Chapter 5 : Marriage

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Jessie's' Pov

That night, I couldn't fall asleep. I sat in quietness thinking of everything that had happened so quickly. I was already in England with One Direction; I was out of Australia for the first time. I was also away from my family and my friends. I had to live without them for a year and a half. I already missed them terribly. I also had to learn to keep my secret away from fans. It would be so hard to do because anytime I touch water I become a fish! I tapped my phone and checked my messages. Rikki had texted me when I was in the pool. I glanced at her text:

»I sure hope you're having fun, Jessica. We miss you but, you'll do great! xx Rikki

I smiled as I texted her back:

»Ha, I am having fun! I miss you, too. And thank you! :P

I looked at my text, happy. Suddenly, I heard my phone beep, Rikki must have texted back. I glanced at my phone. Rikki texted:

»Anytime, you can call you know, you don't have to just text me.

I smiled, I would call her.

I quickly typed in her cell number.

"Hey Jessica!" Rikki answered. "What's up?"

I laughed, "I'm doing great, Rikki. And how are you?"

"I'm good, I guess. College is really a drag, though." She said, sarcastically.

I heard Cleo in the back ground, playfully scold her. I laughed.

"That's awesome!" I got tears in my eyes, "I miss you guys so much!"

"Jess," Rikki asked, "Are you crying?"

I blushed even though the girls couldn't see, "Yeah, I just miss you guys." I said, feeling one tear fall.

"I'm going to put the phone on speaker so that the other girls can hear, okay? You're going to do great in America on tour, I promise." Rikki quickly turned on her speaker.

"Jessie," Bella smiled, "Don't cry, dear, you'll do great and you can call us anytime you like, okay?"

Cleo joined in, "Yeah, you can call us. You are an amazing singer and you deserve to be on tour with One Direction. We miss you but, you can keep your secret like Emma did."

I laughed, wiping away tears. "Thank you guys, you are amazing friends. Wait," I thought, "Where's Taylor?"

"She's working at the Marine Park, actually. We'll tell her you called, okay?"

I heard a school bell ring, "We've got to go. Thank you so much for calling us. You can call us whenever you need too. Bye."

I ended the phone call, wishing it could have been longer. I glanced at the clock behind my bed, it was the middle of the night. After staring at the clock for another hour, I fell asleep.


Niall walked in my room while I was still asleep, he sat on the bottom of my bed and started to wake me, "Good Morning, Sleepyhead." He kissed my cheek.

"How are you today," I asked as I sat up.

Niall smiled at me, "As long as your with me, I'm going to be great."

I blushed, "Oh, Ni, you're way too sweet."

"Jess," Niall asked, seriously, "Were you crying last night?"

I blushed, "You heard that?"

"Yeah, why were you crying?"

I blushed, "Yeah, I was. I was crying because I miss my family and my friends."

Niall put his hand on my shoulder, "Oh, princess... I understand how you feel. I miss my family a lot too. I just try to talk to them as often as possible. It helps a little but, I just try to hang out with the boys to help me through it."

I smiled, "Thank you, Nialler."

"If you ever need to talk about anything, I can talk." Niall added.

After a few more minutes of talking, Niall left and I got dressed. I headed upstairs and got some cereal. I ate as Zayn walked into the house from the pool.

"Hey Jessica, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, did everyone hear me cry??

Zayn continued, "You know, about the whole mermaid thing. I didn't mean to get you into the water."

I looked at him understandingly, "Yeah, Zayn, I'm okay about. Accidents happen and if everyone keeps my secret I'm fine, okay?"

Zayn smiled, happily, "Okay. And Niall is waiting for you out front."

I was surprised, Niall hadn't told me he was waiting outside, what was going to happen? I finished my breakfast and hurried outside to see Niall standing in front of a limo with the boys standing, smiling behind him.

"Niall, what's up?" I asked, smiling.

Niall got on one knee,

I blushed, "Oh, Niall!"

"Jessica Mae Harrison, Will you marry me?" He held out a box with a ring.

"Yes, I will. Oh, yes, I will." I said as I hugged Niall...

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