Chapter 28 : First Date

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Jessica's Pov:

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. It was soft at first but gradually became louder. I opened it and saw Niall with a handsome grin.

"G'morning, Jess," he smiled, walking into the room, "We have two days off. What would you like to do today?"

"I don't know," I explained as I sat on the small bed. I looked out the window and towards Mako. "Taylor said something about a party at Mako. I was thinking going, if you're okay with that."

"Sure," he nodded, "When is it?"

I laughed, "I have no idea. I'll call her let you know in a few minutes. How's that sound?"

"Great. I'll be waiting in the hall." He kissed my cheek and walked towards the door. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

I waved slowly as the door was shut behind him. I got changed and thought about last night. The whole world seemed to be buzzing about Niall and I. It was strange what a frenzy people were in about the proposal. Everyone was speculating how long Niall had been planning it. I knew that people had suspected 'Nessie' for a while but, I knew we were actually engaged longer than the media thought. It was crazy.

Soon, my thoughts turned to Taylor and how excited she had been to have me back. Gosh, I was incredibly happy to be back too! She had the biggest smile when I turned up at the cafe yesterday. My best friend had missed me and I missed her. I was going to see her again at the party at Mako today. I excitedly typed her number and rang her mobile.

"Hello?" Taylor said, with a excited tone, as she answered her phone. "Jessica, Hi!"

"Hey, how are you?" I smiled. From the sound of her voice I could tell she had a huge smile on her face.

"I'm doing great. That concert was amazing yesterday!" She gushed, "Everyone is talking about it."

"Yeah," I chuckled, "I'm surprised my mobile hasn't blown up with messages from the press. I have a question for you. Do you know what time this party for Cleo is?" I asked her, "What time should Niall and I be there?"

"The party has been moved to noon tomorrow. Cleo said if it was today, she wouldn't be able to make it."

"Why?" I questioned.

"I think Sam is are beginning to plan the wedding. After all, I know the Setori's are famous at planning last minute weddings." She laughed to herself, "When Uncle Don married Sam, I was only able to attend the first wedding."

"First wedding?" I giggled.

"Yeah! Kim set the sprinklers off and the wedding was almost cancelled."

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "Poor Sam."

"I'm told the second one was at Mako Island on the beach. I bet you know who's idea that was."

"Cleo's!" We spoke in unison. As soon as we ended the word we burst into laughter.

"I've got to go, Jessica." Taylor told me. "See you tomorrow!"

I smiled. "I'll see you then."

After getting dressed for the day, I went into Niall's room. I told him about the party and that it was cancelled until tomorrow afternoon. I asked Niall what he wanted to do instead. He paced back and forth with excitement explaining that he had a back up plan to do a yacht trip out in the ocean, just a few miles off the main beach today. I agreed with a smile.


A few minutes later, Niall and I arrived at the yacht. We took a small boat out to meet the other lads. I arrived and carefully got on-board, careful of the ocean surrounding the boat.

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