8: sunburn

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Taehyung had dressed himself when everyone left him alone and tried to find some food, only to realise these vampires didn't have anything he could eat. and he surely wasn't feeling like taking a sip of blood from the glass in the fridge. He rather starve then.

Having no food didn't stop him from walking around the house, from finding bedrooms to a rather fancy toilet he ended up at a door. a door he couldn't walk past, it drew his attention so much he walked straight to it, something was pulling him to go here. The human grabbed the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open, stopping when he saw a figure sitting behind a desk easing a book.

It was Jungkook, his raven black hair falling a little over his eyes as he looked down at the papers. his elegant pale fingers flipping the page. He didn't seem to have noticed him yet. The vampire was really handsome now taehyung looked at him being so calm and relaxed. When he looked at the vampire more closely he noticed something. The normally flawless pale skin had red-ish spots on it. They looked like it was burned. Taehyung frowned and wondered what they were when Jungkook spoke, breaking the silence of the room.

"It's from the sun," the vampire looked up at Taehyung, who was peeking between the door crack. The human's eyes widened and he shut the door but it was already pulled open revealing him for the night creature.

"a-ah" taehyung didn't know what to say.

"you're very curious. It's amusing" Jungkook walked back inside the room and sat down taking the book from his desk.

Taehyung kept standing in the doorway for a moment but then entered the room walking closer to the vampire.

Somehow he didn't feel scared at all anymore, this vampire made him feel different...

"sunburn?" he then asked. Wanting the vampire to explain what he just said.

"Yes, as you may know I don't go out in the daytime. Because of the sun, my skin doesn't do well in direct sunlight. It burns it. I do not have the protective layer humans do. Because i am not an actual living being of course" Jungkook flipped the page of his book. It was quite fascinating how the vampire could calmly read and talk at the same time.

"when i came for you earlier i burned my skin doing so. Now i'm waiting for it to heal"

"you burned yourself for me?" Taehyung mumbled he didn't want to ask the other directly but mumbling didn't work. Jungkook would hear it anyway and even if taehyung didn't speak the words he would read his mind.

The vampire didn't respond to that but kept his eyes on the book, he clearly heard it, there was no doubt because taehyung was how jungkook's hand halted for a second when he was about to flip the page, and his eyes were definitely not looking at the page anymore.

"why? why would a vampire see any reason helping a human, i am here to kill you." Taehyung frowned. The raven shut the book and placed it gently on the desk before turning his chair to face the hunter.

"My reasons are some you wouldn't understand. You're a human, you do not know about our life or thoughts. telling you would have no use"

"Tell me anyway" Taehyung crossed his arms in an annoyed way. Taehyung wanted answers why the vampire was acting so differently, not killing him in all those chances he had gotten.

"If you insist, '' Jungkook folded his hands together and took a breath to speak. "We are mates, destined to be together one way or another."

"what-" the human didn't have any other word for what he heard. yes he wasnt stupid and knew what mates are. but this was not what he had been expecting to hear. They can't be mates. Taehyung wasn't a vampire, he was human, this wont work. even if it was real. "you're joking"

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