18: possesed

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Those words that Jungkook said sent a strong emotion through Taehyung's body. Jungkook is his. He could feel it. He could see it. Hearing Jungkook say that made Taehyung feel so weak but strong at the same time. Weak to give himself to this man, but strong knowing that this vampire was his.

The human bit his lip staring at jungkooks lips before mouthing a quick 'fuck it' and connect their lips again. Bit this time he held onto jungkook deepening the kiss. He wanted to have more. He wanted to feel more.

His mind went blank and completely followed his heart. He refused to think of anything else right now.

Jungkook got the hint and pressed the other against the wall with his own body. His free hand moving down over his waist to his thigh. They didn't need to talk, they needed to feel.

The kiss got heated, so heated that Taehyung could feel Jungkook's fangs on his lips. Almost pinching them. Not that he could care right now.

They didn't want to separate. This felt good, this is how it should be. They almost felt content.


"you're gonna make me lose my restraint, you have no idea how much I am holding back." Jungkook said parting from the kiss. His red eyes staring at the human.

"really hm?"

"i just want to bite you, poison you and make you mine forever.'' Jungkook said but he knew he couldn't. He can't do that to others. Taehyung probably didn't even want it.


"You don't have to say anything," Jungkook sighed. "We're going to train you now." Jungkook changed the subject. but then he halted his eyes falling on the human's neck. The bite marks of his fangs were still there, the four dots clearly visible. It surprised the vampire. "you're not covering it?"

"i don't have to"

Jungkook smiled, but the smile faded and he straightened himself. "Come meet me as soon the sun sets, i will teach you some new things"

"huh, where are you going now?" Taehyung asked with a frown seeing Jungkook was about to walk away. He thought about spending some time with the raven but it sounded like Jungkook was leaving.

"I have some things to do first" With that the raven walked away disappearing into one of his rooms. Taehyung had the urge to follow him but he decided not to, he had the feeling he would get jungkook angry and he does not want that.


That evening Yongsun sat in the hall talking to his right hand when the doors were opened and a quite young hunter walked inside.

"Can I help you?" Yongsun asked, standing up and approaching the boy.

"Kim Yongsun, we met. well...sort of" the boy chuckled. His eyes didn't have the warm green color but they were black.

"What do you mean?"

"I know a lot about you."

"what are you talking about?"

"You do know Kim Taehyung right?"

"oh...yea. i do, he is my...son"

"Hmm i know, but it seems he ain't here anymore is he?"

"not quite, it's better like this. He wasn't fit for the job anyway," Yongsun scoffed.

"Watch your words Yongsun, don't underestimate him."

"what do you have to say about it? you are just a hunter, i don't think my private life is any of your business" yongsun glared at the boy.

"Well it's not his business but it sure is mine. Because I have your son, he's mine now. But that's not what i wanted to talk about actually"

"wait....you..this can't....'' Yongsun frowned seeing the boy. but before the boy could reply he started shaking and he slumped to the ground his eyes turning back to their green color...


The same evening Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook but the other did not show up and the sun had already set. Taehyung didn't see the raven as a person to be late or forget such things. With a sigh he stood up from the bench in the garden and went back inside.

"Do you know where Jungkook is?" Taehyung asked Yoongi who was sitting on the couch.

"Do you think I am a safe person to ask? " yoongi raised a brow and his fangs were seen.

"I don't think Jungkook will be very happy if you continue. '' Jimin said to Yoongi who rolled his eyes but stopped talking. "good vampire" jimin patted yoongi's head and turned to taehyung who was still waiting for a proper answer.

"No, we haven't seen him. but i think he is somewhere inside, he doesn't go out during the day"

"Okay, thanks anyway" Taehyung said and left the room. He will need some more time to get used to being all friendly with these vampires. It was so new. but he enjoyed it, he was having more fun than he had before. this felt good, he felt more in place than with his father. He could relax here without forcing himself to be someone who he is not.

Taehyung wasn't sure where Jungkook would be but he thought looking in the room he disappeared in last time he saw him might be the best place to start. He knocked on the door first but did not get a reply so he turned the knob and went inside. The room was dim, the curtains still closed. The human went further and closed the door behind him when he went further inside his eyes and recognized a person sitting on the ground almost in the middle of the room. It was Jungkook, he recognized him.

"Jungkook?" he asked, walking to the front of the vampire. Was he maybe sleeping? The man wasn't replying to him. "uhm" he looked at the vampire's face and yelped, stepping back in shock, Jungkook's eyes were completely black. "Jungkook!?" he shouted, feeling a little scared of the way jungkook was looking right now. But this time he did get a reply, but not the reply he wanted. Jungkooks frozen figure relaxed and his eyes turned to normal looking at taehyung a little worried before he winched and held his head.

"fuck, get Jimin" he muttered.

"what? Wh- jungkook!" Taehyung was just in time to catch the other who slumped to the side. "Jimin!"


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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