Chapter 16 : Discovery

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Jessica's Pov

After Niall's final performance, he rushed over to me. "Are you alright, Jessica?" He asked. I nodded, after all my secret wasn't exposed. I was just frightened of the water bottle popping open by my powerful sneezes. Why were my powers acting up anyway? I understood that the full moon could affect them but, a sneeze --no way! How could it do that? I just wanted to stop being a mermaid forever, it seemed to be wreaking my everyday life, something I assumed wasn't supposed to happen.

Niall gave me comforting hugs as I smiled. I walked back to the bus ahead of Niall. Lou had pulled him aside to talk to him about 'Harry's prank.' I left before I could hear anything more. Soon finding myself inside the bus, the lights were on and half of the boys were already there. They were quietly in their beds on their phones. I got my pajamas and slipped into the bathroom to change. Moments later, I was back in the bunk room with my pajamas on. Liam and Zayn, the only boys there, sat up as I got onto my bunk. They must've known that I was being down on myself for the sneezing incident.

"Jessica, what happened? I thought you didn't want to reveal your powers to anyone." Zayn began.

"I didn't do it on purpose." I replied, hoping that I would make sense of my thoughts. "I think I'm allergic to something and my powers are reacting with my sneezes."

"That doesn't make any sense, the sneezing does but, it affecting your powers doesn't." Liam said. "Has it happened before?"

"No, Liam, I usually don't turn everything to jelly when I sneeze." I said, sarcastically and continued, "I don't understand it either." I blushed, I just wished that I could know more about it.

"Maybe if we figure out what you're allergic to we could put an end to the powers flaring up. We could call a doctor."

"What would I tell them, Zayn? My mermaid powers are playing up?" I laughed, hoping to make light of the situation.

"Or we could get the rest of the boys to help us." Liam suggested.

I nodded and Zayn replied in agreement. Hopefully this would help me. I layed my head on my pillow unsure of what would happen. I was glad that the boys were willing to help me find out what was happening. I peacefully went to sleep hoping to clear my head of all the bad things that happened today.


The next day, I got up and hoped I wouldn't sneeze. I didn't want this allergy to cause anymore trouble. The problem was I didn't know what I was allergic to. Something had made me sneeze last night and I had no idea what. I scanned the inside of the tour bus for clues and saw nothing that I thought could possibly be the source. Niall and the lads were outside greeting fans as I sat alone on the bus. I didn't want to make anyone suspicious of me and my powers as a mermaid so, I opted to stay inside waiting until the boys came back.

I waited for them to come back, they had all agreed to help me. I was glad for that. "My goodness, lads," Niall said as he entered the bus, "those were the craziest fans ever." He laughed, hoping to make me smile, "Jessica, what would you like us to do to help you?"

I smiled, "Maybe we could see what I'm allegic to. You know, I only started to sneeze yesterday."

"That's true. Let's see," Niall said as he began to think of the different things that were new to the environment yesterday.

"We did get a different stage cover," Liam said.

"And there's dust in the air." Zayn added.

"Well, I gave you some perfume yesterday. That's when I heard you start to sneeze, love." Niall continued.

"Let's start with the air." Zayn said, and we walked outside. No sneezing. It wasn't' the air, I thought. The boys nodded as Harry took the lead. "Now to the stage," He directed as we walked inside the stadium toward the massive stage. The stage was beginning to be set up. Huge blocks of wood were being set up. Louis pointed toward the stage. We began to walk closer and closer. My nose wasn't being itched at all. I walked closer with the boys following me. No sneezes left my nose.

We walked back to the bus. Now to the perfume. Niall began to rush toward the bus. He entered first and we were there soon after. He picked up the bottle of perfume and let some out of the bottle slowly. It fragranced the air quickly with it's pleasant scent. Instantly, I felt a sneeze come. I let one out quickly! The water bottles on the floor of the bus flew open and jelly started to ooze out of them touching the things in it's path.

I blushed and laughed, "Well, we know why I sneezed now."

Niall smiled, "Indeed."

The boys laughed. "Boy am I glad we got that figured out." Louis said.

Liam nodded, "Let's clean this up boys." He flashed me a quick forgiving smile and took all the water bottles out of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the boys inside, with the help of me, cleaned the side of the bunk beds near the bottom and Harry took the clothes to be cleaned. After all of our teamwork, the job was done in a quick half hour. Liam and Louis decided to go to the security bus and put the perfume there for my sake. I felt bad that they had to hide the perfume away from me but, it was for my own good and I was glad of that. Glad of the kindness in their hearts. The boys had been sweet throughout this situation and very understanding of me. I admired that very much.

That night at the concert, I didn't sneeze and my powers acted normal. I was glad of that. I walked onstage, "I dedicate this next song to the boys of One Direction. Thank you!" I smiled as I began to sing,

"When I think of the rays of the sun

That shine so bright on me

Then I think on the sound of your voice

A rainbow over seas

It's like a fire in me"

"No one but you can make me sing

Wind on my face you're everything

Dream of the place I see within

It feels so right

I'm gonna feel the day begin

Wind on the waves you're everything

Warmth of the sand

You're here with me

It feels so right"

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