16: friend

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"Taehyungiee~" an elegant voice was in his ear. Taehyung woke up slightly from the sound. "Wakey wakey, it's time to wake up~"

Jimin chuckled seeing the human not really waking up. but his smile soon faded when he looked up and locked eyes with Jungkook who laid next to the other. Jimin didn't see him at first. He was surprised to see them together, he didn't think Taehyung would allow the vampire in his room seeing the way he acted the first time.

"Jimin, cut it out," Jungkook said.

"I will eat you" Jimin kept going but now teasing jungkook. his nose sniffed Taehyung's neck. Then finally the human woke up. snapping his eyes open he let out a yelp and rolled away against jungkook who laid in his flight route blocking the way.

"Yah! don't do that!"

"It was funny," Jimin smiled. "You looked so shocked" he chuckled, placing the tips of his fingers against his bottom lip and his eyes turned into crescents from the smile. "will you get dressed, i have plans for us today"

"You can't just decide to take him today. i was going to show taehyung some things' jungkook frowned sitting up. not liking that jimin wanted to spend time with his human.

"Oh yes i can, and besides i think he rather spend time with me than you"

"well....i prefer Jungkook-"

"I'm hurt" Jimin said dramatically and playfully gave the other the cold shoulder. "But whatever, you are coming with me or i will eat your fingers off."

"if you try i will cut your hands off" taehyung shot back.

"You won't have any hands once I get a grip on you. you know i am much stronger than you, human"

"Is that a threat?"

"yes it is, so you are coming with me or die"

"you could have just asked nicely. '' Taehyung chuckled and got out of bed ignoring Jungkook's complaining sigh.

"I think we're gonna be the bestest friends, I am replacing Jungkook with you," Jimin said with a smile. his vampire fangs showing. "i will see you downstairs!"


After Taehyung freshened up for the day, he and Jimin left for the city. The human had no idea why exactly only that they were going for breakfast.

"How come you walk in the sun like this?"

"I an less sensitive to sunlight, jungkook got sensitive skin.'' Jimin replied. "not all vampires have to stay out of the sun. but it's also not like I can just go tanning at the beach. Its best to limit my sun catch because on the long run it does damage and burn my skin."

"and Yoongi? Does he walk in the sun as well?"

"hm yes he can just go out as a pleases but he prefers the dark. he isn't so fond of walking in the sun, it hurts his eyes more as we are naturally night creatures."

"i see" taehyung hummed. He glanced around feeling a little uneasy. people will think things when he is seen with a vampire. people would judge him. hunters will turn against him. Taehyung sighed and shook his head. He doesn't want to be like his father. His father doesn't love him so Taehyung left. He should forget about it. "sooo.... where is this restaurant you're talking about?"

"It's right here" Jimin halted in his steps pointing across the street to the restaurant Taehyung knew as the hangout for rich people. It was a well known place with 5 stars.

"wait- but this is an actual star restaurant?!"

"yea, less people. good food. perfect for vampires like us" jimin said. "Besides, it's not like we can eat your food anyway. I prefer a glass of blood with some hot spicy bites. I can taste spicy food. it feels funny on my tongue"

The two walked inside and were greeted by a tall man who just seemed to be passing by. but he halted and looked at them intensely. He seemed like a cocky rich bastard in Taehyung's eyes. He felt like he was being judged by the man who was dressed in expensive designer clothing.

"uhm, who are you?" Taehyung asked not liking the way he was being stared at.

"I am the owner of this restaurant," the man replied, looking at taehyung. Taehyung was sure he heard the man inhale deeply and his red eyes flashed for a second. but then his serious face changed into a big welcoming smile and he put his hands together rubbing them a little. "My name is Kim soekjin. Welcome to my restaurant, I will make sure you get the best service we can give. follow me. i will give you a beautiful spot"

"He's a friend, don't worry," Jimin said to Taehyung while they followed Seokjin through the restaurant. which was to taehyung's surprise mixed with some vampires. He recognized some.

"here you go. one of our best spots. I will send someone to serve you right away. if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask" the man smiled. That's when Taehyung was sure of it. This man was no human, he was a vampire.

"you're a vampire"

"shhh, not everyone needs to know." seokjin sushed the other with a frown. "buy yes, i am."

"and you own a restaurant, how? can people see it?"

"I lived here for long enough to be able to act human, it's not like we're animals."

"wait. How do you hide your eyes then? everyone will see the red color"

"colored lenses. genius item to use" soekjin chuckled looking at the other with his now brown eyes. "Any more questions besides about my species? Maybe about the food?"

"No, I took him here, I know the deal here," Jimin said, smiling at seokjin.

"sure you do. By the way, how is Jungkook doing? i haven't seen him in a while"

"oh he is fine, but you know him. He doesn't leave the house often. especially now that he doesn't have to anymore"

"oh really? how so?" seokjin listened closer in curiosity.

Jimin chuckled and motioned with his eyes to Taehyung in front of him.

"oh, so he has found the one. cute, now then, I will leave you two to eat. and i will get you your 'red wine'. please enjoy" soekjin chuckled at the red wine and left the two.

While they sat there trying to decide what to order, Jimin was being stared at by a child on his right. Jimin, who didn't have to read the menu, did feel really distracted and looked at the child. The boy still didn't look away so Jimin rolled his eyes and hissed at the child baring his dangerous vampire fangs. his red eyes glowing bright and wide.

The look on the child changed from a blank stare to a scrunched face and he started to cry loud. The two parents looked at him not knowing why he suddenly was crying.

"Jimin! that's so mean" taehyung said with a gasp.

"Far amuses me, and besides he was annoying me. got what he deserved. night mares for the rest of the week" jimin grinned evil.

"i don't know who is worse, you or jungkook" taehyung chuckled. he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't having fun with these vampires. he had more fun that he did when he was with his father.


thank you for reading, see you in the next update!


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