Chapter 13: Hallucinations and Thomas

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Cato's p.o.v.

Marvel opened the sponsor box. Inside, was a smaller box with an orange salve. On top of it, was a note. 'For the stings from the three of you, she's still alive. But use this, without she will end the same as Glimmer. -Enobaria.' The instructions were clear. I immediately scooped out a bit, and smeared it on her stings. ''You need some too.'' I told Marvel. ''But only if you do too. I know you good enough to know that you're going to smear everything that's left on Clove after I used it. So you're first!'' He said. He was right, I did wanted to. I took a little and smeared it on my stings. ''Good?'' I asked him. He nods. He scoops some out too and when he signs me it's enough, I put the rest on Clove's arms, legs, neck and face.

Clove's p.o.v.

I'm running through the forest. Behind me, Cato is running not far behind me. We're laughing. I'm dressed in a broken white dress. I'm wearing a braided leather strap around my head. I'm wearing sandals from light brown leather, bound up to my knees. Cato, wore a blue shirt and black pants. I kept running, but he was faster. He catches me and spins me up in his arms. He leans in and kisses my forehead. It was beautiful. ''I love you!'' He says, while resting his forehead on mine. ''I love you too!'' I say. He kisses me passionately. He sits down on his knees (both of them!) and takes something out of a bag. It wasn't there before. ''Where did you get that from?'' I ask him. ''I hided it under this tree, like we always do with our stuff. Remember?'' He says. ''Yeah, I remember.'' I say, while sitting down. He took a flower out of it. It was a beautiful white one, a Clematis flower. ''A beautiful flower, for a beautiful girl.'' He said. He puts the flower behind my ear. I blush. He sits on the ground now. He lays my head on his legs. He goes through my hair with his fingers. I close my eyes, and everything goes black.

I wake up with the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I'm in my arena outfit. I sit up. I'm on top of the cornucopia. I don't see anything, except for the arena. Nobody is around. Or at least. I thought that nobody was around. I hear metal hit metal. I see someone fall out of the mouth of the cornucopia. It was 12. The girl. She was fighting with Cato. What I heard, was her bow smacking against his sword. She tried to defend herself, but he was to strong. I jump off the cornucopia on the other side. I ran over to them, and see Cato pinning her to the ground, with his sword, that's already through her chest. I see the life run out of her body. Cato pulls his sword out of her chest. Her chest stops going up and down, her muscles release their power. I hear a cannon. ''She's dead! Cato you did it!'' I shout. He walked towards me. I look him in the eyes. Instead of power and happiness, I see tears. The I'm sorry tears. ''What's going on Cato? What's wrong?'' I ask him. ''Didn't you hear the rule change?'' He asks. ''No, why? What is it?'' I asked him. ''Only one can come out! There will we only one victor. Only one will survive.'' He says. The tears run down his face. I feel tears in my own eyes too. ''But they.....'' I start. But Cato cuts me off. ''They did, and now they don't anymore!'' He screams. More to the game makers than to me. ''I'm so sorry Clove.'' He says. I drop my weapons. All of them. Even the one in my shoe. I throw them on the ground in front of Cato. I walk to him. He doesn't seem to understand what I'm doing. I give him one last, long kiss. When I pull away, our faces are wet from each other's tears. ''Than do it!'' I say. ''Do what?'' ''Kill me!'' I answer him. ''I can't!'' He says. ''Yes you can! Giving up my life for somebody else's life would make my brother proud. He would understand it one day, and you will too.'' I say. ''Now do it!'' I scream. ''I don't want to!'' He says, dropping his sword. ''Well, than I have no other choice.'' I say. ''NO YOU CAN'T!!!'' a voice from a game maker shouts through the arena. ''SUISIDE ISN'T ALLOWED!!! IF YOU WILL DO IT, WELL HAVE TO EXECUTE HIM!!!'' It bangs through my head. Cato steppes forward. ''I'm so sorry.'' He cries, and everything goes black.

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