14: new member

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"Everyone, this is our new house mate, new one to the group" Jungkook said as the two walked into his mansion. In just a few seconds everyone was in the hallway looking at Taehyung. Taehyung saw Jimin look at his wrist so taehyung looking at his own and then back to jimin.

"you have a nice bracelet" Jimin grinned his two fangs showing. "mind if i have a loot at it?"

"he will steal it" Jungkook said and walked past everyone into the livingroom leaving taehyung there, the human can take care for himself. its not like he was going to be eaten or anything. 

Taehyung put his arm behind his back raising his brow at jimin. "i prefer to keep this with me"

"hmm too bad, i thought it was pretty. it looks shiny"

"I will give you something shiny when i can"

"I would love that, maybe i will even be your friend then" Jimin smiled acting cute all of the sunned that it made taehyung a little confused of the other's persona.

"I will think about it" taehyung still didnt think befriending vampires was a good idea, he was still batteling with these things, he cant just let go of everything like that.

Jimin chuckled and walked upstairs leaving taehyung alone. well...that was untill two hands were placed on his shoulder. and he was quite sure these weren't jungkooks, this person didnt have black nails, but  a natural color. but the pale skin showed it was definetly a vampire.

"Your blood smells nice, wont you give me some of it?" a rather low voice was heard in his ear. Taehyungs eyes were wide and he turned around fast. A pair of red eyes looked at him. a man with black short hair stood behind him. inching closer each second, it was yoongi "I am waiting for my share of the food-"

"back off Yoongi, he is mine. if you even pull a strand of hair you will be the one to get eaten" Jungkook said standing behind taehyung with his arms crossed. Yoongi's smile faded looking at Jungkook, he knew he cant go against the other. So he sighed and walked away. "you're all so boring" he sounded a little whiny.

"dont mind him, he is always like that. but they all wont hurt you. You're safer here than outside" jungkook said taking taehyung to the kitchen. "sit"

"you all live here right?" taehyung asked as he sat down and looked at jungkook who bean looking in the mostly empty shelves of the kitchen.



"because were friends"

"Familyyy" jimin added swinging his arm over jungkook's shoulders. but the raven didnt have any of that and pushed the arm away.

"yea, whatever"

"He pretends to not like it but i know he loves it" jimin said to taehyung with a grin.

"Jimin, shut it" Jungkook frowned and pushed the other out of the way slightly to get to the table where taehyung was sitting. He placed a hot steaming bowl in front of the human with some chopsticks. "here, i didnt know what food you liked the most so i got you some noodles."

"Oh, thank you"

"i knew you were hungry so i think noodles is okay, or do you want crackers? i have a lot of them, they are salted"

"no no, noodles is fine" taehyung smiled a little seeing jungkook already on his way to grab crackers. the vampire nodded and sat down across tbe table looking at the human who started eating with slow bit big bites.

"do you have a plan?" Jungkook asked looking at the other. "will you stay?"

"i dont know....For now i will"

"now tell me something important. Whats your favorite food? I literally have no idea" jungkook said with a frown. "how am i supposed to buy you food when i dont know what you like"

"oh...Im really not that picky"

"really now?" jungkook hummed. "so from noodles, any flavor preferences? I dont know what to buy"

"i can buy my own food" The hunter mumbled while taking another bite. "you dont need to babysit me"

"i insist" Jungkooks smile faded. "you dont have a say in it. We both know who would win in a fight"

"shut up" Taehyung frowned giving the vampire a glare. It was funny how quick he got casual to a vampire. He wouldnt have dared to speak to one like this. But he knew Jungkook wont hurt him for such thing. At least....He thought so, it didnt feel like he would.

"fine, but i better get something good for being treated as a little kid" The human rolled his eyes secretly but it didnt go unnoticed bu Jungkook who just stared at him blankly.

"you're getting a little too comfortable around me, i suggest you watch your tone a little more, mortal" jungkooks eyes darkened and he stood up. "but yes, you do get something in return. Something you will need in the future"

Taehyung nodded at the first sentence. He forgot he was still dealing with an actual vampire here. And a royal kind in specific. Jungkook didnt seem in the mood to deal with bratty behavior. So taehyung understood the warning.

"what is it?"

"i will teach you how to kill a vampire"

"but isnt that what i just left behind? Havent you seen how bad i am at actually doing it??" taehyung was surprised to hear jungkook say that.

"well i am not teaching you just to kill any out there on the streets"

"what do you mean?" taehyung didnt get what jungkook was getting at.

"you said you wanted to kill me, i will teach you" Jungkook said walking closer to the human towering over him with his red eyes staring at taehyung's. "i will teach you how to kill me"

"but... I told you i cant do it... Im weak, like you said"

"you will have to step over your limits, Taehyung. Because one day you will have to chose" and with that Jungkook walked away. Leaving the human to think of what he just said.


Sorry if it got many typing errors, i finished this on my phone before bed. I just had to get the update out bc you all are waiting for a while now😭

I think im having an writers block bc i cant seem to be able to get anything written lately.


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