Chapter 14: ''I'm sorry Marvel.''

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Clove's p.o.v.

I'm running through the forest with Marvel. We're laughing. We just found the boy from 12. ''Hey Peeta!'' I said. But it wasn't meant on a nice way. Marvel laughed when Peeta tried to hide his face. ''Did you really think, I told Cato about the Glimmer thing, to spare you?'' Marvel said. ''Yes, why?'' He asked. We both started laughing. ''We only did that, so we could kill you ourselves. You may be strong, but you definitely aren't smart.'' I said. ''You don't know anything about what or who I am!'' He shouted. ''Yes, yes I do.'' I said. ''I know more about you than you think. You're love for Katniss, is half true, but half a trick. She already has someone else, doesn't she?'' I asked him. He got up. His leg was somehow healed form Cato's cut. He had a spear, he once got from Marvel, in his hands. ''You shouldn't give you're spears away anymore Marvel.'' I joked. I stepped forward towards Peeta, who held his spear, gave me and angry look. He stepped forward with one foot. So he stood stronger on his feet. He was ready for attack. Marvel, who saw this, stepped in front of me. Peeta attacked. Marvel could easily handle it.

When we finally had him on the ground, I jumped on top of him. I had one of my knives in each hand. When he tries to escape, I make a deep cut in his left arm. Marvel get the spear he dropped. I press one of my knives into Peeta's abdomen. He screams. ''Does that hurt?'' I asked him. Marvel and I laughed. He sat next to me. ''Let's do it Clove.'' He said.

We stabbed Peeta several times. Until we heard his cannon. We left his body behind. Our clothes were dirty from Peeta's blood.  We ran back to the camp. We were laughing, singing, yelling. When we reach camp, Cato runs toward us. ''What have you done?'' He asks me. ''We killed Peeta!!!'' We yelled at the same time. ''Really?'' He asked. ''Didn't you hear the cannon?'' I asked him. ''Yes, but I thought he'd be with his girlfriend.'' Cato said. ''We thought too.'' Marvel said.

Katniss' p.o.v.

I was walking through the forest with Rue, Trying to make a plan to get the careers. ''How would you think we can get them apart?'' She asked me.'' I....'' I started, but I was interrupted by a cannon.  ''I believe the boy from 3 joined them. So I think we can create a trap for them, so we can leave one as waiter for their stuff behind, the others will go hunt.'' I said. ''Ehm, Katniss.'' Rue started. ''What is it?'' I asked her. ''I think you'd want to see this.'' She said. I was hoping it was the dead body from a career. But it wasn't. ''PEETA!!!!'' I screamed. I fell on my knees next to his body. There was a knife in his leg. ''Clove!!!'' I shouted.  ''Katniss, I'm so sorry.'' She said. ''You shouldn't be.'' I told her. ''This is all her fault.'' I said.

Cato's p.o.v.

I didn't actually knew what to say. They had done such a great job. But it was stupid to do it at the same time. We could've killed Katniss just by using Peeta. Now, she will definitely try to avenge him. ''Did you wipe out your trail?'' I asked Clove. She took a look at her knives. ''Fuck it!'' She says. ''What is it?'' Marvel asks. ''I left my knife in his leg.'' Clove says. ''So, what's the matter.'' Marvel asked. ''Now Katniss will know that Clove killed him.'' I said. ''And she will be hunting after her, until she can kill Clove her.'' I told Marvel more than Clove. Clove laid her hand on her forehead. ''Gosh! After all we had in training about murdering without anyone knowing, I'm doing this!'' She shouts. ''Clove relax.'' I say. ''I can't.'' She starts. ''Because of me, 12 will be hunting us. And if she can get one of you at the same time, then will be all my stupid fault.'' She says. I step forward and kiss her. ''No it won't.'' I say. ''And you still have Marvel and me, and we will protect you with our lives.'' I say. Marvel nods. I didn't even knew what I just said. Would he actually be ready to give his life for her? ''Thank you.'' She says, and walks away.

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