38: one of them

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The next morning Jungkook went downstairs, Taehyung seemed to have fallen asleep during the night so Jungkook had cleaned the other with a warm wet towel, making sure not to wake him. He doesn't want to disturb his rest for a shower so he just cleaned him with a towel and let him sleep some more.

"Someone for a lot of love bites" Jimin's voice was heard behind him. Jungkook turned around holding his salted cracker and the salt pot in the other.

"a-ah uhm yes" jungkook turned around and pulled his shirt higher over neck so the marks were covered but it didn't cover everything. there were even some bites on his arm.

"Never expected you to have those, not even after he changed.. it's cute" Jimin smiled and stood next to the raven, also taking a cracker and adding a lot of extra salt to it.

Jimin was right. Jungkook also never thought he would allow such a thing. It wasn't very popular to allow to be bitten by your mate or normal lover. the one that gets bitten would be seen as weaker. Especially if he was the prince. it would make people look down on him if they see it. they will think lower of him. But Taehyung is an exception. He loves Taehyung so much he doesn't care how many times he will get bitten and chewed on. If it makes Taehyung happy it is fine. And besides, Jungkook would happily wear the bite marks of the one he loves. He will treasure each bite in his skin, because they were bites made by the one he will spend his forever with.

"I changed my mind," Jungkook replied to Jimin.

"I'm glad you're changing. you look happier"

"I am happy," Jungkook smiled. He didn't think he had ever been happier than now. knowing he had taehyung with him forever, he doesn't have to fear losing him anymore. well he can still die but not as easily as a human. a human would fall wrongly and die or get sick. A vampire rarely gets a disease and a fall would easily heal.

"We're happy for you, you finally have something to live for. Your father can relax"

"He must be getting busy trying to fix this mess here if he would visit, '' Jungkook chuckled. his father always was strict with him and the other vampires. but his father never left his land. He would keep leading there, but he allowed Jungkook to go his own way. "Anyway, I'm back up. I don't want him to wake up and see i left"

"alright" Jimin took the cracker box and began to make more for Yoongi who was coming after his shower. Jungkook ate his cracker as he went back upstairs, he expected to wait more for the other to wake up but to his surprise the other sat straight up in bed with a frown on his face, his red eyes staring at the blankets in confusion.

"You're awake, is something wrong?" Jungkook got a little worried seeing the other's expression. but he did not read anything worrisome in his mind.

"I don't feel anything, '' Taehyung said and turned to jungkook. "i feel...fine"

Then Jungkook gasped. He knew, he could see it. "You, you, you.. You're one of us!" Jungkook smiled and walked to the bed cupping Taehyung's face. "you've completed the transition, you made it"

"Wait, so that means I'm 100% a vampire now?" taehyung's eyes widened in excitement"

"Well not exactly but you're a vampire now, yes." Jungkook chuckled. Taehyung would still be a half -blood as he was a human from birth, unlike Jungkook. who in fact is 100% "this is so exciting, oh my love. I was worried you might not make it after all, but I am so happy. I love you so much"

"kook, why are you so soft all of the sudden?" Taehyung smiled, not getting why the other was acting like this.

"I-i.... i'm just happy... thats all"

"why are you crying??'' Taehyung noticed the tears in Jungkook's eyes. "oh Koo, don't cry. what's wrong" he stood up to hug the other and look him better in the eyes. "why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy.... i can live without worrying, i can just enjoy my forever with a smile"

"i'm glad i can be the one for you" taehyung understood. He knew Jungkook wasn't happy at first, and didn't like his vampire lifetime. but now it's changed. He was glad to be the change in Jungkook's life.

"Were going to have so much fun, and we have all the time to see things. I have a lot to show you. I can't wait to go on your first hunt together"

"hunt? like..."

"Yes, like that, but don't worry, slow steps. But eventually you gotta do it, its the best way for us to survive. Luckily we can last a long time on a full stomach."

"I will prefer some bottles for now"

"i will get some more for you then. but this time fresh human blood. Gathered by seokjin himself, so it's really fresh"

Taehyung chuckled and hugged the other, resting his head against his chest. "thank you"

"for?" Jungkook asked.

"Cleaning me up," Taehyung smiled. He had woken up with underwear and his skin cleaned from the mess of last night. He was glad to not wake up all sticky and dirty.

"No problem, love" jungkook ruffled taehyung's messy hair and looked at the bathroom door. "shall we go take that shower now? after that we can go pick up the blood at seokjin's"

"sure, but it's daytime?"

"I will just wear my hat and gloves."

"and me?"

"you can walk in the sun, you're still partly human. it won't harm your skin like it does to mine, i don't have a protection in my skin naturally" jungkook answered while they headed to the bathroom after picking their outfit for the day.

"oh, if you don't mind going out then i would like to go. i want some fresh air and sunlight"

Jungkook smiled and they turned on the shower to clean all their sweat off and wash their messy hair. 


next chapter is the last! i hope you enjoyed this chapter its quite short sorry about that. Next one will be like an epilogue kinda, a small jump forward in time and tell about everyone their fate after all that happened. If there are any questions about the story still, feel free to ask them. I will look forward to seeing you all there a last time before ending this story! see you soon~


BLOOD & ROSES [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now