28: guilt

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The next day Taehyung had been searching for jungkook everywhere. But no one seemed to know where he was. He hates it when the vampire just leaves without a word. Why would he go? It was daytime. Doesn't he want to see him? Is he avoiding him? Is he...Planning something?

Taehyung froze in the hallway. What if Jungkook was up to something...Like his father said. He shook his head, he doesn't want to think about it now.

"he really didn't say anything to you guys?" Taehyung couldn't believe it. Not even Jimin knew it.

"no, I just know that I haven't seen him today. I was out with Yoongi this morning anyway. He must have left in the night or something?" Jimin said, shrugging.

"i will just go to the city and look for him then. I don't wanna wait any longer, if he comes home tell him I'm out."

"we will, be careful"

"its daytime, nothing bad can happen. Most vampires don't attack in daytime"

"i do"

"you're an exception,'' Jimin '' Taehyung said jokingly and squinted his eyes. After hearing a chuckle from the other he left the mansion. Putting on his favorite jacket and wearing some elegant outfit. He wanted to look normal today, not as a hunter. He still took his weapons with him inside his jacket and tied to his ankle. But it's not like it was visible.


"ugh, where did he go?" Taehyung whined annoyed as he strolled around the city. He hadn't seen the vampire at all. He even questioned others but no one had seen any vampire looking like that. "Maybe i should just stay home, he gotta return eventually right?"

Taehyung sighed and turned around going the way he came through the alley. He wasn't scared to walk in shady spots, he was taught to not fear it and fight whoever might hide in there. He had been learning a lot from Jungkook and Namjoon when he was with the hunters. So he wasn't nervous at all now, and on top of that it was daytime.

"are you lost?" a voice spoke. Taehyung thought he recognized it but it sounded different. a lot more dark... he frowned and turned around grabbing his knife. But the alley was empty, there was no one there. "oh you're gonna stab me with that?"

"Where are you!" he asked and kept turning around. Then out of the shadow a figure appeared and leaped forward. Taehyung slashed his knife but the figure faded away and he got pushed from behind into the wall. two hands pinning him against the wall.

"im right here"

That's when the voice changed and he recognized it.

"i'm always here, little rose"

"jungkook!?" Taehyung's eyes widened and he turned around when the grip was loosened. "where the fuck have you been?"

"visit a friend, i can only meet him during the day." Jungkook said, stepping back and watching the human fix his clothes and swatting off the dirt from the wall. "u reserved that table for us at the restaurant. he got a free spot today, he is fully booked rest of the week"

"oh that's nice"

"So you wanna go?" Jungkook asked. staring at the other, his eyes a little questioning.

"uhm '' Taehyung thought about it. He didn't know if he could do it. He had something else...planned tonight as well. But then again he was looking for the raven all day, he wanted to be with him so it would be good to go. then he can end the chapter with a better feeling...right? "i look forward to it already" he smiled and the vampire smiled too after a few seconds of silence.

"Good, now let's go home, this sun is getting annoying," Jungkook said, adjusting his hood. He was completely covered even his hands were in thin gloves. He doesn't want another sunburn like yesterday.

BLOOD & ROSES [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now