Chapter 11: The final countdown

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Cato's p.o.v.       

I ran to the table, I was late. I ate my breakfast very fast and stood up. I went to the hallway. Clove was already ready to go. ''Let's keep going children!'' Enobaria said. She escorted us to the elevator. Instead of down, we went up, to the roof. ''This is where we separate children. Good luck!'' Enobaria said. ''Thank you Enobaria.'' Clove said. ''Your welcome.'' She said. On the roof was a huge hovercraft. On each side of the platform it was standing on was a peacekeeper. One of them came and kept walking behind us, escorting us into the hovercraft.

Clove's p.o.v.

We sat down, the only other ones who weren't there was district 12. Cato sat next to Glimmer-of course- and Marvel. I sat next to a door and probably Fire girl. Finally district 12 came. The hovercraft started flying. It became really quiet in the hovercraft.

After five minutes, I heard someone talk. I saw Cato in a conversation with Marvel. I concentrated and could hear a few words of what they were saying. I heard sword and district 6. I couldn't hear any other words. On the other side of the door, was the boy from 3. ''Clove?'' He whispered. ''Yes?'' I answered.  Why did he wanted to talk to me. ''When we are in the games,'' He started. ''Are you going to go with the other careers?'' He asked. ''Of course I am, why?'' I said.  ''Just a question. It's how I can imagine the arena and the people in it.'' He said. He was smart. Really smart. It was obvious he came from district 3, technology.

After twenty minutes, the hovercraft landed. This time, we landed in a basement. The ceiling opened, and closed when we were in. For every tribute, there were two peace keepers. They counted the tributes from 12 to one. That meant that I had the time to take a look at the other tributes. When the boy from 3 went, he looked at me for a second, in a way of telling me 'make the smart choice'. Alright, that was creepy.

I was escorted after the boy from 3. I could feel the eyes burn in my back, Cato's, Marvel's and Glimmer's. The building was grey, and probably build underneath the arena. I walked through a few other hallways, until one of the peacekeepers opened a door for me. I walked inside and saw Royle. ''ROYLE!!!'' I shouted. ''Sssssst!'' He said, and laid a finger on his lips. He had a jack in his hands. I wore a brown pants and a dark red t-shirt. I slipped into the jack.  ''Relax, you're going to be fine.'' Royle said. ''Good luck Clove.'' He said. ''Twenty seconds until launch.'' A voice said. I walked to a tube and stepped into it. ''Thank you Royle.'' I said, and he nodded.  ''five seconds until launch!'' The voice said. I took a deep breath and the tube started moving. For a second, everything went black.

There was a huge flash. Slowly I could see things and started to recognize them. I saw the huge silver cornucopia. I saw weapons inside it, backpacks next to it. Other tributes. Some were scared, some hopeful. Some hadn't any expression- like Cato-, and some were ready to die.

There was a hologram in the middle with numbers on it. I realised it was a timer. I looked at Cato, he catches my eyes and stares in to them for a few seconds. Then I look away. I see Marvel next to the boy from 6. I look to Marvel, and he smiles. I try to find the boy from district 3. He's next to Glimmer. Glimmer looks angry. I look at the boy from 3. He looks scared and sure at the same time. I think he knows what he's doing but something is holding him back, he just didn't knew what himself. However, the clock was already on 30 seconds and counting down. I took another look at the stuff in front of me.

I knew what my plan was. Cato and I already discussed it yesterday. Still, there was a little part of me, that knew, this whole plan wasn't smart. We couldn't just leave Glimmer and Marvel tomorrow night, they would hunt after us and find us. However, I still had 15 seconds left to relax. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

''10, 9, 8, 7'' A voice counted. ''6'' I got in a position so I could run off very fast. ''5,4'' I saw Cato and Marvel in the same position pointing to the cornucopia. At the same time, the boy from 12 and the girl from 11 where in the position so they could run into the woods. Smart. ''3, 2.'' I concentrated really hard on the cornucopia now. ''1!'' there was a buzzer and all of us started running.

I ran as fast as I could and was the second to reach the cornucopia, after Cato of course. I took the first weapon I could find and started fighting the tributes around Cato, so Cato could grab a sword. I saw that district 1 was doing the same thing. When Cato had his sword, I ran to the knives. I took as many as I could. I even threw a few of them while I was putting others in my knife belt. ''Are you done?'' Cato asked me, while killing the male tribute from 6. I took one last knife and ran over to Cato. ''Done!'' I said. ''Alright, go find the others.'' He said. I searched for them and found them on the other side of the cornucopia. Marvel was throwing a spear into a girls abdomen while Glimmer took one by her hair. I'm so happy that isn't me. ''They are on the other side.'' I said to Cato. ''Than go kill some tributes!'' He shouted. I saw a boy trying to kill girl on fire- A.K.A Katniss- and threw one of my knives at him.  The knife hits him in his back and he falls to the side. I throw another one to Katniss, but she blocks it with her bag. I ran past her to Marvel, who was in trouble. I cover his back, and he covers mine. ''Clove, three o' clock.'' He says. I throw a knife at the same time he throws a spear. The knife hits a girl in her shoulder, where I threw it, and the spear in her heart. She's dead. The final tributes left ran into the woods, what gives us careers a chance to gather all our supplies and the weapons we used and are left behind. I see Cato kill the boy from 4 who's inside the cornucopia.

I walk with Marvel towards the girl we threw at, at the same time. I pulled my knife out of her shoulder and threw Marvels spear next to his right feet. ''Poor girl.'' I said sarcastically and we both laughed. I see Glimmer standing way to close to Cato's arm. ''It's awful isn't it?'' Marvel says. ''What do you mean?'' I ask him. ''Glimmer. She can't stop talking about Cato. I would watch your steps if I were you. She always gets whatever stupid thing the wants. And right now, you're in her way from getting Cato.'' He says. ''Believe me, she's no danger for me.'' I say.

Cato's p.o.v.

I pushed Glimmer away and walked to Clove and Marvel. ''Hey.'' I said. ''Hey.'' Marvel said. ''That wasn't that bad.'' I said. ''So you liked it?!?'' Clove asks. ''I never said that. I said that it wasn't that bad. We didn't lose one of our own man.'' I answered. ''You're right.'' Marvel says. ''Guys!'' Glimmer shouts. ''Let's keep moving, so they can clear out.'' She said. ''We're coming!'' I shouted. I heard the hovercraft that came to take the body's from the dead tributes.

We walked for what felt like hours. Nobody really said anything. I let Clove lead. She knew how to hunt the best, so she could also hunt tributes. ''Wait!'' I heard someone shouting. ''Wait!'' The voice said again. I saw the boy from 12 appear from behind a tree. ''I can help you guys find her.'' He said. ''Find who?'' I asked him. ''Find Katniss.'' He answered. ''I don't know Cato he's.........'''Glimmer said but I cut her off. '''He's dead weight, I know. But if he can help us find girl on fire, than I can offer him a place.'' I said. ''I agree.'' Clove said. ''Me too.'' Marvel said. ''Than it is decided.'' I said. ''But if you betray us, I swear I kill you the most slow and painful as possible. Got it!?!'' I said. The boy nods. ''Alright then.'' I said. I gestured Clove to keep walking.

It became sunset, and all of us where tired and hungry. ''Clove, let's stop here.'' Marvel suggested. It was a good place to hide. You could see others before they could see you. ''Cato?'' Clove asked me. ''Okay, Glimmer make a fire.'' I told her. ''Why me?'' She asked. ''Because I'm telling you to!'' I said. She walked away to find good branches.  ''Have you got food?''  Clove asked the boy from 12. ''A little bit. I found some raspberry's.'' He said. ''What's your name?'' I asked him. ''Peeta, Peeta Mellark.'' 

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