6: secrets

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Taehyung stirred awake, his neck and shoulders felt sore, he frowned and moved off his side, sighing when the soreness was relieved slightly. carefully he opened his eyes and blinked a few times looking around. to his surprise there was no bright sun shining in his eyes like in his own room......speaking of his room....this wasn't his room. Taehyung looked around confused now he realised he was laying on the ground outside.

"Welcome back, little rose, are you feeling alright?" a low familiar voice asked. Taehyung sat up and something fell off him, it was a long black coat that was keeping him warm like a blanket. turning his head he saw Jungkook sit next to him under a small roof next to a stack of crates. only in his pants and black detailed button up. 'so this is jungkook's jacket..' Taehyung thought looking at the black coat covering him, it was quite cold but this coat kept him warm the whole time. Taehyung didn't reply, he was thinking. luckily the events of before flooded back in his mind and his eyes widened.

"oh no" he put his hand on his neck feeling the bite mark that for sure gonna need a few days to heal.

"regrets?" Jungkook chuckled and looked at the other who was looking shocked and confused.

"I don't know," Taehyung said softly. He pulled his legs up and wrapped them in the coat more. He didn't want to give it back yet. The breeze was chilly so he wouldn't complain about taking a vampire's coat to warm himself.

"As promised, I will answer questions you might have" the vampire said as he looked up at the sky where the sun was getting brighter and brighter with each minute. The morning had come. Taehyung had been passed out for a good few hours until sunrise. Jungkook kept at his side until the others would wake up again. Eventually he had to look for a shelter to keep out of the direct sunlight which is where they were right now.

"so...what are you really?" Taehyung asked, trying to ignore everything inside of him and get back to business.

"A vampire, wasn't that obvious by now?'' Jungkook joked with a chuckle.

"that's not what i mean! you...ugh" taehyung pouted with a frown and thought, he had to word his sentences the right way or else jungkook wont reply properly to him. He had come to know the vampire likes playing games. "what kind of vampire are you?"

"hmm, i am not a basic one/ your suspicions were correct."

"So what are you then? don't back out, you promised"

"I know, relax. I'm a man of my word. I may be a vampire but I have manners" Jungkook squinted his eyes at the other. "I am stronger than them....I am ranked higher among our kind." Jungkook thought for a moment how to say this. He had promised to spill the information the others wanted to know. "let's say i am some kind of....Royalty"

"really? i didn't think vampire had such thing"

"were not animals, we do have leaders and low ranks too"

"I see now. so....is that also why you know everything about where I am and what I do? it's pretty scary, and annoying.."

"Well that's just a gift I have. i can read minds" jungkook chuckled and looked at the other seeing the surprised reaction of the human.

"but...that's not possible!"

"Taehyung, everything is possible by now"

"prove it" taehyung frowned. and thought of something.

"You are thinking about me, saying you want to kill me. i am not surprised" jungkook shook his head amused.

"t-that's just luck, another one" the human refused to believe it was possible. so suddenly without even making a move yet jungkook had blocked his hand from being lifted.

"i knew you were going to try and hit me, how many times do i have to prove i can read you like an open book, flower?'' Jungkook grinned leaning close to the other, their faces inches apart. He tilted his head curiously and glanced at the boy's lips for a second. Taehyung couldn't move away, he didn't feel the need to do so. but then he was reminded of the rules and looked away with a blush on his cheeks.

"f-fine, i believe you"

"anything else you wish to know, it's time for me to go home"

"why do you send me those photos of yourself?"

"Hmm, if you want to kill me you have to know more. Having pictures will make people spill the information you need. and even get some good money from it. you can sell these for some big cash you know"

"I'm not selling them," Taehyung said almost instantly. feeling possessive over the photos, no one can have them other than himself.

"and why not?'' Jungkook grinned, liking the reply the human gave him. It seems having a human mate did not change the connection they had. it was just a little harder to get through the human and have him realise the truth.

Taehyung didn't reply to that and stood up. "i dont give more questions now..."

"alright then, I will see you soon. don't keep me waiting too long Taehyungie, don't make me miss you too much '' Jungkook smiled teasingly as he tilted his head at the other acting like he was in a romance movie.

"you're such a strange vampire..." Taehyung chuckled and smiled wide. but as soon he realised he was getting too comfortable with the other he shook his head and walked away leaving the raven's coat where he sat before.

"Now, let's hurry" jungkook spoke to himself quickly wearing his coat, he didn't have his hat with him so he had to run. The sun was bad for him and his powers. He was vulnerable during the day. his powers came from the shadows, and in the bright sun there were almost no dark shadows and corners making his powers limited compared to who he truly is.

The vampire walked with quick steps through the street trying to keep in the shade as much as he could. but when crossing the street he almost ran. feelin the sun burn his skin. his eyes were stinging too from the bright light in them, it made it harder for him to see everything properly. which is the main reason he always wore a hat when walking around during the day. He normally would be home before sunrise, but today was an exception. He had someone to watch over last night.

But then halfway his way he froze in his steps and his eyes widened. He turned around so fast a worried expression washed over his face and without a second thought he took off running back to where came from.


thank you for reading, i decided to double update keke. hope you liked it. see you soon in the next chapter!


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