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Taehyung lowered his head as he heard his father's words.

"can't even pass the exams, why don't you quit. go be a housewife for some rich guy."


"Do not call me that name when we are at work, Kim Taehyung '' his father's voice was stern while approaching him with his finger pointing at him. It felt like stabs each time the finger moved towards him threateningly.

"Yongsun, i-it won't happen again. he caught me off guard"

"if it catches you off guard then you haven't practiced enough. You're still weak, you are going to get yourself killed!"

"I wont! I will kill a vampire! why don't you have some trust in me?" Taehyung stood up but felt a slap on his cheek. his eyes widened in shock and hurt, placing a hand on his cheek as he slowly looked at his father who glared at him.

"If you die then there won't be anything to prove. so step out of this. you do not want to be one of us. This is your last warning"

"NO!'' Taehyung was definitely not backing away from this. not after his father did that.

"fine! Then so be it. you want to be one of us, then we will treat you like one of us. don't you dare cry at my feet for help." and with that Yongsun turned around and walked away, giving a nod to his men that stood next to taehyung.

"Out with you" the man said as he grabbed taehyung's arm to guide him forcefully out of the room. Taehyung yanked his arm back giving them a glare.

"I can walk myself just fine" he hissed at them and stopped out of the room he didn't go to his bedroom as expected, instead he left the building and went to the streets of the city. Last night was a fail. he didn't kill the vampire. and Now he will have to face the consequences. Taehyung has heard about them. it won't be pleasant. but he had to take them if he wanted to earn respect here. He had a few hours before he would be called to the headmasters again. might as well enjoy his time before anything happens.

Taehyung didn't have much free time when he was training a lot. He would be busy all day with practicing and studying. so now he didn't know what to do in his time. The only thing he knew how to do was hit the bar. his normal self hidden away crying in the dark corner of his body. making space for a face act he had built up. the one that was just like his dead brother's. His brother was loved by their father. always praised and put high on the chair. unlike taehyung. So he thought, if I become just like him, maybe father will look at me.

So far, it didn't seem to be working. But even so, Taehyung didn't give up. He will keep trying, until he dies doing so. He couldn't care less.

"The usual sir?" the bartender asked as he already grabbed a glass pouring the whiskey taehyung always ordered when visiting.

"thanks" taehyung took the glass and took a big gulp from it placing the glass on the table twirling it round with his fingers as he thought. he couldn't get something out of his head since yesterday. that vampire was acting so differently than he had expected. He looked obviously like a vampire ; it couldn't be missed. But why was he acting like that? Taehyung didn't understand.

'come find me when you're ready to kill me'

These words were like ghosts in Taehyung's head. a frown appeared on his head. this vampire...did he know? Why didn't he kill him? There was something not right about this vampire. Taehyung suddenly saw question marks all around the raven man.

"Am I that obvious?" He then questioned himself. The bartender looked at him oddly, seeing the man speak to himself. "no.... but then...it doesn't make any sense" how did the vampire tell so easily taehyung couldn't do it. the vampire knew. he was risking his life knowing taehyung couldn't pull the trigger.

But even if he didn't pull the trigger. Taehyung has decided who his target will be. so he will keep the vampire on his word and come for him when he is ready to pull the trigger on him. "I will kill him" Taehyung said and gulped the glass empty, placing it back on the counter. As soon as he did, two men stood on either side of him.

"Taehyung. Mr. Kim has called for you"

"i see" Taehyung nodded and got off the stool following the two men outside.


"Kim Taehyung" yongsun's voice rang through the room. looking at his son who had taken off his shirt and sat on his knees, his back facing his father. "Your first failure, I was going to go easy on you. but I chose not to." his father handed one of the hunters the whip and a nod. "Your first failure will count three lashes. do not fail again. and do not break a rule again. I wont see it through the fingers a second time.. Son. remember the rules"

"Yes Mr. Kim" taehyung said softly, preparing himself for the hits.

He was glad it ended after the third, his back was in pain from just these three lashes. He knew these won't be his last if he doesn't get his shit together. with a burning back he grabbed his shirt from the ground and wore it over his torso again. noticing someone walk up to him.

"Taehyung, why didn't you shoot?"

"I'm sorry Joon...i couldn't do it" taehyung replied honestly Namjoon was the only one who was like a friend here. who knew the real taehyung and tried his best to help him. Namjoon wanted taehyung to achieve what he wanted. so he had applied himself to be taehyung's supervisor and train him.

"You have to man up and do it next time you see one again. just pick any weak vampire and get the job done"

"no. I want him. He will be my entry ticket." Taehyung said. he will kill that specific vampire and keep his word to return once he is ready. "i just.....have to stop being scared"

only now he was still unknowing of the complications that will come his way. things wont go as he thinks they will...


thank you for reading, i magically found time to write this so here we go hahaha. things are not all what they seem hmhmhm. see you soon in the second chapter!


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