17: accept

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The two had spent the day together. from hanging around in a restaurant to shopping in the stores, which ended up with the vampire sealing half of the things they saw.

"Jimin!" Taehyung gasped when the vampire pulled out a diamond necklace from his pocket.

"isn't it pretty?" jimin said with a big smile and positioned it at his neck to see if it would suit him. "i think its too big for me, might gift it to Yoonie baby"

"Jimin, you can't just steal things!" the human was worried knowing jimin stole things from the store. what if they will be chased and caught, what if they're taken to jail!?

"i just did, no one will notice it was us"

"You can't...just take things, that's so mean" taehyung rubbed his head trying to think of something to fix this but he also new jimin won't listen to him. The vampire seemed to be doing this weekly like it was the most normal thing to do. First he was stuck with vampires and now he was friends with a thief too. as if it wasn't bad in the first place.

"I stole this one for you, it suits you well, green is pretty on you" jimin pulled out another necklace but this one was smaller, almost like a choker. It was silver with three green gems on the middle front. it was a pretty necklace, about that taehyung couldn't say anything. but it felt so wrong knowing they did not pay for these things.


"take it before i change my mind" the vampire frowned, placing the necklace in the human's hand.

"You've got to be kidding me, ugh" the human sighed and decided to drop this and pretend it didn't happen. "i will try to forget you stole this"

"good" jimin smiled now wearing the new necklace.

"Jimin, aren't you all suspicious of me? or worried?"

"Why would we?" the vampire raised a brow.

"because i am a hunter, i might betray you and tell your hiding to the organization"

"Nah, I know you won't hurt us like that. it's not in you to do such a thing. Jungkook is not someone who you can fool, he can read you. and we trust Jungkook, if he trusts you then we will too '' Jimin replied. "Besides, I can snap your neck before you can even make a move. nah just kidding, but jungkook sure can"

"He won't do that"

"you're right, we won't," Jimin chuckled. "you've grown soft for him already?"

"what? no! hes stupid, i hate him!"

"That's a funny thing to say when all you two do is kiss. sounds a little contradicting to me" the vampire tapped his chin pretending as if he was thinking deeply.

"yes but, no..maybe.. He's Not THAT bad. It's different"

"you're meant to be. the world chose you two to be together. If you try to fight it it will only cause sadness. Why wont you just do what your heart wants? you're no longer with these hunters, try to forget whatever lies they told you. Not every vampire is bad. We're going to be our friends, we're not those who would betray you only so we can feed from you for dinner."

"You have an odd choice of words I must say" Taehyung chuckled.

"I hear that often"

"I am trying, I do want to just let go of my father. but he's still...my father you know....i can't just leave everything behind."

"you will find a way. just enjoy your life, you're free from them now. Have fun, you're already me friend so no worries"

"Wait, are we friends now?"

"yes, and I won't take 'no' as an answer. were friend if you want it or not"

"you're definitely not like any other vampire I've met, '' Taehyung smiled. He started to believe too that Jimin and him will become good friends. Jimin was actually good company to spend time with even with his odd comments.

"And we're home!" Jimin sang and quickened his pace to get inside already. He had enough of the sun. While they neared the mansion Taehyung halted in his steps seeing a pair of eyes staring at him through the window. It was Jungkook. his arms crossed and staring his way.

"uhm why is he looking at me like that?"

"I don't know, '' Jimin shrugged. "probably because he doesn't want to go outside. jungkook doesn't like the sun"

"I wouldn't hate it too if my skin literally burns from even one ray of sun," the human said and entered the house. When the door shut he felt an overwhelming feeling go through him. Jungkook was nearby...very near.

"How was it?" he heard in his ear. the human yelped shortly and jumped forward turning around. Jungkook stood behind him.

"Stop sneaking up on me! i will hate you"

"You can hate me but you will still want me."

"ugh" taehyung rolled his eyes. the vampire inched closer placing his arms next to the other's head trapping him between him and the wall. "But tell me, was it fun? Do I need to be jealous?"

"are you jealous?"

"maybe '' Jungkook replied with a little raise of his eyebrow. "i am the one who can't go outside"

"I am back now, no need to be a baby and cry at the window for me" Taehyung teased with a chuckle. Jungkook's eyes darkened and he leaned closer.

"I didn't, I just don't like sharing your attention. i've finally got you here with me and then jimin just steals you to go do whatever"

"you're jealouss~" the human grinned.

"Fine i am jealous, very jealous"

"Aish you stupid bloodsucker" taehyung frowned and grabbed the other's head pulling him in for a kiss. How much his head told him this was wrong he didn't fight it and pulled the other closer. He wanted Jungkook, he wanted this vampire. Jimin was right, he got to stop thinking of it and just enjoy it, he has to live his own life.

The vampire melted when he felt taehyung's lips on his and he lowered his hands to hold his waist and back deepening the kiss by pressing the human against the wall with his own body.

"you're right, i fucking hate you for being right"

"Right about what, little rose?" Jungkook said softly, his red eyes meeting the human ones. his cold lips now hot with taehyung's heat from the kiss.

"you're right, I want you."

"well you can have all of me, take whatever you like." Jungkook grinned. finally taehyung's walls were open for him, the human admitted to these feelings. things can only get better from here.


Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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