Chapter 10: The last training day

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Cato's p.o.v.

''Wow!'' I said. ''Wow!'' She repeated. I sat down the bed, with Clove sitting in my lap. She turned her head to me. ''I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come in.'' The said, getting up. ''No, wait.'' I said, also getting up. I threw my arm around her waist and pulled her back. She turned around and we both fell on the bed. She wore a green top and black jeans. I brushed her hair with my fingers. ''We can't..'' I started, but she cuts me off. ''Yes we can.'' She said, and kissed me again. I kissed back.

Almost two hours passed, talking, cuddling and kissing. When Clove left, I decided to go to bed. But after several hours of not sleeping, I didn't try anymore. My mind was just too busy with overthinking everything that just happened. I got up and walked to the living room. I saw Enobaria sitting on the couch. ''I'm sorry, I will just...'' I started. But the cuts me off. Why do girls always do that?!? ''No, it doesn't matter. But Shouldn't you be asleep?'' She asked. ''Yeah, but there's just too much on my mind.'' I answered. ''Ah, there you'll have it. You're going into the games, but didn't realise until now that you have to kill the girl you love, if you want to survive and be a victor.'' She said. Actually, it was a 50-50 answer. The only thing is that I was actually thinking how we were both  going to get out of this alive. ''Almost.'' I said. ''Well, sit down and explain then.''  She said. I did what she asked me to do. ''So what are the chances that this is going to work out?'' I asked her, after I explain everything. ''Listen, I know it sound hard, but I have to tell you that I don't think there will be such an opportunity. I mean, it just sound so unreasonable.'' She told me. ''But maybe it will. May the odds be ever in your favour.'' She laughed. ''I believe that isn't one of your lines.'' Another voice said. Caitlyn passed us. ''Get to bed Caitlyn.''  Enobaria said. ''Just taking some banana juice.'' She answered.  Banana juice? I should really try that sometimes. ''Goodnight!'' She shouted. We didn't react. Enobaria started talking again. ''Just relax a bit.'' She said. ''When the time comes, you'll have you're answer. Until then, just keep it in mind.'' I knew she was right. ''Alright, thank you Enobaria. But I think I'm going to try sleeping again.'' I said. ''You're welcome.'' She said. ''Goodnight, or whatever is left of it, by the way.'' She said. I laughed. ''Thanks, same.''

I could finally get to sleep. A few hours later, Caitlyn woke me up. Today was the final day of training. But first of all, we got to hear our points. I got dressed and walked over to the living room. The huge flat screen TV was already on the right channel, capitol TV. ''Morning.'' I said. ''Morning.'' Everybody else said. ''Good morning Panem.'' Claudius and Caesar started. Brutus turned up the volume. ''Within now and the next few minutes, we'll all know who's the danger.''  Claudius said. ''As you all know, the tributes will be rated on a scale from 1 to 12.'' Caesar said. I sighed. Blah, blah  just  crap. ''Let's get started.'' Claudius said. Caesar did the scores. ''From district 1, Marvel, with a score of 9!'' He said. ''Glimmer, with a score of 9.'' He continued. Now, we came. I was nervously scratching my arm. ''From district 2, Cato, with a score of 10!'' He said. ''Well done sweetheart!'' Caitlyn shouted. ''Clove, with a score of 10!'' He said. ''YAY!!!!'' Caitlyn screamed. I tried to ignore her. Most of the time, district 1 got 9s and we got 10s. It's not that hard. The people from other districts where lucky if they got a 7. I tried to focus on the TV. I already missed a lot, so I just would have to find out later what their scores where. It would me on the huge board with our names and faces on it. I just saw the boy from 11 get a 9 and the girl a 7. ''District 12, Peeta, with a score of, 8.'' He said. HOW THE HACK IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!? Caesar went going. ''Katniss, with a score of, 11.'' He said. I got mad. ''WHAT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?'' Clove shouted. ''I don't know. I guess we'll just have to figure it out.'' I said.

We had breakfast and went to the training centre. Today we had the chance to train with our mentors. Today, I started with Brutus and after lunch we switched. I walked over to the swords, and Clove was next to me, with the knives.

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