22: stay

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The next morning Jimin sat in the kitchen reading the daily paper that he got from the city this morning. reading about the new death from the night, the crimes of vampires. He wasn't going to lie, these vampires were getting out of hand, there were so many cruel creatures. ruining it for those who actually want to live alongside the humans. It was a complicated thing.

"Goodmorning, how was your night?" Jimin said looking up from the paper at Taehyung who froze in his steps looking back at Jimin. he tried to sneak into the kitchen but the vampire noticed him.

"a-ah uhm good, yea"

"So you two had sex hmm, how was he. was it good? tell me details, i am so excited"

Taehyung blushed a red color, his manly side nowhere to be seen as he hid himself in the thin blanket he took from the bedroom.

"Come now, don't be shy" Jimin chuckled, walking closer, his red eyes looking the other up and down. "you smell like him, those bites damn"

"jiminnn! stop" taehyung whined feeling embarrassed.

"fineee. you're no fun. So what do you need?"

"Just some ice cubes," Taehyung said, grabbing water and some ice for his water. He felt so hot the normal tap water did not satisfy him. Jimin noticed it and raised a brow at the other but he didn't say anything. It wasn't normal for him to feel like that so suddenly. Did Jungkook poison him maybe? no that can't be, then he would be dead by now. Maybe...

"Wait, did he claim you!?" Jimin shot up again from the seat and grabbed Taehyung's shoulders checking his neck. but then he realised. "ooh i see how it is. that's cute."

"what? what is what?"

"nothingg~" jimin chuckled and sat back down. watching taehyung leave the kitchen with a confused expression.

Taehyung had gone back up to the bedroom. When he opened the door he noticed Jungkook staring at im. sitting up in bed, his back resting against the headboard. The human didn't come closer. the image of them last night was in his mind. on this bed they just did that. The grin on Jungkooks face didn't help either. He felt so nervous. Why was this stupid vampire making him feel so vulnerable. he coudlnt keep a tought appearance around him. jungkook made him shy and nervous. it annoyed the human, yet at the same time he loved it.

"You're back, i was wondering where you walked off to"

"Water," Taehyung said, taking a sip as he sat back on the bed smiling when Jungkook gave him the other half of the blanket back. sadly no longer warm, but now cold from Jungkook's cold body temperature. When they were not touching, Jungkook would lose the heat again. He can't hold it. He was undead after all.

"You're oddly silent," Jungkook said, his grin fading. Did the human...regret it? He tried to read the other's mind but he did not find an answer which was annoying him. He wanted to have an answer. Jungkook was so used to just knowing things. He doesn't want to ask him. "do you regret last night?"

Taehyung stopped drinking his water and placed it on the nightstand with a soft sigh. shaking his head. "no, i dont. Im just thinking"

"i see"

"I don't regret it at all. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to. I want you, Jungkook. I want to be with you"

Jungkook smiled shortly and leaned closer. "oh really now?"

"hmm yes" taehyung grinned and leaned closer as well. The vampire was about to kiss him but the human leaned away. "no, first brush your teeth."

"what. you've got to be kidding me" the vampire flopped back rolling his eyes." Jungkook chuckled after. Even if he could read the other's mind so easily the human still amused him so much. Yet something in his mind was troubling him. yet he can't do anything about it. He will just have to wait, for now he will enjoy what he gets.

"Are you hungry?" he asked the human.

"a little" Taehyung said. When Jungkook got out of bed he blushed seeing the others naked back. the muscles and finger marks on his back. the image again back in his head. but this time he could remember the feeling of it all. the vampire between his legs. "fuck" he muttered feeling himself getting turned on by the thoughts.

The vampire seemed to have noticed as he turned his head with a raise of his brow. "oh, are you-"

"shut up! or i will leave"

"you wouldn't"

"ugh, stupid mind reader." taehyung grabbed his water again. Of course he won't leave the other. He wanted this all too much to do so. He will stay here as long as he can. This is where he was meant to be. Everything felt right. even if it was new to him being with the creatures he was taught were the spawn of evil. "My father can go to hell. i am not leaving you"

The vampire stared at him but now wearing boxers which he got from the closet a few seconds ago. "You can be with me forever."

"forever '' Taehyung frowned a little, noticing the different tone in Jungkook's voice. but then he got what the vampire meant and he shook his head. "no, i can't do that"

The raven didn't say anything about it but went into the bathroom. He can suggest turning but he can't force the other into it. Taehyung has to be willing to. Jungkook was selfish but not THAT selfish. He doesn't want to bring the human pain or sadness. So he dropped the whole thing and went to brush his teeth.

today was going to be a long day of training. He had to get Taehyung ready. There wasn't much time left. Jungkook had been keeping an eye out but things were going faster than he hoped. Taehyung will have to make big jumps if he wants to be ready. Because when the time comes Jungkook will not be the one to protect taehyung. Taehyung will be on his own.

On his own against the prince of the undead.


this story is so hard to fill between the big scenes. ugh. i really wanna fisish this story already. but were not at the end yet...hhh

see you in next chap🌼🌼🌼

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