Chapter 8 : The Dream

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After I finished singing a few songs, I introduced the boys. I smiled as I saw the faces of the crowd light up. Dashing backstage, I brushed past Niall, "I told you the fans would love ya." He whispered. Smiling I knew he was right.

I hurried to my dressing room, still nervous. I had actually done it. I was scared but, I performed tonight. I pulled off my dress and put on sweats. I sat on a chair and got comfortable. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a moment and before I knew it, I was asleep. I was asleep for what seemed like only minutes. I suddenly felt someone tap me. I opened my eyes slowly. It was Niall.

"Jess, love," he said quietly, "we need to head out to the bus. You've been asleep for a little while."

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as we headed outside. Niall and I walked toward the bus.

The rest of the boys smiled as I entered, congratulating me on my first show. "Good show." Zayn said, patting me on the back. "Thanks," I blushed.

I yawned as I went to my suitcase and found my pj's. I went to the bathroom and quickly put on my pajamas. I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror. Everything tonight felt so surreal. After putting on my pajamas I went to my bunk bed. I climbed to the top. I quickly got under the sheets. I clutched a toy that my little brother wanted me to have. I looked over the edge of my bed, seeing the boys talking and laughing. "Good Night, boys." I said, quietly. Unsure if the boys heard me, I said it again, louder.

"Good night, sweetie." Niall said, as he kissed me good night on the cheek. The rest of the boys said good night and I soon drifted to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up early. I logged into my twitter. I posted, 'Good Morning Everybody! I had so much fun last night. Thanks to everyone that came to the show.' I smiled as I clicked post. My first official tweet on tour. Niall soon woke up. He sat up, startling me. I jumped slightly laughing at myself.

"Good Morning, Nialler." I said.

Niall smiled, "Jess, how 'bout we go outside in a few minutes and walk around."

I nodded as I went to the bathroom and I put some decent clothes on. I brushed my hair and my teeth.

I walked out as I took Nialls hand. We walked out in the front of the bus and instantly heard screaming. My ears stiffened not used to the sound. I looked and saw a ton of girls screaming and filming Niall and I. Niall led me behind the bus to shelter me from the screams. He took out a football (soccer ball) and set it on the ground. "Wanna have a match of football (soccer) before the rest of the lads come out?" Niall leaned in closer, "Harry can be a bit competitive." He laughed that adorable laugh.

"Of course," I blushed, Niall and I past the ball to each other until the rest of the boys came out of the bus. I smiled, seeing the boys playing football together. It was absolutely adorable. Harry pretended to be a tough guy as he was starting to lose the game.

After a while, I suggested to Niall we look around the city He agreed and we walked to a park. We sat by a fountain relaxing feeling the heat of the sun. We laughed and talked. Niall told me about last years tour and how much fun he had. I laughed as he mentioned funny things that had happened.

I took out my phone and took a selfie of Niall and I. I posted it to twitter with the caption: 'With @NiallOfficial, the best boyfriend a girl could ever have. I love you!!'. The was the best day ever... so far.

After being in the park for a while, Niall and I decided to head back to the bus. We walked through a shopping centre. We held hands, smiling from ear to ear. Suddenly, there was a flash and all of a sudden there were hundreds of paps surrounding us. I felt Niall get tense; I knew he didn't like crowds or paps. I walked faster as questions were being yelled out. Niall started to pull me closer to him, trying to protect me from this encounter.

We walked to the bus and didn't stop until we got there. We walked to the back lot of the stadium, where the buses were, and saw Louis and Liam speeding in a golf cart away from security. I laughed seeing men chase the rambunctious boys. They were laughing hysterically and yelled out to me and Niall, "Guys, come on!"

They stopped long enough for us to get on. The men were starting to get out of breath. Laughing, I looked back cheering on the boys. We raced for ten minutes before Lou stopped driving and stopped the cart.

I got off and wobbled not used to being still. Niall followed but, Liam and Louis stayed on. Paul came over and talked to Louis about how irresponsible that was and never for him to do it and for him to give up these childish games. I knew Louis wouldn't stop being a child and wouldn't stop goofing around. Smiling I knew that Paul had given his best shot at a lecture.

We got in the main bus and I looked on the boys started to talk and went off in a conversation about the golf cart. I plopped on my bed, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I opened twitter; hundreds of tweets addressed to me were on my page. Some were very nice but, most were mean and not very nice. I felt my eyes get heavy as I read on. I soon started to cry. I wiped my tears not wanting the boys to notice.

Niall looked in my direction. He looked at me, "Jessica, are you okay?" The rest of the boys asked too. I blushed.

"Why do they hate me? I don't understand, why?" I looked at Niall, his eyes understanding.

"Jessica, love," Niall said as he got up and sat next to me, "They don't really hate you. They just want attention. They dislike you because you're living your dream and your amazing Mrs. Horan. I love you." Niall smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

I nodded, sniffling slightly, "Oh, Ni, you always know what to say."

Louis stood up, "It's hard to be famous sometimes, doing what you love at a cost." His voice trailed off quietly.

"Yeah," I said, understanding. "I think I can handle it. I mean, I've met five of my best friends here and my future husband." I glanced at Niall. He smiled. I continued, "I don't really care what others think of me but, just reading it as a list made me just so sad. I think that it really won't bother me as much with your help." I looked at all the boys.

Harry came over and smiled, shyly, "I know what you're going through, darling. During x-factor, I had struggles with hate and all the mean things people were saying about me. I think I can handle it more than I used to be able to. I know that you can ignore the mean things that people say if you want to."

I smiled, "Thanks, boys."

We talked about the first concert and how amazing it was. I smiled, thinking of the smiles on the fans faces, seeing me for the first time. I knew it would go well, I was just scared. I smiled seeing the boys goof off in front of me, they were truly long lost brothers.

"Louis?" I said, glancing at Niall. "Where are we going next?"

Louis looked up, "You don't know? I thought you knew."

"Oh, I know. I just sort of forgot." I blushed, slightly. I felt bad that I had no idea where we were going.

"We're going to Manchester next. I'm so excited, I love their football team. It's a legend." Louis smiled, as he went back to talking to Harry.

I laughed, it seemed as if their bromance was real but, I knew it wasn't. Louis had told me that he didn't really like the fans blowing Larry out of proportion. I agreed knowing he wouldn't like if I mentioned it. He and Eleanor were completely happy and I knew that he loved her with all his heart.

I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.

In my dream, I saw Taylor. She was looking peaceful swimming in the ocean around Mako. Suddenly, she turned around to see the water tentacle. Her eyes widened. I saw her get caught by it.

I woke up screaming in fear for my best friend. I put my hands over my mouth in fear, soon the boys came over. I looked around and all they looked onto my bed. "Jessica, are you okay?" Niall asked, his face frozen with fear.

"I had a horrible dream. Taylor... She got hurt." I said, slightly panicked.

"It's okay, love, it was just a dream." Zayn said, in a comforting tone.

"Yeah but, it felt so real."

"You're okay, love." Niall said as he hugged me. He invited me down to talk with the boys and that made me feel so much better.

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