Chapter 28: Does it hurt?

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Cato's p.o.v.

I lay Clove's body onto the ground, and sit down next to her. My hand is on her chest. I still feel her slow heartbeat. Thank god. I walk around and see A hovercraft picking up the woman's body who sacrificed herself for Prim. Primrose sits down next to me. ''Is she going to be okay?'' She asks me. ''I don't know.'' I tell Prim. ''You know, she couldn't shut up about you. She fell in a hole, and one of the first things she asked is where you were. When she heard a cannon the first thing she did was screaming your name. Knowing you wouldn't react to it. Even if you were alive.'' Prim tells me. I smile. ''I promise you, I did the exact same thing.'' I tell her. She laughs. ''I know.'' She says.

''Why don't you just kiss Snow-white awake prince Charming?'' Johanna asks mockingly. I try to ignore her. ''She's just jealous.'' Finnick whispers in my ear. ''Believe me Johanna, he already tried that several times.'' Haymitch reacts. She laughs. ''Of course he did.'' She says under her breath.

Finnick and Beetee are fishing, while Haymitch and Prim create a fire. Johanna just sits and does nothing except for saying ''Love is weird.'' And I'm sitting next to Clove. I lay her head on my lap. ''What have we done wrong?'' I ask her, knowing that she wouldn't react. Already several hours have passed and she didn't move a toe yet. I'm getting worried. What if she didn't survive. She would Cato. She would. You know she will. She's strong. She has a son to take care of. We have a son to take care of. She's survive anything. I stroke her hair. ''My dear Clove. Please wake up.'' I tell her.

A few minutes later, out of nowhere, she starts to inhale air. Prim looks up and runs over to us. Clove spits some blood out of her mouth. I make sure her head lays on the sand again and kneel down next to her. Prim does too. Sweet as she is. ''Cato?'' Clove whispers. ''Yes. I'm here.'' I tell her. ''He was all the time you were out.'' Prim says. ''What? Why? Why didn't you join the others?'' Clove asks me. ''Because I think you're worth the wait.'' I answer, and press my lips onto hers.

Clove's p.o.v

I sit by the others while they eat. ''You should eat some too.'' Prim suggests, giving me a piece of cod. ''Thanks.'' I say. Cato eats some too. ''You fight very well. It was amazing what you did whit these knives.'' Finnick says. ''Thanks.'' I say. ''You don't need to say thank you.'' Cato says. ''Why not?'' I ask him. ''Because you are amazing.'' He says nonchalant. I sit in his lap. ''You did well too.'' I tell Finnick. ''Thanks all of you by the way.'' She says. ''What happened while I was gone?'' I ask Prim. ''Just the female from 6.'' She tells me. I nod. As soon as I finish my fish, I walk away from the others and jump into the water.

I guess I wasn't the only one who did that. Cause not too long after that, I felt two strong arms around me. Cato. I turn around and lay my arms in his neck, burying my head into his chest. We just stand there in the water. ''You know, I was really worried about you.'' He says. I was too. I was afraid. Afraid of what had happened to him. ''I was worried about you too.'' I tell him. ''What happened? Where did I lost you?'' He asks me, pulling my head op with his thumb. ''I fell in a hole. A big one. I guess it was a trap from Gloss and Cashmere. Well guess what, It worked. But I was able to climb out. When I was about to fall back in to it, Finnick came and helped me out. After all, it appeared to be Prim's idea to save me. And I save the three of them, being Finnick, Haymitch and Prim, several times on my way to you.'' I tell him. I hear someone scream, some trees falling down, and a cannon. It was on the other side of the arena.

I burry my head back into his chest. ''Clove, we can't kill these people.'' He whispers. ''Why not?'' I ask him. I couldn't either anyway. But I wanted to know why. ''Because they helped us. All of them. Prim and Finnick both saved your life. Haymitch kept you alive. Johanna first tried to kill me but joined me as soon as I tried to get to you. Blight was the one to convince her, and Beetee helped us all the way. '' He says. I nod. ''But we can't just die. What would happen to Arthur?'' I ask him. ''We won't.'' He just says.

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