Chapter 10 : This All Happened Before

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Cleo's Pov

Rikki and I sat in my flat. I was studying while she was talking about the merman Bella and I had seen. "We need to investigate this merman thing." Rikki said, "We need to figure out if he is a threat. He could blow Makos secret."

"We don't even know him. He could be just like us when we turned into mermaids, you know. Scared." I glanced at her looking up from my notes. "You're right, we really need to check this out. I mean he had a trident."

"Yeah, how did he get a trident anyway? From Mako? We don't know anything about Mako anymore. We need to ask someone."

"Don't ask Lewis, he has no idea and wouldn't like to be bothered. He's been busy with his studies. Hey, I have an idea! We could ask Miss Chatham."

"Cleo" Rikki laughed, "We haven't talked to her in ages. Besides, we haven't seen her in two years."

"Yeah, I guess. We should call the rest home she's at. She'll be delighted to see us. Hand me a phonebook." I pointed to a corner of my flat.

"Shouldn't you use your iphone to see?" Rikki exclaimed. She tossed me my phone. I barely caught it.

"Thanks, Rikki, that'll be much faster." I quickly googled the home and found it. It had a phone number and a address. It was in Carrara, a small suburb near the coast.


I made a few calls and before we knew it, Emma, Rikki, and I were there talking to our old friend. She sat in a wheelchair with her hair down as we had remembered. She smiled as she saw us enter her room, "Girls," she gasped, happily, "I haven't seen you in a long time. I missed you so. What seems to be your trouble?"

Like the old times the women knew what we were thinking without even talking. "Well," Emma said, "There's a merman."

Miss Chathams eyes grew. "It happened again."

"Again?" Rikki asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Rikki," Miss Chatham said, "Julia's boyfriend Karl, was one. I never talked about it because I didn't think it would happen again."

"What happened? How did he change?" I asked, "Did he have a trident? The boy we saw had a trident."

"Girls, I need to tell you what happened." We sat and listened attentively. "After attempting to reveal Julia, Karl tried to get back with her. She didn't want to. I don't blame her. He invited her to Mako to show he could be trusted again. But, he wasn't to be trusted because as soon as Julia came into the moon pool he snapped her picture. She tried to leave quickly but she accidentally pulled him in the moon pool. The bubbles started to rise and she soon realized her mistake: He would become a merman."

Her voice stopped for a moment, "After, Julia confirmed Karl was a merman, Max discovered the trident while swimming with Gracie. They soon realized how powerful it was. Max couldn't have the trident near us mermaids or we would get really weak. Soon, Karl learned of its power and wanted to get it for himself. He wanted to beat the mermaids and control Mako forever. Max hid it and hopped no one, _especially_ Karl, would find it."

"What happened to Karl?" Rikki asked, quietly.

Miss Chatham replied, "That's a story for another day, dear."

We soon left after talking for a while longer. I drove everyone home and it was a long ride. Rikki called Bella telling her about meeting Miss Chatham. It was interesting hearing Rikki's side of the conversation, it seemed Bella was asking lots of questions. I wondered if Bella felt left out. We had asked her if she wanted to come but, she said she was too busy studying for an exam. I gazed at Rikki, and gave her the say something nice to Bella look, she smiled as she reassured Bella that she had missed nothing exceptional. I laughed than focused back on the road.

"Hey Emma, we should call Jessica and Taylor." I said.

Emma quickly got out her phone. "Okay, I'll call Jessica first. Rikki can call Taylor."


Jessica's Pov

Niall and I sat in the tour bus playing a game of Uno. It was beginning to last hours and I was getting bored of the game. The rest of the boys were watching Toy Story with Liam. I would much rather be watching that now. I didn't have the heart to tell Niall though. Niall set down his card.

"Uno!" He exclaimed, holding a single card. I set down my card and let him win. He set down a wild, "I win, I win the game." He yelled.

I smiled, "Good job, babe!" I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey Ni," I said, "Let's go watch Toy Story with everyone."

He beamed, "Okay, lets do it." He took my hand and helped me up.

We walked into the shadowy room, hand in hand, sitting on a chair in the corner. Suddenly my phone rang, I examined the number. It was Emma. "Sorry, Nialler, I've got to take this," I said and silently apologised to Niall. He nodded understandingly. I walked into the corridor of bunk beds.

"Hello, Emma! What's up?" I exclaimed, happily.

Emma chuckled, "Hey Jess, we have updates on the merman situation. It appears it has happened before."

"Before," I asked, "How is that even possible?"

"There were mermaids in the fifties who transformed before us and they had one of their boyfriends turn into one."

I laughed, "Don't tell me _Lewis_ is a merman."

Emma laughed and Cleo laughed in the background. I smiled hearing them laugh.

"Back to the seriousness of the situation," Emma began where she left off. "The merman they faced was horrible and wanted the powerful trident to himself. This new guy _could_ be dangerous."

"Maybe you should just talk to him?" I suggested, quietly.

Emma laughed, "Okay, we'll give it a try. Thanks Jess. Oh by the way, hows the tour going?"

I laughed, "I thought you'd never ask..."

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