36: a friend

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Taehyung sniffled again and Jungkook noticed his mood changing. His eyes glared at Namjoon daringly.

"I don't think you should be here anymore," Jungkook said. He doesn't like to see taehyung get upset, and if this Namjoon guy makes him sad without even saying much then he isnt good to have here. He wants him to leave.

"Wait no, i-" namjoon quickly put his hands up seeing the raven stand up and walk towards him intimidatingly, he was scared he would get hit by the man any second now. But he didn't have anything to say, the words just won't come to him.

"D-do..." Taehyung spoke up looking past Jungkook at Namjoon. "Will you hate me now?....."

"hate you?'' Namjoon lowered his hands and hesitantly stepped past Jungkook approaching taehyung. "no i dont i just....it's hard to explain...i didn't quite...expect...this" namjoon looked at the other's red eyes and sighed. "but i can't hate you....i've known you for so long.."

"Then why don't you say anything.. Why are you acting like this? i-i thought you would be happy to see me..."

"I am, I'm just.... I've been killing vampires almost all my life and now to see you're... one of them is against anything i've been doing. I can't possibly harm you, but I was a hunter, I just feel conflicted."

"I...i see... it's okay" Taehyung sighed. Namjoon was right, Taehyung had been like that at first too. He hated Jungkook, but now, now he has seen the other side of these night creatures, he had a whole different view on them. and now he was one himself. He had accepted his new self and was happy to have this second chance, a chance to be with Jungkook and their friends.

"I will have to get used to this but you're still my friend. No longer my student, just my friend"

"Thank you" taehyung wiped his teary eyes and smiled at the other. They chuckled a little and shared a warm hug. a very jealous Jungkook pouting with a frown at the two.

"So uhm.... how does it feel?" Namjoon asked and kneeled down on the ground next to the couch. looking at Taehyung's eyes which looked actually really interesting now he had a good look at them, the red was quite calming in some way.

"I am just sick right now, I'm still changing, I haven't fully completed the transition. It hasn't been that long since i died"

"Wait, you died?" Namjoon was shocked. "i thought you- wait... oh damn...i should have known, by the way you are a.. vampire... now" namjoon felt stupid for not connecting these dots himself. He knew something bad had happened, he had seen the slaughter in there, and not finding taehyung while the boy should have been present made him so worried. he had to make sure taehyung was alright so he decided to visit the famous Jeon Jungkook that everyone talks about and taehyung brought in after hunting him. Since Jungkook was the one killing everyone he was the best shot at finding taehyung.

"Yea but he saved me by turning me" Taehyung smiled looking at Jungkook, who returned the smile.

"So you're really like, together together?"

"He is my love, yes. my little rose, my baby"

"You didn't have to say it like that. '' Taehyung whined embarrassed. How can Jungkook say that in front of his friends? He is going to make this awkward.

"I see, well uhm. you know he is like the nr.1 target for hunters right?"

"Not only hunters, some vampires like to take a shot at it too," Jungkook replied with a chuckle suddenly very close to the human who flinched from the voice in his ear.

"ahem, right uhm. yea so...ah" namjoon did NOT feel comfortable at all, all these vampires made him feel as if he was dinner that was going to be eaten if he made a wrong move.

"Do you want to stay for dinner? oh wait...i can't eat"

"Oh its alright i have to go home, i am going to meet up with someone"

"oh who?"

"a handsome man that i've met at the local bar."

"So it's like a date?"

"Well we didn't label it that way but I see it like that. yeah i'm interested in him"

"What does he look like?"

"He's a little taller than me, plump like lips and pretty green eyes."

"Sounds familiar," Jungkook chuckled, reading Namjoon's mind. Jungkook knew this person very well. but he won't spoil the fun. He will let the human find it out on his own.

"huh, you know him?"

"I have no interest in talking to you. I am just here to keep a close eye on you" jungkook crossed his arms, but he sensed the frown Taehyung gave him so he lowered them again and cleared his throat. "uhm yea"

"Sorry about him, he doesn't like visitors," Taehyung said, but then he began to feel sick again. He stood up and ran to the sink where he gagged, but no food came out. only a plat of blood fell into the sink.

"Are you okay?!" Namjoon asked worried, he saw how quick Jungkook rushed to his ais handing taehyung a tissue to wipe the blood off his lips. But Taehyung kept looking sick and leaned against Jungkook weakly, his eyes falling shut.

"I think he can't entertain visitors anymore, he needs rest" Jungkook said, lifting the nearly passed out boy in his arms.

"Sorry Joon...i'm happy to have.... seen you today" taehyung said softly and gagged again but nothing came out. he whined in pain and clutched his torso which was in pain. "we will meet up..soon when...i feel better"

"Okay, heal quickly. I will visit soon to come see you. Bye Taehyung" namjoon felt a little sad he had to go already because he still had questions and things he wanted to talk about. but that will come the next time.

But he also was relieved to leave, to be done with all these vampires eyeing him. especially this Jungkook who is watching his every move. Jungkook clearly want fond of him at all.

While Namjoon was led outside by Yoongi Jungkook took his love back to bed. "Why are you still so sick? you should be getting better..." Jungkook sighed and covered the other with the soft sheets.

"I will be fine, right?" Taehyung asked, looking up at the raven.

Jungkook smiled and placed a soft kiss on taehyung's forehead. "you will have to, i will go get your dinner and then we can cuddle"

"Okay, hurry up. i want to hold you already" taehyung chuckled and snuggled in the blankets.


 the last chapter will be chapter 39, so you can all prepare mentally for the ending hmhm.

 thank you for reading, see you in the next!


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