27: sun

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The next day arrived, and Taehyung was still asleep. But Jungkook had already gone downstairs. The lack of his presence made Taehyung unable to turn around and sleep more, with a frown he opened his eyes and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Kook?" he asked, looking at the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. The vampire left. He sighed, he didn't like waking up without the other there to greet him and hold him. A little disappointed he got himself freshened up and changed into some simple shirt and pants. Sliding his feet into a pair of slippers which were actually jungkook and a size too big for his feet making his toes almost grab the edge.

He sighed again as he went down the stairs. What if Jungkook went out without him? nah he won't, he doesn't like the sun, he can't walk in the sun. there was no way he was out right now. And he wasn't, he could hear his voice. soft but clear. And Jimin's voice too. Taehyung didn't think anything about it and went into the living room.

"Good morning" he said, the two vampires immediately stopped talking and Jungkook turned around smiling at him.

"Morning Tae, how do you feel rested?"

"rested..ah yes i feel fine now" taehyung was confused for a moment but then he remembered yesterday, he smiled it off and sat down next to the raven.

"Do you want something to eat? Yoongi went to the store, we have a lot for you now"

"oh uhm.. yea what do we have?"

"bread, salad, wraps, noodles. you name it"

"wraps?" Taehyung frowned.

"yea these" jungkook took out some eat ready wraps with chicken and egg.

"ah, yes that's fine. i will take that" the human chuckled, he wouldn't be the first to grab those premade meals but it would be a waste to not eat them and throw them away. they don't stay fresh for that long.

The human got himself a drink and sat down watching jungkook serve the premade wraps on a plate as if it was an expensive dish.

"it's just a wrap," Taehyung chuckled.

"yea but...whatever" jungkook sat back down. "Speaking about food, I have a friend who owns a restaurant. we vampires eat there time to time. he has special dishes for our kind"

"huh, but you can't taste it right?'' Taehyung asked while eating.

"no, normal food not, but he prepares it for us a little differently. He uses blood and mixtures with different kinds of strong spices like salt or pepper. so it is as if we can taste something.

"That's thoughtful, what is it called?"

"Seok's. my friend his name is seokjin so it's just his name sort of." jungkook replied. "do you want to go there sometime? like a date"

"a date? i..." taehyung fell silent for a few seconds. his father's words spinning in his head. "I would love to," he said, averting his eyes to his food and smiling a little.

"great, i will reserve a spot for us in the coming days"


The day time was boring for Jungkook and Taehyung both. Taehyung wanted to go outside but Jungkook didn't want to come. So it was mostly them sitting inside or Jungkook sitting outside in the shade on a bench watching Taehyung who was outside. He wasn't in the mood for sunlight right now and was reading Yoongi's book. the other wasn't here anyway so he won't need the book.

"you're so boring today" Taehyung frowned standing in front of jungkook. "Just get an umbrella or something."

"Too lazy, I wanna know if this character will be saved or not, he is literally hanging at a cliff," Jungkook said, not looking up from the page. "come look"

"ugh" taehyung rolled his eyes and went inside.

Jungkook just kept on reading. He was reading but at the same time thinking.... About Taehyung. He sighed deeply and before he realised someone approaching him everything turned black in front of him. "Yah!?"

"There, now come with me to the garden!" Taehyung pulled Jungkook off the bench and into the sun. the vampire mumbled curses and pulled the big diva sun hat higher up so he could see.

"i said i didn't want to, where did you get this hat anyway"

"Jimin's room" Taehyung chuckled. "who else would have sch hat"

"you maybe"

the human chuckled and sat down pulling the vampire down with him. He doesn't want to do anything specific, he just wants to sit here with Jungkook. enjoy the time before he will make a decision that will change everything. And that day will come sooner than he wants.

"So, why are we here? Why did you pull me away from my book?"

"because i can"

"what makes you think i wont get angry and eat you"

"i just..." taehyung fell silent again. he's right..how did he know? his father said so much, making taehyung remember things yet here he was. Jungkook felt safe... but why was it, how did he trust him so fast? where did he change? was it all the bond, he didn't get it. It made him confused. He saw Jungkook stare at him and he quickly spoke up again hoping Jungkook didn't read anything in his head. "i just know" he smiled.

"I won't hurt you, you're right."

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief hearing his response. The vampire didn't read him. He was still good. But it was interrupted when Jungkook closed his eyes. He frowned looking at the raven. He knows Jungkook doesn't sleep but why were his eyes closed?

"you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm just hungry. don't worry" Jungkook opened his eyes smiling a little, his eyes dont glow, how come taehyung didn't notice it earlier. Jungkook's eyes gave away that he wasn't alright. He looked exhausted, his eyes lost its glow and looked irritated.

"drink," Taehyung said, pulling down the collar of his white shirt. The raven's eyes darkened looking at the soft warm skin open to bite.


"just drink it, you're hungry" taehyung doesn't want to see jungkook getting sick, he wants him to feed from him.

The vampire thanked the human and moved closer, holding Taehyung's shoulder down and biting into the soft flesh. blood oozing from the bite into his mouth. The hunger he felt made him more eager and bite harsher. blood was spilled and stained the edge of taehyung's collar red.

Taehyung closed his eyes, the bite hurts but it felt so good at the same time. it was such a strange feeling it almost turned him on. He chuckled at his own thoughts. at that moment jungkook's hat suddenly fell off. the vampire pulled away covering his face with his hands while blindly searching for the hat.

"ah fuck it burns!" he said between gritted teeth. Taehyung quickly grabbed the hat and put it back on the raven's head.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, worried. but he felt bad when he saw the burn marks on Jungkook's hands, cheek and neck. Those few seconds already damaged his skin. "Does it hurt a lot? do you need anything"

"no, I will be fine... i will just go.. inside for a bit" jungkook said and stood up putting his hands away. The burns hurted like hell. especially his neck where the sun was longer. The sun was the brightest right now. He was glad to have fed, healing will go better on a full stomach.


filler chapters are always so hard to write because there is not much happening, i like actionnnn. anyway, see you in the next!


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