Chapter 12: Bye blonde

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Clove's p.o.v.

The next day we went to find Katniss.  Peeta told us where to go. For lunch, we ate some berries and some edible leaves. ''How far is it boy?'' I asked Peeta. ''It isn't far anymore. These footsteps are fresh.''  He answered. ''I hope so for you!'' Glimmer said. I walked next to Marvel. It was already late in the afternoon. We came by a small lake. ''There she is!!!'' Cato yelled. I ran out of the trees and saw her. She also saw us and started to flight. We ran after her and chased her for minutes. Eventually, she climbed in a tree. ''Get her Cato!'' I screamed, at the same time Marvel and Glimmer did, while Cato was climbing in the tree. ''I'm going to catch you!'' He said to Girl on fire. ''Kill her Cato, Get her Cato!'' We all shouted.

Cato's p.o.v.

I was climbing in the tree. ''Kill her Cato, Get her Cato!'' I heard. But then, something probably no one except Katniss expected. I took the wrong branch, and when I changed my weight onto it, I fell. I landed on the ground. It hurts, I didn't care. Clove sat down on her knee. ''Are you okay?'' She asked. ''Have been better.'' I answered. She laughed. Gosh! I love it when she laughs! I got up. Glimmer shoots and arrow at Katniss. She misses, of course. ''Give it to me!'' I say to her. I take the bow and an arrow from her.  I miss. ''Maybe you should throw the sword!'' Katniss shouts. ''That's it!!!'' Clove says. She takes one of her knives. I hold her back, not knowing why. ''How have you got that eleven?'' Clove asks her. ''Show an arrow at the game makers head.'' She said. ''pfff, I could have done the exact same.'' Glimmer says. ''Shut up.'' I say. ''You know, If you were smart enough, maybe you would of have done the same thing.''

 ''Okay, I can't handle it anymore!'' Clove shouted. I didn't held her back this time. The threw the knife. I knew Clove never missed, and she didn't this time either. She knife hit's Katniss in her arm. Katniss screams. Peeta turns around, so he doesn't have to watch anymore. Marvel lays his hand on Peeta 's shoulder and holds him back, so he has to look. ''Let's just wait her out!'' He says, before Clove could throw another knife. She looks around and turns her face towards him (so do we).

''What did you say?'' Let's just wait her out, and don't spill any more weapons. She has to come out anyways. It's either that, starve to death, or die because of her wounds.'' He says. Clove looks at me. I nod. ''I'm okay with it. Somebody make a fire!'' I say.

Clove's p.o.v.

I walk around with Marvel through the forest, searching for branches. We don't really talk. He's just staring at me, and it starts to freak me out.  ''Do you like Glimmer?'' He asks, out of nowhere. ''What?'' I say. ''Do you like Glimmer?'' He repeats. I'm shocked. I didn't knew what to say. ''Ehm...'' I started. ''Just be honest with me.'' He says. ''Well, to be hones then, no not at all!'' I said. ''Gosh! Then I think the only one who likes Glimmer is Cato.'' He said. ''WHAT!?!'' I say. ''You think Cato likes that bitch?'' I ask. ''Well, I guess he doesn't, after your reaction.'' He laughs. I smile, I did overreact A LOT. But who cares. ''Make sure he doesn't, when it gets to us, Glimmer is the one to die first!'' Marvel says. ''Agree.'' I say. ''Agree.'' I hear another voice. I recognize it. ''Cato!'' I shout. ''Sssssst!!!'' Cato says. He ran's towards me and pics me up. I do my best to stay on the ground and jump on his back, just like I always did when we were younger.

''Need help with that?'' Cato asks. He points at the branches Marvel and I collected. ''That would be great!'' I said. ''I think we have collected a little too much branches anyways.'' Marvel says. Cato takes the half of my branches and a quarter of Marvels. ''A man always has to do the heavy work for a girl, right?'' Cato said. Marvel laughs. ''That's a sure thing Cato!'' He says. We walk back to the camp.

Glimmer turned her back to Peeta, meaning that he better shouldn't talk to her. We made a fire and went to sleep. Glimmer took the first wait, I had the second, Marvel the third, Cato the fourth and Peeta the fifth.

My wait was over, and I walked over to wake Marvel up, but he was already awake. ''What is it, between you and Cato?'' He asked me. Cato, who was apparently awake, reacted. ''Isn't it obvious?'' He asked Marvel.

Marvel's p.o.v.

''Isn't it obvious?'' Cato asked me. ''Yes, but I don't get it. You both volunteer, and then you fall in love?'' I answered. ''Not in that order. I was already in love with her from the first day we met.'' He says. I couldn't see a lot, but I saw that Clove was blushing. I even saw a smile. ''Well.....'' Clove started. ''Me some kind of too.'' She said, blushing even more. Glimmer turned around. We all looked at her. She was asleep, but for a second, we all thought she heard us and was awake. ''Not a conversation for now, who knows who else is listening.'' Cato said, pointing to Peeta, Glimmer and Katniss. ''Now take some rest, both of you.''  I said. Cato nods, and takes Cloves hand and pulls her down. Clove and I had to change place's. So she would lay next to Cato anyways.

It was half past 2 A.M. And it was really dark outside. I believe Cato and Clove where asleep. It was really hard to tell. I saw Glimmer turned her face towards Clove, and Cato immediately pulled his hand away from Clove's shoulder.

I decided to let Cato sleep and take his wait. He didn't sleep last night. I didn't knew why, but he was asleep now (finally) anyways.

After four hours of wait, I woke Peeta up. I slept for several hours.

Cato's p.o.v.

I woke up by the sound of something sawing. I opened my eyes, but not too far. I saw Katniss sawing. The girl from 11 was in one of the trees next to her. I touched Clove's hand. I moved closer to her and whispered in her ear. ''Make ready to run, don't move yet, Katniss is going to drop some sort of bee's on top of us.''  I rolled on my other side, and awoke Marvel. I told him the same thing. ''Don't wake up Glimmer. And wasn't Peeta supposed to wake us up?'' Marvel said. I looked around. I didn't saw him anywhere. ''He's gone.'' I say.  When I look up, I see the nest drop. I get up within a second and grab my weapons. I see Clove and Marvel do the same thing. Glimmer also wakes up by the sound and starts screaming and running, she falls, and stays laying on the ground. She screams and try's to. But she doesn't.

We ran very fast and as far as possible, and then, we reach the cornucopia. I see Peeta running. I ran towards him. He tries to escape, but I'm faster. Clove, is not far behind me. How can she be so fast? Probably the anger and the willpower. I reach Peeta and cut his leg with my sword. ''AAAAH!!!'' Peeta screams in pain. ''Let him go Cato!'' Marvel shouts. ''Why should I! We could have been dead by now! Because of him!!!'' I shout. Peeta is still lying on the ground, hands around his leg, trying to stop the blood from spilling out. ''Yes, he did, be we aren't dead, and because of him, Glimmer is dead. Remember?'' He says. ''He's right Cato.'' Clove says, while laying her hand on my arm. I relaxed. ''Alright, but next time I'll kill him!'' I said, and walked away. I went to gather supplies. We left all our other supplies. ''I feel dizzy.'' Clove says. She walks to the cornucopia, and sits down against its wall. I run over to her. ''Are you okay?'' I ask her. ''I don't know.'' She says.

Clove's p.o.v.

Cato was sitting in front of me. Well, at least, I think it's Cato. I couldn't see things sharp anymore. I felt even more dizzy. ''Clove!!!'' Cato shouted. I knew it was Cato now. He sat in a way now, so I could recognize the colour of his shirt. The deep red colour. Marvel sat down next to me. He held a bottle of water in his hand. ''You should drink.'' Marvel said. ''I don't...'' I start, but I don't finish. It's just taking too much energy. ''Clove!!!!'' He yelled, but it felt like he was whispering. ''I'm going to get it!'' Marvel said. Get what? I wanted to ask, but ''g w.?'' is all that came out. ''Lay down!'' I heard Cato saying. I wanted to, but I already felt his warm hands around my body, he was picking me up and laid me down inside the cornucopia. ''You'll be okay. There is a sponsor on the way, Marvel is getting it.'' He said. I tried to find his eyes, when I found them, everything went black.

Cato's p.o.v.

''CLOVE!!!'' I was screaming. Marvel came running with the sponsor. He was all wet. ''Why did it take so long?'' I asked him. ''I'm sorry, it landed in the river, and I couldn't find it.'' He said. ''What's inside?'' I ask him. ''I don't know yet.''  He said. ''Well than open it!!!'' I shouted. He looked shocked. ''I'm sorry.'' I said. ''No, it doesn't matter. I don't know how you're feeling. But I know you care about her.'' Marvel said, while trying to find where it opened.

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