Chapter 15: The girl with bow and arrow

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Clove's p.o.v.

We packed our stuff and were ready to go. We broke down the tent and threw the stuff everywhere around in the woods, so no other tribute would have a tent without doing something for it. I had one backpack and Cato had one.  ''Ready?'' I asked him. ''Just let me make sure that there isn't a weapon on the ground or something.'' He said. ''What, are you afraid that someone could use it against you?'' I asked him, mockingly. ''No!'' He said. ''It would be just like spilling food right now.'' He said, and I knew he was right. Maybe we had a lot of weapons right now, but we could lose them anywhere, anytime. ''You're right.'' I said. ''I know I am. You're smart Clove, you should use that little brain a little more sometimes.'' He joked. ''I can't sometimes you know.'' I said. We walked into the woods.

There weren't many tributes left. I believe it was: me, Cato, Katniss, Thresh and Foxface. Five. Five smart, strong or just lucky tributes. Or, at least one of the three. After two hours of walking, Cato grabbed my wrist. ''And now we stop.'' He said. ''Just a little further, please.'' I begged him. ''Clove no, you need to rest.'' He said. ''I'm fine.'' I said. ''No you're not. You are wounded, and they need to heal. The medicine will do its work, but only if you rest.'' He said. ''Why do you care this much about me?'' I asked him, a bit angry because he wouldn't let me go further.  ''Because I love you. I said it okay. I. Love. You. And if you die, I would never forgive myself. If you're in pain, I'm in pain too. Not physical, but mental. My heart hurts every time yours does.'' He says. My mouth falls open. I didn't knew what to say. ''Please Clove.'' He begs. Instead of saying something, I sit down. If this is what he really wants, then I just have to go with it. I felt the same as he just described himself.

''Please Clove, say something.'' Cato begs, sitting on his knees in front of me. ''I...I...'' I'm trying. A tear rolls down from his cheek. ''Please Clove.'' He says. His voice is cracking. ''I don't know what to say. I love you Cato, just like that. But.... You....'' I start. ''What's with me?'' I ask. ''You can get every girl in the district. Whoever you want. And you choose me?'' I ask him, a little confused. ''I don't understand you Clove. We talked about the whole winning together thing, and now you say this? Why? You know I love you, I always did.'' He says. ''Why me? Why not Maralyn?'' I ask him. ''Because Maralyn is a bitch. She only thinks about herself. You're the full package.'' He jokes. He continues, ''Cute, funny, kind, definitely hot.'' He jokes. ''Strong, not fast frightened....'' And he goes on and on and on. ''Wait, all these things, I think the exact opposite about it.'' I say. ''Of course you do!'' He  laughs. ''What do you mean?'' I ask him confused. ''Cause you're a normal teenage girl. Only  bitches are this sure about themselves on your age.'' He says. He sits down next to me.

We talk for several more minutes, and then Cato decides we should go sleep.  We took the risk not to have a waiter. Nothing has happened yet. I stay awake for at least another hour. Cato is already asleep, Or, I think he is asleep. His breathing is symmetric. He has his arms wrapped around my waist.

Cato's p.o.v.

I can't sleep. I feel Clove is awake and aware too. She's thinking too much, just like me. She probably thinks I'm asleep. I made sure my breathing is just like when you are asleep. I learned it in my last year of training. The part, Clove hasn't learned yet. Anyways, I thought it would help her getting asleep faster. She turns around in my arms and buries her face into my chest. I remembered the day we volunteered. I wish Clove would have waited another year.  Then I would have been her mentor and I could have saved and lead her through the arena. The day we volunteered, the day's after my sister died. She has a family. Suddenly, I remember her father. Her dead father. He tried to kill me, and the peace keepers killed him. Poor Clove. I had to tell her. She almost found out in the train. Luckily, the people in the capitol healed my wounds. I had to tell her.... I had to tell her...... It banged through my head. I should tell her. As soon as possible. When the time was right.

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