Chapter 6 : Spreading the News

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Niall and I got in the limo after I excepted the ring. I smiled as Niall took my hand, kissing it. "Ready to spend forever together, princess?" He asked. I blushed, "I can't believe we're going to be married," I kissed him, smiling. We talked a few minutes and we stopped in front of the a house.

We got out as Niall led me to the door, "Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll see," he smiled. He rang the door bell and soon somebody, who looked familiar, answered it.

"Mum," Niall beamed. He smiled as he introduced me. His mum looking at me in pleasure.

"It's so nice to meet you, dear." Mrs. Horan smiled, inviting us in. She smiled as we were led to the sitting room. His father was sitting there reading a book and then he stood up and shook my hand. We talked to Niall's parents for a while longer than we left.

As we waved goodbye, I said, "Ni, how are we going to tell my mum? We can't exactly fly to Australia anytime soon."

Niall smiled, "We can Skype her when we get home, okay, love?"

I nodded, as we got in the limo. After a few minutes, the limo started and I expected we were going home. But, I was wrong, "Niall, where are we going? I thought we were going home."

Niall laughed, "We are headed to the most fancy restaurant in the whole of Ireland," He paused, "Nandos."

I laughed as the limo stopped and we were in front of Nandos. Niall opened the door and led me out. I smiled as we walked hand in hand to the restaurant. We walked up to a hostess and she sat us in the back away from everyone realizing we wanted to be alone.

Niall and I sat across from each other, smiling. We talked a few minutes than we ordered our food.

"The tour starts tomorrow," I said, "What's going to happen? I scared about what will happen, especially what will happen to me when fans find out I'm engaged to you." I blushed.

"Oh, Jess," Niall smiled, "You'll do amazing, it'll be just like you practiced. And if you receive hate know that I'll help you through it, okay. Plus, we'll only tell the fans when you're ready, I promise."

I nodded as we finished eating. After we left Nandos, we rode home. As we walked inside, Niall took out his laptop. He went to Skype and typed in my mums number. I watched as the screen loaded, anxiously waiting for my mum's face to show. After about, three seconds she showed up on the screen.

"Hey, mum!" I smiled, wanting to hug her. "How are you?"

"I'm good, sweetheart, and you?" Mum smiled.

I blushed, "I'm really great. I have to tell you something." Niall got in front of the camera and waved to my mum.

"I'm engaged." I lifted up my hand exposing my finger.

My mum's expression changed, gradually into a gasp. She the expression on her face for what seemed like hours. "Mum, are you okay?" I asked.

She smiled, "Oh, Jessica, I'm fine. It's just so sudden."

Niall blushed, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"Oh, you're okay. When are you planning to be wed?"

I smiled, "Probably sometime after the tour." Niall nodded.

"Well, that's great." Mum smiled, she suddenly got a phone call, "Yes, I'm talking to her right now. Do you want me to put the phone on speaker?" A pause, "Yes, I'll tell her. Bye."

I blushed, "Who was that?" Was it Cleo, Taylor, or Rikki?

"It was Cleo," mum said, "She told me to tell you hi, it sounded like she was in a hurry or something."

I laughed, "Oh Cleo, she's always in a hurry. Mum, where's Jon?"

"Oh, he's at pre-school, I'm due to pick him up soon."

I nodded, Niall added, "Nice to see you, Mrs. Harrison."

After a minute, mum bade us farewell, she turned off Skype, and it was just me and Niall again.

"That was so wonderful talking to my mum." I smiled.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a while. And you almost talked to Cleo. I wonder what she was busy with?" Niall added.

"Probably she was busy with college as I'm busy with this tour."

Niall laughed, "It hasn't even begun yet. Besides, it's not busy until we're on the road. That starts tomorrow, lovely." He kissed my cheek.

Soon the limo cam to a stop in front of the house. Niall and I piled out. I walked with Niall to my bedroom, "Niall," I said, "how much do I pack? I've never been away this long."

Niall smiled, "Jess, you need to pack as much as you can and everything will be put in the tour bus, 'kay?"

I nodded as Niall ran upstairs to pack his own clothes. I ran downstairs to my room, and ran my fingers over my closet picking out the cutest clothes. I packed only a few pairs of shoes and a case of make-up. After a few hours, I admired my suitcases, now over filled with clothes. I finished packing and brought them upstairs to the tour bus.

I walked into the bus with awe. It looked huge! I walked along the middle with bunk beds on either side. The boys would be sleeping her. I smiled as I found my bunk. It was above Liam's bed, I smiled as I put a stuffed batman doll on his bed.

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