Chapter 9 : The Manchester Concert

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The next morning, I woke up earlier than normal. The bus was still driving. I glanced around the bunks; all the boys were still asleep. Liam clutched the batman I gave him smiling. I looked down the hall of bunks and saw Josh, the drummer, awake strumming his phone, probably looking at his twitter feed. He looked up and we met gazes for a moment. He waved quietly, as not to disturb the boys. "Good night, Josh," I whispered, as I lied back down on my pillow.

He laughed and said goodnight. My mind drifted from topic to topic before I was asleep. I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up as I heard soft screams from outside; fans. We were finally at our next destination.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I glanced around the cabin, the boys still asleep. They looked so funny when I awoke, huddled in the corner of their beds, the covers half off and half on the floor. I got up and quickly got dressed; I put my hair in a neat bun and went to see about breakfast. I walked around the buses, seeing Lou, I walked to her. She held baby Lux and smiled.

"Good Morning, Lou and Lux." I said, fans screaming in the background as I hugged the baby.

Lux cooed and slightly smiled. I laughed as Lou said, "How are ya, Miss Jessica? I heard you had a bad dream yesterday."

I blushed; news had gotten around quite quickly.

"I'm okay." I stammered, "I mean it was only a dream."

Lou nodded, and my stomach started to growl. "You're hungry, eh?" Lou laughed.

I nodded, the subject changed rather quickly.

"There's a trailer in the back of here close to the stadium and it has breakfast, okay, love?" Lou pointed back.

"Okay, thanks." I said as I walked back to the food trailer. I had no idea there was a food trailer. I had walked around with Niall yesterday and none of the boys had told me about breakfast. Strange.

As I walked back, my phone rang. I picked up my phone, "Hello."

It was Cleo on the other end, "Hey, Jessica. How are you? The girls and I have something important to talk to you about, really important."

"Oh," I gasped, that sounded serious. "What is it about?"

"There's a merman around Mako." A merman? A merman? There was a merman and we didn't notice. No one, not even Lewis thought there could be a mermaid. We had saved the moon pool but, didn't think it would work ever again. That was always a possibility though. Cleo continued, "we don't know if he is a threat to us yet but, we will figure it out."

"A merman?" I finally said.

"Yeah," Cleo continued, "Bella and I were swimming when we saw him. He didn't see us, though. It looked like he had a trident or something in his hand. It was really strange."

"Cool, wait; is there a trident in Mako or something?" I asked, amazed. I walked into the trailer and went toward fresh fruit.

She laughed, "I have no idea. We thought we knew everything about the island. Now we know nothing, there could be other mermaids there." I heard a bell in the background. "I've got to go. Call any of us as soon as possible, 'kay?"

I smiled, "Sure, see you in a few months."

The conversation ended and I sat at a table. I had gotten strawberries and cereal and started to eat. Soon, Niall and Harry came in and got breakfast. Niall got an orange and Froot Loops©. He sat across from me and Harry sat by me.

"You got here early, Jess." Niall said, "I shouldn't have slept so late. I could have escorted you here and that would've been better right, love?"

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