Chapter 5: All that crap

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  • Dedicated to Alicia Dickinson

Clove’s p.o.v

‘’What’s wrong Cato?’’ I asked. He looked sweaty and had his hands on his stomach. ‘’What do you mean?’’ He answered. ‘’You know exactly what I mean. So put down your hands.’’  I saw nothing.

Cato’s p.o.v

I was happy she didn’t saw the bandage that was underneath my shirt.  She shouldn’t be able to worry about me. At least not right now.

I turned away from Clove and walked over to my own bedroom. I sat down on the bed. The room was red and black. Clove walked in. ‘’Why are you acting so weird? I thought this is what you wanted.’’ She asked. ‘’Clove, I know you only want to help and I really appreciate that. But, my sister just died, I have to kill way to much people and probably even have to die myself.’’ I said. ‘’What do you mean have to die yourself?!?!?!?’’ She asked. She looked shocked. ‘’I promised your brother.’’ ‘’You don’t have to keep you promises. And you know, maybe Il die at the cornucopia.’’ She walked away again.

Clove’s p.o.v

I could not believe that Cato was about to offer himself.  Specially not for me. I know he lost everything, but he could build a new life. I know he doesn’t realise that. He only sees the day, what normally happens. What happens over and over again. But he doesn’t seem so see that for every day, there’s also a night. Most people don’t realise, that the night side is even better. They like warm things, light and happiness. But at night, you can walk around the most beautiful things in life. And he does not realise anything of this. He thinks everything is stupid.

Cato walked in. ‘’I’m sorry. It’s just….. I just need some time to wake up again.’’ See, that’s exactly what I meant. ‘Time to wake up’. He wants to be awake at day. ‘’Cato, I don’t think you do. You could also live in the future, instead of in the past.’’ ‘’I’m sorry.’’

Cato’s p.o.v

She had the rights to know what happened. But if I would tell her, that her father died just an hour ago, she would never win the games. She would rather die herself. It’s my job to keep her safe. She’s my best friend. A sister to me. The one I didn’t lost.

‘’I’m sorry. I will try to be the guy I always was.’’   I knew myself that that was a lie. Enobaria shouted something. ‘’Get ready guys! Capitol in fifteen minutes!!!’’

Clove’s p.o.v

We arrived at the station. Everywhere we looked were weird people. ‘’Come on dear.’’ Caitlyn said. I walked to the doors of the train with her. Cato was already there. ‘’Well, don’t forget to smile, they have to like you.’’ She said. Smiling, that wasn’t that difficult.  

The doors opened. The crowd went crazy. ‘’Cato!!! Clove!!!’’ They shouted. I kept smiling. I saw that Cato was also smiling. We passed the huge crowd. I took us at least twenty minutes to walk three hundred meters.

‘’Well at least we survived that.’’ Cato said. We heard the crowd again. ‘’District 3 must have arrived I guess.’’  I said. ‘’Or District 4. It goes incredibly fast.’’

We walked through the long corridor. Brutus and Cato went left. Enobaria and I went right. There was a room with a stale table. ‘’Stay here, your stylist will come soon.’’ Enobaria said while she walked away.

I was in the room alone. I waited for twenty minutes, when finally someone came inside. ‘’Hello, my name is Royle.’’  He was young, very young. ‘’I’m your stylist.’’ ‘’Well okay I guess.’’ He couldn’t be older as twenty-six. ‘’I know what you’re thinking. I’m way too young to do this work. But I love to do it, and so does Snow, so I guess that answered your questions.’’  ‘’I guess it did.’’  ‘’I don’t know what your style is, but I guess you will like the suit I made for you and Cato for the parade.’’

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