Chapter 15 : Friday at Mako

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Taylor's Pov

The next day, I went for a swim to the moon pool. It was quiet and I stayed that way so that I could admire it. Blue crystals littered the ground; remnants of what had happened two years earlier. I was really excited for tomorrow, for learning about the magical island in a new way and it's newfound magic, that is. According to Curtis there was something over my head, some sort of new entrance. Looking up I wondered how that could have been. There appeared to be nothing of that sort above me. It was just the cone of the long dormant volcano, nothing special.

I picked up a slightly shattered crystal near the pool. Over the past year no one had noticed it, surprising me. I had always wanted a crystal necklace like the other girls but, hadn't asked to have one made. I had it in my hand looking over it's smoothness. It was strangely smooth. I studied the shape of it, almost perfect. Maybe, I thought, I could ask Will to make it into a necklace for me. Deciding to call him, I swam home, taking my time, smiling at the beautiful reef. I called Will and in ten quick minutes, the necklace was made. It looked beautiful the way it hung around my neck. It brought out my green eyes.

The pale pink walls in my room were almost bare, I had been packing to move out. I had recently made the decision to go to move out. Suitcases lined the walls and were filled to the brim with clothes and many other possessions that I owned. I had some laying in my closet until I was to move. My parents wanted me to stay in the house while I was at university but, I wanted to be more independent while I went. It was an online university but, I knew it would be better if I went to an apartment. They understood my decision as I continued to pack after the weeks after graduation.

That afternoon, I went to the cafe's manager office to get my uniform and handbook. Zane handed it to me with pride, "Here is your uniform. Welcome to the team." I glanced down at the black bundle in my arms. It was just an apron and a shirt. The shirt was different from the originals when the cafe first opened, I was told. The shirt I had received was black and had short sleeves. It had a place where I could pin my name badge and had the Rikki's logo on the back. He walked behind his desk, and pulled something out, "Here is your name badge, Taylor." I smiled as I took it. It had gold accent around the name that had a white background.

"Thank you, Zane." I said, slowly.

"Read over the handbook before Saturday and you'll be fine, okay?"

I nodded.

With uniform in hand, I walked out of the office. I was going to begin my job soon and I was so excited. I walked outside and walked to my car. I was actually doing it, I couldn't believe it! Putting my uniform next to me I started the car and went home. As, I got home, I ran up to my room carrying the uniform. I lay it on my bed, only to have it be worn the day after tomorrow. I sat on my bed, and got the handbook. I began reading o'er the policies that the cafe had. It was quite easy to understand. By that evening, I had half the book read. I even decided to skip dinner to finish it before the night was over. I knew that I would be sucessful at the cafe as my job. Nothing could stand in my way!


The next day, I was set to go to Mako with Curtis. This was what I was waiting for all week, next to my first day of work at Rikki's. I got up early, hoping to catch an early morning swim before I left. I soon ended up at the cafe, that's where we were supposed to meet after all. I quietly sat outside waiting for Curtis to show. After about ten minutes, he came. I knew, by the look on his face, that he was excited to show me what had happened at Mako.

"Curtis," I began, "glad to see you."

"You as well," he commented.

"Ready to go to Mako? To learn of it's secrets?" I asked.

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