Chapter 26: Training

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Clove's p.o.v.
I walk into the training centre. It's different. Last year it was normal. Now is special. Cato walks next to me. I see the tributes from district 1, and walk over to Gloss. Scaring tributes is useless. This were all victors. We were the strongest of the strongest. The best.

Cato walks over to Finnick. I don't know why, but the two seem best friends from the moment they shake hands. Maybe Finnick could be an ally.

Gloss is on my right. "Show me what you can do." I tell him. He throws a spear, just a flinch next to the bulls eye. Cashmere walks up from behind and shoots an arrow in the head of the same dummy. Poor thing.
"Your turn." Cashmere says. I walk over to the knife station, and grab 14 knives. I took a special belt with me, so I had my right hand free to throw. I walk into this special room. Holograms are everywhere. I press the knife and the start button. Holograms start running towards me. I throw knives at them, until I killed all of them, and I had only one knife left. A lot of the other tributes were staring at me. Not just Gloss and Cashmere. But Cato was also staring and even smiling. The tributes from 3. Finnick and Mags. The tributes from 6. Johanna and Blight. The tributes from 11. And last but not least, I'm surprised, Haymitch and the chosen female tribute. I took a look at her. Snow was crazy. And just then, I realised who she was. Katniss' sister. Primrose. I felt bad for her.
I walk over to Cato. "Well done." He says, and kisses my cheek. "Please." I say. "You know this is a piece of cake."
Johanna walks over to me. "That's quite good for a 17 year old." She says. "Thanks I guess." I answer. Cato pulls me away. In the corner of my eye, I see that Prim wants to walk over to us, but Haymitch stops her. Asshole. I'll go and talk to her later.

Cato and I walk over to the swords. I see that Gloss and Cashmere try to throw knives, but they miss. I smirk. I rest my chin on his shoulder. "So, learn me something new." I tell him. He smiles. "I will." Cato says. He throws a sword over to me, and surprisingly, I catch it. He grabs a sword that looks exactly the same as the one he used in the arena. I run my fingers over the blade. It feels great. But not as great as my knives. Cato walk over to me, and makes sure I hold the sword in the good position. ''Attack me.'' He says. I do as told me to. He avoids my attack easily. ''Go for the throat first.'' Cato tells me. I swing the sword, and almost hit him. ''Easy tiger.'' He jokes. I swing the sword another time, but he block my attack. But then he attacks me. I didn't see that one coming. I try to block it, but because I'm not prepared, I lose my balance when the metal hits, and fall. He catches me just before I hit the ground. ''Gosh Clove, I'm so happy you're not pregnant anymore. You were heavier.'' He says. I laugh. I really want to, but I can't kiss him now.

Anyway, when we have a break to have lunch, I decide to go talk to Primrose from D12. When Cato, Gloss, Cashmere and I sit down, she accidentally sits down next to us. ''Hey!'' I say. ''Hey.'' She returns. ''I feel bad for you.'' I tell her. ''I feel bad for all of us. It isn't fair.'' She says. ''It isn't.'' I say. Cato joins our conversation. ''What's your name?'' He asks her. ''Primrose Everdeen.'' She answers. ''You're Katniss' sister, aren't you?'' Cato notices. ''Yes I am.'' She says. ''You should've been proud with such a sister.'' He says. ''I was.'' Prim returns.

After our talk with Prim, we return to the training stations. ''Cato, how are we going to kill these people?'' I ask him. ''Just like last year.'' He says. ''But last year was different.'' I tell him. ''And so is this one.'' He says. I laugh a little. I grab the sword I had before the lunch again. ''One more and then you'll learn me how to throw a knife.'' He tells me. ''Alright.'' I say. I practiced a lot, so it's easier right now. I swing my sword right towards his throat. He blocks it and immediately swings his swords towards mine. I duck to the ground and try to slide his legs. He jumps backwards, loses his balance and falls onto the ground. ''I believe you just would've died.'' I say laughing. I help him getting back up on his feet.

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