Chapter 20 : Early Warning

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Jessica's POV:

The next morning, I learned that the next show was in a little town. The boys piled into the bus excitedly and we were on our way. I sat looking out the window of the moving tour bus dazed, hoping to see something exciting. The boys chattered in the background while I sat quiet enjoying the scenery.

"Hey Jess?" Harry inquired of me.


"Want to hear one of my award winning knock knock jokes? They're the best, you know."

I scoffed quietly to myself but, gave into what Harry wanted. I turned towards him, "Tell me your best joke."

"Okay," Harry closed his eyes tightly thinking of the best joke to say. "I've got it! Okay, knock knock?"

"Who's there?" I asked, pretending to be amused.

"Little Ole Lady." He let out a quiet chuckle.

"Little Ole Lady Who." I said, plainly.

Harry looked at me excitedly, "I didn't know you could yodel!" Harry said, the ends of his mouth turning up. "That was the greatest wasn't it." I had heard this joke about a million times because whenever Harry had the chance to this was his go to joke.

I nodded, thinking the complete opposite. We talked for a few minutes until Louis joined our conversation, "Did Harry tell you one of his jokes?"

"I did," Harry explained, "and it was wonderful, wasn't it, Jess?"

"Sure," I hummed, not wanting to hurt Harry's feelings.

"Was it the Yodel joke?" Louis questioned and I nodded. "That one's terrible."

"It's a classic!" Harry protested. "Besides it's not that bad."

"Oh yes it is." Louis argued, folding his arms across his chest.

"Guys," I stammered, starting to get up, "Don't argue!"

The lads wouldn't stop arguing. Harry tried his hardest to defend the jokes that he held dear while Louis tore him down. I knew that by the way they were going I couldn't shut them up so, I decided to walk towards back of the bus where Niall and Liam were.

"Jessica," Niall greeted, "Nice to have you back here. You couldn't stand Harry's little comedy act, could you?"

He laughed as I nodded. "His jokes are so bad, I don't know why you guys encourage him." I said, sitting next to him.

"We don't," Liam insisted, "Gemma does. She thinks that if he doesn't do well in the music business after One Direction he can be a stand up comedian."

"Really?" I laughed, "Nobody would go."

"I know," Liam continued, with a half chuckle.

After a few more minutes, we were at the next stadium. I got out of the bus and walked inside of the large stadium. After the electronic system was set up, I practiced singing,

"I thought that life was kind,

Just a state of mind,

Then I found you

And the sun shone brightly,"

"It's like when your alone,

Just pick up the phone,

I hear your voice

And I don't feel so empty..."

During Rehearsal, the boys and I practiced singing with ease. The only difference was that Harry added a corny joke after every song.

He would laugh hysterically while everyone else didn't make a sound, eyeing him strangely. Occasionally one of the tour managers let out a chuckle. Harry was a good guy and didn't let our lack of laughing get to him and he continued with the jokes.

The day went by quickly and slowly at the same time as the boys and I rehearsed together for the remainder of the it and it was soon time for bed.


That night, I lay in my bunk thinking. Nothing was really on my mind but, my thoughts were somehow keeping me from my dreams. I decided to focus on the quietness of the night and clear my head, no words in my brain.

After a while, I felt my eyes get weak and I had to gave in to the weakness. I closed them slowly, letting my sleepiness take me.

In my slumbers, I was a mermaid swimming in the ocean. Peace filled my soul as I saw the fish shuffle around me. I felt at home but, I was going somewhere. There was a purpose for me being there.

I swam forward looking for an underwater entrance. One that I knew I was searching for. I swam in the ocean until I found an underwater opening. It looked similar to Mako Islands opening but, I knew it was different.

I somehow knew this was the place and went inside of it. When I surfaced above the water, I discovered that it looked almost identical to the moon pool at Mako. The only difference was that this island was not an inactive volcano.

I looked around noticing the silver rock with blue crystals peeking out from inside the rock.

Suddenly, an image appeared on the wall. It showed outer space with a comet steaming toward earth. The comet moved quickly, hurling toward the planet. I thought that everything would be gone. Everything.

I soon saw what appeared to be a lightning bolt come from off the coast of Australia. It pushed away the comet but, the icy rock fought back stronger. To my amazement, I saw myself in the image using my powers to control the water around me. It whirled around me, almost like a small hurricane growing taller and taller until it reached the hollowed top opening of this cave.

The picture changed to outer space again showing the comet being pushed by the energy I had previously saw with the added energy I created. I sat surprised in the pool until the image stopped appearing. Then I stopped dreaming.

Curtis' POV:

The sun shone brightly on the Gold Coast the next day as I sat quietly on the beach. I looked at the rolling waves longing to go for a swim. I knew I couldn't because of the crowds surrounding the shoreline.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to find Taylor.

"Hi Taylor," I grinned. I look towards her as she gracefully sat next to me.

"Curt, hi," she said, happily. "Why are you sitting alone?"

"Oh, you know," I explained, "I'm just enjoying myself; watching the waves crash onto the sand, happy tourists. What could be better?"

Taylor looked towards the ocean, "As true as that is, I know something even better."

"Really?" I chuckled, "What could be better than this?"

Taylor grinned, slightly standing up, "Swimming in the ocean. We should go swimming right now."

"As much as I would love to, we can't," I said, in a matter of fact manner. She gave me a confused look before I finally explained why, "There's too many people."

"One thing I learned when first becoming a mermaid is that there's always people around and you should always take chances." Taylor continued explaining, "More importantly though, you should be really careful about revealing yourself."

"Oh, right." I murmured quietly, "Does that mean you want to go swimming?"

"Only if you want to," Taylor smiled at me. Her face expressed the want to go. How could I refuse that?!

"Sure, let's go," I declared as I held her hand.

I stood and walked with her towards the ocean before we ran into it. We transformed and slowly swam around the reefs, embracing every second underwater...

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