26: mind games

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Taehyung was not going to get to bed. No, he was getting dressed again. His shower freshened him up but it also gave him time to think. Think about things, raising the curiosity in him.

"Little Rose" was a seductive voice in his ear. Taehyung leaned back into the cold but strong chest of the vampire he likes so much. his arms wrapping around him protectively.

His safe spot.

"do you want something to snack, Jimin brought come candy for you"

"oh that's so sweet but maybe tomorrow" taehyung smiled and turned around.

"Okay, then I will store it away. Can I get you anything else?"

"no, but I will be down in a bit."

"okay" jungkook nodded and left the room.

the human sighed looking in the mirror. but he didnt let it change his thoughts. quickly he went out of the bedroom and rushed down the stairs as silent as he could. And before anyone could question it he left the house running over the path to the city.


He was late, but he got there. His eyes looked around the bar for a familiar face, and to his surprise he sat there near the corner. no hunters? he thought. his father never showed up anywhere unguarded. but taehyung didn't see any hunters near him. well not the ones working for his father. He stood there, again...he hesitated. But when his father noticed him and gave him a small smile he approached him.

Yongsun waited for his son to sit before opening his mouth to speak. "you came"

"Yea..." Taehyung didn't have an answer why he even came here. Was it really just curiosity?

"I uhm...want to apologize" Yongsun looked at the table and sighed. "i've been a bad person to you, a bad...father"

taehyung kept silent.

"I realized that you do mean something to me, even if I tried to hate you and compare you to everyone better. I now realize that it was wrong... Now you're gone, I miss you."

"you..miss me?" Taehyung frowned, confused. "Why now?"

"I thought I wouldn't care if you left, I tried everything to hate you or get you to leave. but now you're gone i can't stop thinking if you're okay. I want you to come home, I want my son back. i will be better, Namjoon told me so many good things.....i hate to admit my mistakes but I do see potential in you. you are determined and strong minded to achieve something."

"i..." taehyung felt emotional. These were the words he wanted to hear for so long. for his father to realize how wrong he was, and tell him he was worth something. that he wasn't a nobody to him. "You have no idea what this means to me" he whispered softly hoping his father didn't hear but at the same time he wanted him to.

"I am sorry....I've hurt you a lot.... I don't know how to make it up to you but.. i will.. somehow" Yongsun reached out and gently grabbed his son's hand holding it and gave him a warm smile. "please come home"

"home...." taehyung thought back of the time before his father turned against him. a time where they were living happily. "I want to go home but...." he had Jungkook and the others. He can't just leave them.

"These vampires you live with, they are not good for you. you know that vampires will always turn against you one day. Once they have enough of you they will suck you dry and leave you to rot on the streets. I've seen it happen, and you've seen it too."

"but, they are different" taehyung frowned and looked at his father confused.

"Taehyung, you know the truth. We all have been warning you for years about these creatures. they may seem nice but they will always have murderous instincts. they need to feed, they need blood. When they feel like it they will take yours too. It's only a matter of time"

Taehyung looked down in silence. He remembered what he had seen before. the betrayal, the slaughter of innocent people.

"there is a way to end this vampire infestation, this vampire prince is the last standing, if he's gone then they won't cause any harm anymore. they will flee, we can live as a family again. you me, and you can hang out with your friends again like before. Namjoon has been asking about you, he misses you, he misses how it was before."

Taehyung kept silent.

"If you bring me that prince, I will love you forever. we can go back to how things were. I can stop this work and spend time with you, we can catch up again." Yongsun gently caressed his thumb over Taehyung's hand. "i promise"

He wants his family back, his family was half fallen away, ripped from them unexpectedly, all he had was his father. He wished things to be good, his father to love him again and he can finally be happy like other people. to have a normal life....


Jimin frowned, closing the door of the last room he checked. He was annoyed not being able to find someone. Jimin always finds everything so this was really making him annoyed.

"Has anyone seen Taehyung?" he asked, walking into the living room where the others were hanging out. Jungkook on the couch reading the news paper Yoongi had earlier while nibbling on some salty crackers. and Yoongi was poking the fire, making sure the fire kept burning by adding another block of wood.

"I have no idea," Yoongi said, looking at Jimin.

"Hes out"

"oh why?" Jimin asked. "i wanted to play a game"

Jungkook didn't reply. He just flipped the page and grabbed another cracker, licking the salt off it first. The cracker was tasteless anyway.

"ugh if he doesn't come back quickly i will-oh!" Jimin heard the front door open and close, and in a few seconds Taehyung entered the living room. clearly surprised to see everyone here.

"a-ah, uhm....hi" he said, chuckling shyly, he didn't know why but seeing everyone stare at him made him feel shy.

Jungkook closed the paper and stood up taking his empty wrapping with him and threw it in the bin next to the human. His eyes stared into Taehyung's while he did so.

"something wrong?" Taehyung asked not getting why Jungkook was staring at him like that. He couldn't tell if he was happy or angry. It looked like a mix of both. But his nerves were calmed when the raven suddenly smiled and snaked an arm around his waist.

"Nothing, don't worry. I'm just glad you're back with me" the vampire sniffed the human; s neck.

"I think Jungkook is hungry," Jimin said, noticing the sniffing.


"something wrong?" Jungkook asked, noticing the human's nervous voice.

"no...sorry. I'm just tired, I've had a long walk."

"oh...okay. I will just go find someone else to feed from. I don't want to weaken you more if you're already tired."

that thought wasn't something Taehyung liked. He shook his head. "no. only drink my blood. I don't want you to feed from others." to him it felt as if the vampire would be cheating on him. it just didn't sit right with him. He wants jungkook to drink from him only.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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