Chapter 27: Treason

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She's almost as cold as she was when she went to the training. Not giving a fuck about killing other people. She acts just like she did when she was 13. She cuts my tracker out of my body, and throws the chip onto the ground next to her own. She takes the apple, with my blood on it now as well, and takes another bite. Then she throws it onto the ground.

''You're not pregnant again are you?'' I ask her, hesitating. ''No I'm not.'' She says. She's acting weird. We walk further into the forest. When I hear something behind me, I don't even look. I just swing my sword. ''CATO!'' I hear Clove's voice in front of me. ''Aww, little Clove not able to defend herself.'' I hear a male voice. Gloss. I try to turn around, but then I feel someone grabbing my wrist. Cashmere. ''Where are you going pretty boy?'' She asks me. ''Saving my wife.'' I tell her, and try to get out of her grip. The next thing she does, is trying to kiss me. I reach to her legs and tackle her onto the ground. ''I'm married.'' I remind Cashmere. I walk towards Gloss and Clove, and get in to fight position. Gloss' knife in on Clove's throat. But she isn't fighting at all. She doesn't give a fuck. Then, I realise something. She's stronger. She's stronger than Gloss. And also smarter. She knows exactly how to break free from Gloss' grip. ''Duck.'' I say, and before Gloss can avoid my attack, Clove is already on the ground and my sword slides through his back. ''Run!'' I tell Clove. She does so. I run after her. The wound I made wasn't big enough to kill Gloss. But he could die if Cashmere, his sister, wouldn't help him.

After a few minutes, I totally lost Clove. I have no idea where she is. ''CLOVE!!!! CLOVE!!!!'' I scream. But she doesn't respond. I decide to head over to the Cornucopia. If she would reach the beach, she would see me. But the risk is that others could too. I did it anyway.

I climb on top of the cornucopia, searching everything I can see for her. Nothing. Then I see the thunder hitting the tree. Interesting. I decide to take a look at it. Three.... Four.... Five.. I count. Twelve. Twelve districts. Twelve slices of the arena. I didn't know what was about to happen, but I was a little closer to finding out.

Clove's p.o.v.

I'm screaming Cato's name, but he doesn't respond. I fell in a hole, and am not able to get out on my own. I knew he couldn't hear me. I didn't expect anyone else to. But there must be a way to. I can't end like this. My son needs me. Cato needs me. I scream one more time. But then I realise, no one would help me. I'm a career. First of all, they all want me dead. Second of all, I can do this on my own. Just think Clove, think. Jumping and pulling myself up wasn't an option. The hole was too deep. I close my eyes and breath. When I open them again, I find something. It's on the height of one metre, and I could easily stand on it. I do so. I find another one a bit higher. I have no idea what they are, but now at least I'll be able to climb out of this thing. I hand on the edge of the hole. All I have to do is pull myself up, but my hands are slipping away. Just as I'm about to fall back into the hole, two strong arms grab me and pull me out. First of all I think it's Cato, but it isn't. ''Finnick?'' ''Clove.'' He answers. ''Why are you saving me?'' I ask him. ''I could've just let you fall, but that wouldn't be as helpful. And, I'm not the one who wanted to save you.'' He says. He isn't? Then who is? I look around and notice other people. Mags, Primrose and Haymitch. ''She did.'' Finnick says, pointing to Primrose.

''But why?'' I ask her. ''Because I heard him screaming for you. And I know that he needs you. Not to survive, but for the child. Besides, a new ally is never bad. And my sister would've done the same.'' She says. I smile. ''Well thank you. And his name is Arthur.'' I say. ''We don't know where he is, but I guess we'll find out.'' She says. ''Well let's keep going.'' Haymitch suggests.

Cato's p.o.v.

I'm still on top of the cornucopia. But I'm angry. Mad. Mad that I'm not able to find Clove. Mad at myself. Mad that I left her behind. Maybe she's dying now. Maybe Gloss and Cashmere cached her and are stabbing her to death now. Maybe I'm going to lose her forever. But I'm even madder, that I'm not able to get up and search for her. A tear streams down my face. Why? Because I love her, and every movement I make I think about her, start getting weak and can't move any further.

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