23: memory

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-a week later-

Yongsun stood outside in the city at night. staring down at the corpse of a vampire. Its black cold blood oozing into the cracks of the ground.

"Sir?" the hunter next to him said. They were out all night killing vampires trying to find the right ones. But the leader suddenly got silent and didn't give any new orders, making the hunters feel uncomfortable and not knowing what to do.

"This is not one of them. burn it" He said cold and turned around seeing the red color reflected in the window in front of him. He was waiting for his men to finish disposing of the corpse when he felt a cold shiver go past him. Immediately his ears and eyes were on sharp, he looked around him when he saw it. A pair of red eyes staring at him from the shadows. "Guys, another one!" he shouted and everyone grabbed their weapons standing in front of their boss ready to attack but Yongsun stopped them. "wait..." he frowned when the vampire stepped into the light of the moon showing himself. Yongsun almost gasped when he saw it was the vampire he was hunting for for years.

"Kim Yongsun, we meet again." Jungkook grinned. "you brought friends"

"I'm surprised you dare to show yourself personally" Yongsun hissed. "last time you were too scared to face me"

"Oh no, I wasn't scared. I just didn't feel like leaving Taehyung to go see you, I had to do it through an other way" Jungkook shrugged. but he noticed a slight annoyance in Yongsun's expression when he mentioned Taehyung's name.

"Then why did you just walk over here, you know we will easily kill you. We've trained for this, you're nothing to us. just another pest on the street"

"Whatever makes you happy i guess" jungkook chuckled and leaned to the side glancing at the burning corpse on the ground. "you're making a mess, this is gonna smell."

"you're wasting my time, guys. just kill him" Yongsun had enough chit chat. He won't let Jungkook get away this time. "be careful, he is dangerous."

"oh, you're actually attacking me, i came here to talk. you're just like he said." Jungkook's smile faded and he flashed behind Yongsun blowing a cold breath in his ear before stepping back dodging the stab of a knife. "that looks quite sharp" he smiled

"you're so annoying"

"i came to talk not to fight, why are you so difficult"

"You need to die, killing you will cause them to panic, eventually your father will have to show up and then i will get rid of all of you"

"You disgust me, I'm having second thoughts of coming over to talk. I think i will go back to Taehyung''

"my son has nothing to do with you"

"Why not?" Jungkook asked, twisting the arm of a hunter who tried to attack him in the back. breaking the arm and kicking the man to the ground. This caused the others to hesitate and glance at their boss. "you made him leave, why are you so bothered by it?"

"because you're a vampire, obviously"

"nah. That's not it. I know your secrets, i have already seen everything." Jungkook chuckled. "It's an interesting move. I will look forward to see how your plan works out"

"you-" but he didn't get a chance to finish his sentence.

"i will look forward to seeing how you will catch me" Jungkook grinned and then he flashed off. A cold wind was all that was left of his presence.

"He is a problem, but I will get him." Hajoon gritted his teeth. He hated Jungkook. Jungkook was the key to all the others. Getting Jungkook meant getting everyone, but Jungkook was hard to find and even harder to catch. He was dast, strong...In short, dangerous. It was strongly advised to never approach him alone. Not that he will be easier with two. But to have a possibility of spreading the word though the one that might survive.


Back at the mansion Taehyung sat with Jimin in the garden playing memory on the wooden table.

"You've got to be kidding me" Taehyung said with a frown seeing Jimin get eight pairs in one go.

"Sorry, I have a good memory." Jimin chuckled.

"Don't get cocky about it, i will defeat you one day. Watch me" Taehyung was getting competitive. But he hasn't beaten Jimin once in the past hour of playing memory over and over again. The vampire was like the end boss in a game. It looked impossible. but Jimin missed this time. so he wasn't perfect, Taehyung just had to not make any mistakes. "okay my turn" he got the last two memory cards giving him two sets and Jimin eight.

"It seems I have won," Jimin smirked, counting his sets. "again"

"Oh shut it. im done playing"

"whyy. it was fun, don't be sad"

"i'm not sad, i am annoyed. you're no fun to play with" taehyung rolled his eyes.

"anyway, how is the training going?" Jimin asked while he collected the cards and put everything back in the box.

"good, but i still can't beat Jungkook. It's just impossible. i dont get how he does it"

"I mean, he reads minds, Tae. He knows what you're about to do. I would suggest trying to not think of your actions. keep your mind empty, block him out of your head. you will see he will be easier to beat. He get a weakness too"

"weakness?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, yes he-" Jimin was about to tell it when he got interrupted by a low voice, a shadow casted over both of them blocking the moonlight.

"You are my weakness" It was Jungkook. his red eyes glowing in the dark.

"ah shit! stop doing that!"

"do what"

"Appearing like that, you're going to give me a heart attack one day," Taehyung muttered and sighed looking at Jimin, who was just amused by everything. of course, what did he expect from him after he won all eleven memory games. He was having the best day ever it seems.

"hmm okay" jungkook looked at Taehyung and Jimin. "so, you were giving him new ideas. They are interesting. they might work" Jungkook said. "But I don't know if he can do it. Someone can't just empty their mind at will, he is not like us"

"I think he can do it. I can teach him. I do it all the time, because you piss me off reading my mind."

"Wait, Jungkook can't read you?" Taehyung asked, surprised.

"not all the time no. He blocks me out, '' Jungkook replied. "its annoying."

"I want to learn it."

Jungkook doesn't like the thought of taehyung blocking him out of his head. but he knows it's the best way if he ever wants to beat Jungkook. So he didn't say anything. even so he doubted it would work. "Only thing you gotta know about my weakness is that it's you. do with the information what you want" jungkook turned around and started walking to the mansion.

"where are you going?"


"i stayed awake for you to come home and you don't even come spend time with me!?'' Taehyung crossed his eyes.

Jungkook halted and turned around. "Well, come with me then. I will give you all the attention you want"

"i don't want your attention"

"you're really bad at lying" jungkook chuckled. Taehyung blushed a little. He really wanted to spend time with the vampire. but Jungkook doesn't have to expose him like that. Either way he hopped off the chair and followed Jungkook inside letting the raven wrap a cold arm around his waist.


i am back to updating this book. were going to near the action of the story. Im sorry for not posting sooner, i wanted to finish an other book so i have more time. But i am back. lets finish this one now hihi. i hope some of you are still reading, if so i hope to see you in the next update too!


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