32: sick

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 The kiss sadly got quickly interrupted by Taehyung who curled over falling off the bed on his knees and threw up. Gasping unbreathable air before puking again. "it hurts, what's going on?"

"your body is reacting to the poison, it's working for the turn, it will take time." Taehyung stood up and covered his mouth rushing to the bathroom this time puking in the toilet. While he did that jungkook quickly placed a few towels on the dirty spot in the bedroom and threw a few glasses of water over them letting it all get soaked up. He wasn't worried this was all good signs that his body was reacting to it. But he felt bad that the human had to go through this before he would be 'normal' again.

"Are you alright?" he asked, walking into the bathroom and kneeling down next to the other, using some toilet paper to wipe the other's lips clean.

"It feels even more dead than when I was literally dead," Taehyung chuckled. "Do you feel like this too?"

"Well, no, I was never a human. i'm born this way. But same with Yoongi he was a human before, he and Jimin fell in love. well Jimin fell in love with yoongi's things first. Yoongi came from a rich family and they had a lot of things, especially him. He wore a lot of jewelry which attracted Jimin who kept trying to steal them. And they fell in love."

"That's cute" Taehyung smiled but then puked again.

"ah uhm yea im getting sidetracked, yes its normal, yoongi had been through this as well. A human's body worked differently. The food that is still in your stomach needs to be out first. You cant procces the food anymore like before, they are the rong nutritions for you. We have less of a hard time with it because we're older, but you are in the beginning stage so your body is very sensitive. and it hasn't properly healed from your wound yet either.

"this sucks" the new vampire whined and rested his forehead on the toilet edge. right now he couldn't care less about anything than that he wanted to feel better.

"Let's put you to bed so you can rest. you should avoid any activities until your body is ready."

"i feel fine other than my body is hurting as fuck. and my eyes. ugh do i need glasses or something. don't you vampires have amazing eyesight?"

"Well not all, our eyes aren't all just doglike and amazing. And yours are changing so they will hurt. but son you will have your pure red color and you will notice differences.'' Jungkook smiled a little and helped the other up. "and no, you might feel like you can just walk around but you should not do it. Your body can give up at any moment when it gets too much. it's doing so much right now at the same time I don't want you to risk passing out and maybe falling down the stairs."

"fine, but i want to sit on the couch so i won't be lonely"

"Okay, i can do that" jungkook said and lifted the other up bridal style.

"yah, what i puke!" Taehyung said, alarmed, in this position he will most likely puke all over the raven's shirt.

"I don't care about that now, your health is more important. my shirt i can just wash."

"how can you be so kin to me after everything"

"I told you, because I love you. and i trust you"

Taehyung fell silent and rested his head against Jungkook. he didn't deserve this. a second life like this.


"I am back!" Jimin said when he entered the living room carrying three bottles with a quite thick red liquid. "Oh, where is Jungkook?" he asked when he saw Only Yoongi and Taehyung in the room. The two were playing cards on Taehyung's lap.

"im here" Jungkook walked past Jimin while drying his hands. "I had to clean up upstairs."

"ah alrighty. so here is the blood."

"thanks" jungkook took one bottle and walked to taehyung, pouring a little into the bottle cap. "Here, try a little. it will give you what you need"

"It's blood isn't it?" Taehyung asked and put down his card to make sure Yoongi couldn't peek into them.


Taehyung took the cap and sniffed it before bringing it to his lips. sticking his tongue into it. "I can't drink this..." he felt even more sick at the thought of having to drink blood. His human brain was saying 'NO' to doing it.

"please try it, you will get more sick if you don't eat..or drink whatever you wanna call it"

"fine...just a little bit..." taehyung crunched his nose and closed his eyes taking the blood like a shot and gulping it down immediately. "uugh ew ew ew"

"you don't like it? i love blood"

"you're a vampire! i just taehyung"

"soon to be vampire. but no matter, you'll grow to like it. it's what your body wants and needs to function. you will crave it when you feel a little better."

"Can I drink yours too?"

"well yes, but taking another vampire's blood tastes different. but since we're connected it will be pleasureing to get bitten and drink it. but if they are not mates then it's just disgusting and cold. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you have no other options''

"you've tried it?" Taehyung asked while he continued the game with Yoongi who was still waiting.

"Yes of course, sometimes you have to bite one to kill them. and they bleed in your mouth, it's disgusting I always spit it out after."

"oh i se-"

"Hey newbie, focus," Yoongi said, waving his head at taehyung.

"don't call me that! i've been here for more than two hours"

"Just play the game, or do you want to give up?" Yoongi raised a brow playfully.

"fuck you" taehyung smiled and laid down his card.

"I will go get your right blood portions ready, if anything is wrong just call or me." Jungkook said.


thank you for reading again. see you soon the next next!


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