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four santino brothers.
four stories.

B O O K O N E : D E V O T I O N
( f a r r a h x d o m e n i c o )
the boss and the nurse

B O O K T W O : D E L I V E R A N C E
( r e m i x l u c a )
the second and the waitress

B O O K T H R E E : B E L I E V E R
( l e n a x a d r i a n o )
the accountant and the ceo

B O O K F O U R : A N G E L
( t a l i a x a n g e l )
the hitman and the stripper

B O O K F O U R : A N G E L( t a l i a x a n g e l ) the hitman and the stripper

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ADALENA WASHINGTON has everything she's ever wanted — her own fortune 100 company, multiple men and women eating from the palm of her hand, and her best friend's crime organization ready to bat for her, not that she needs it. The only thing she's missing? An heiress to pass her legacy down to. The problem? She hates commitment.

ADRIANO SANTINO has what Adalena calls 'heavenly dick.' On the rare occasions the two friends hook up, she'll often find herself begging for more and being the generous man that he is, Adriano doesn't hesitate to give it. The problem with giving his all? The lack of reciprocity. Adriano has been in love with her stubborn mind since college. Adalena, on the other hand ...

               WITH ADALENA'S not-so-temporary proposition, the two find themselves bustling to prepare for the wildest ride of their lives. Maybe, he'll make her a believer in the process.

 Maybe, he'll make her a believer in the process

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s t a r t e d | january 1 5, 2 0 2 1
p u b l i s h e d |     december 31, 2 0 2 1
e n d e d | october 1 1, 2 0 2 2

w a r n i n g s | this story contains themes of explicit language, sexual content, violence, inaccurate italian and mafia tingz, medium/fast burn, drugs, pregnancy and alcohol.
if you're not comfortable with the content listed, please make your way out this book, please and thank you.

d i s c l a i m e r | this story and all its characters belong to me ( MIDNXGHTSUN ). all rights are reserved. all aesthetics are made by me, however i do not own the pictures used in the aesthetics or the people my characters are based on.

n o t e s | you may — at some point — be pissed at either of the characters and that just shows that they're flawed. nobody is perfect and that extends to fictional characters and their fictional behavior.

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