will just go sit by the fire and wait some more... I will give it until sunrise. then i....might have to give up..." he sighed and walked down the stairs but then suddenly a scream was heard from upstairs and a loud thud. The two were immediately alarmed and within a second Jungkook was up. Pushing the door open, not caring about the handle that got knocked into the wall.

"Taehyung!" he shouted, worried and happy. The boy was on the ground curled up and clawing at his throat.

"Cant breathe! help help! it burns!'' Taehyung tried to gasp for air but only his lips moved. He couldn't feel any air in his lungs, he felt as if he would choke. His throat felt dry, his eyes were burning like crazy and his mouth was throbbing. "AAH w-what's happening!?"

"Tae, calm down. It's alright. you're going to be fine. It's part of it" jungkook was beyond relief seeing the other was alright. It was part of the proces. The human will have to undergo the changes and they will not be pleasant. But seeing how far gone the other was before it will hurt more it will have to heal the previous wound too.

"Jungkook!? what's going on?"

"I will explain later, please calm down. you're not going to die."

"die..." taehyung seemed to calm a little when confusion struck him. quickly he pulled up his shirt to see a healing wound, the skin was visibly moving to close it. He scrunched his nose and placed a hand over his chest looking at Jungkook in shock and disgust. "what the fuck-what happened, someone tell me whats going on!" When he didn't get a reply he stood up and ran to the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror. And his world seemed to stop when he saw a pair of red eyes meeting him. "i...."

"Taehyung i-"

"Leave," Taehyung said shortly, looking down at the sink, his hands gripping the sink tightly.

"...okay" the vampire grabbed the bathroom door and closed it, taking a seat on their bed fiddling with his fingers.

"How is he taking it?" Jimin asked not knowing what happened.

"not so well i'm afraid....he will hate me now..."

Jimin gave him an apologetic smile and sighed.


Jimin had by now left the room going back down, but jungkook still sat there on the same spot. his head looked up when he heard the bathroom door open and a puffy-eyed taehyung walked out. He clearly had been crying, Jungkook even heard him. but he didn't dare to go in, he didn't want to anger the other more, if he was asked to leave he would wait. He may act cocky and all but he does care a lot for the ones he loves. and in this case it's Taehyung.

taehyung opened his mouth to speak but jungkook beat him to it. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Taehyung. I just couldn't let you die. seeing your dead body i couldn't take it, i had to do something, i didn't want to lose you. I turned you, please I'm so sorry. I-i know you didn't like it but i didn't want you to die...." jungkook lowered his eyes and sniffled, his emotions coming back. and this was for taehyung the first time he had seen the raven cry or be like this. it would have warmed his heart if he could feel it still. but there was nothing there inside of him, it was just cold and silent. a feeling with made him feel strange.

"Jungkook....i'm not...angry at you" taehyung said sitting down next to the other. placing an arm around him hugging the older. "I'm just..... i will have to get used to it"

"im sorry for being so selfish"

"don't blame yourself please. If there is anyone to blame it's me. I brought you to them i am at fault here, not you."

"why...why did you do it"

"take you to th-"

"no, kill your father..." a question jungkook wanted to know. "you knew what would happen if you did that"

"i realised that he would never love me. I can't force someone to love me, he was just using me to get to you. but i was too desperate to not accept that fact. so i...killed him, so i can let go of it. But yea... I knew that it would turn out like that. But at least you would still live, i know you can get out of there easily if you had to."

"as if i was going to run without you, i've told you before... you are my weakness, but you ruined my plan." jungkook chuckled. taehyung had always been supposed to kill Jungkook. If taehyung wasn't going to let go of his part and still wish for a happy family and to be loved by his father then Jungkook would turn himself in there in Taehyung's name. give him the thing he wants. But it seems Jungkook was surprised in the end. He didn't see everything coming, the turn that it took was definitely not something he had foreseen.

"but i hurt you..i lied to you why would you still do all this?..."

"Because i love you"

"you..." taehyung was stunned for words there for a few seconds, he stared at Jungkook. their red eyes now match. red eyes Jungkook will have to get used to but the color red definitely suited the other. "I love you too"

Jungkook chuckled a little while holding back saying 'i know'. "Red eyes look beautiful on you, don't feel insecure about anything that might change about you."

"I thought you were just an annoying cocky bastard but you're actually the sweetest person... wel vampire, i've ever met." Taehyung smiled and placed a hand on Jungkook's skin. noticing how he didnt feel the cold of the raven's skin. He was cold himself now too, he sighed a little but his thoughts were stopped when Jungkook kissed him. all his worries and pain faded away for that moment.

Yes he will be a vampire, something he will definitely need time to fully accept, but at least he won't be alone. He got Jungkook, Jimin and even Yoongi. He will have his new friends where he can feel at home.

Maybe this will end well after all?


Another update? hmm yes yes, i am mrs.fast fingers this week. lol okay so uhm yea, like usual. see you in the next chapterr~ were going to be in the ending phase now.


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