Chapter 19 : Awakening

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Curtis's POV:

This isn't happening. This is all a dream. Taylor is really okay, I thought, trying to escape the harsh reality setting in. She still wasn't waking up. I took her out of the cave and brought her down to the stairs. Suddenly I heard something from beyond them. It sounded like talking. I sheepishly walked foreword to see who it was. It appeared to be Cleo and someone I hadn't seen before. I took a deep breath and walked to the moon pool. Instantaneously, Cleo and the other mermaid looked my way, their mouths gaping open and their eyes slowly landed on me.

"Curtis, oh my gosh, what happened?" Cleo hurriedly asked.

"I told you something like this would happen," the other mermaid said, eyeing me sternly.

I gently laid Taylor down by the edge of the pool and sat down. Cleo looked at her, eyes with tears. "This is because of the Trident, isn't it?"

I nodded, and began to tell her what had just happened. The two girls listened attentively, seeming to take note of every detail I supplied.

"Rikki, how do we help her?" Cleo looked at the other mermaid.

Rikki looked sadly at her, "I'm not sure. It's the Trident we're dealing with."

"Maybe we could use our powers," I suggested.

Cleo looked up at me, "You've tried, remember." She moved her focus to Rikki, "Maybe we could ask Ms. Chatham."

"That's a good idea." Rikki said and continued, "We should bring her somewhere else. It'll be easier to help her that way."

"Okay guys," I said, "We need to be hurry and be careful. Let's go to my home."

They nodded as I jumped into the pool. Soon after Taylor was in the pool. Cleo and Rikki led the way as we left the pool. We torpedoed until we got to the canal in front of my house. I pointed upwards telling the two mermaids we were at the right place. We surfaced all at once as I climbed the ladder up towards my deck the best I could while holding Taylor. I dried her off first before I began helping Cleo and Rikki up.

After everyone dried off, we walked to my room. I carried Taylor there and laid her on my bed. Cleo instantly began to call Lewis', her boyfriend, to see if he had any good advice while Rikki called Ms. Chatham. The room was filled with excited chatter, and not the good kind.

I watched the phone calls play out carefully. Cleo got off the phone sooner than Rikki. She shrugged after. "He didn't know what to do," Cleo said, "This didn't happen to any of us before."

"Did he say anything helpful?" I asked.

"He said that maybe all of our powers together might help. Maybe Rikki could tell us more."

Rikki looked at us and put her fingers to her lips. We stopped talking and listened to her side of the conversation.

"Gather them together?" A pause. "Use our powers with the crystals power?" A longer pause. "Okay. Okay. I think I've got it. Thanks Ms Chatham, your the best!!" A laugh inside the phone was heard. "Yes. Thank you again. Bye."

I could only imagine what the older woman said on the other end of the phone. It was clear that this was going to help us. Rikki put the phone in her pocket and smiled.

"Okay, here's what she said," Rikki began. "She told me that touching the crystals together combined with our powers we can create enough energy could bring back Taylor." Her smile brightened, "All we need is three crystals and three different mermaid powers to do that."

Instantly we all looked at each other. We fit that description! We could do that! We did have three crystals after all: Taylor's, Cleo's and Rikki's. And each of us had different powers. This was good. "We can do it!" I finally said. Cleo smiled while Rikki slowly began to grin.

I fetched Taylors necklace and set it on a table. Rikki and Cleo took off their necklaces and set them near Taylors.

Instantly they moved towards each other magnetized. I let out a small gasp when they began to glow blue. Instinctively the girls and I put our hands over Taylor. We tried our best to use our powers to their fullest.

Taylor began opening her eyes. She began to slowly awake, "Curt, what happened? Why are Cleo and Bella, I mean Rikki here?"

I knelt down by her. "We returned the Trident remember?"

"We did? Aren't we going to do that tomorrow?"

She didn't remember? The light from the Trident? Forgotten? "Remember you were helping me return it to the cave?" Did it really matter if she remembered it?

"You should remember it tomorrow Taylor." Rikki smiled. "Ms Chatham said this was a short term effect of this."

"Yeah, it'll be clear tomorrow." Cleo added, "Thank you, Curtis, for making sure she was okay."

"I'm just glad she's safe now," I said as I handed the girls their necklaces.

"Thanks..." Rikki said as I handed her the necklace. For a moment our eyes met. "Curtis." She smiled.

I let a smile glide across my face.

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