Chapter 22: Weddings and white roses

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Cato's p.o.v.

We are in the train, and on the way to the capitol. It's dark outside. I'm sitting on the windowsill. Clove fell asleep in my lap a few minutes ago. I lay my hands on her belly, trying to feel the baby. And I felt it. It made me happy. I looked outside. All I saw were thing which looked like ghosts. I rested my head against the window. Within the next two months, I would be a father. I would be a 18 year old father. I would love my child. I would protect it. I would train it. My life would be a happily ever after life. I was still so sure it was a boy. My little Arthur. Arthur Jonathan Hadley. By thinking about my child, I fell asleep. Peacefully.

I woke up by a warm feeling on my lips. I recognize it as Clove's lips. I kiss her back. ''Morning beautiful.'' I say, when she pulls away. She smiles. ''Morning hotty.'' She says. I smile too, and kneel in front of her. I lay my forehead on her belly, whispering something to my baby. ''You'll have to stay in for a few more days little one.'' I say. Clove lays her hand on the back of my head. I kiss her belly, get up, and kiss Clove. ''Today is the big day.'' She says. I nod. ''Yes it is.'' I say.

We arrived in the capitol a few hours ago. I'm in my suit, but I haven't seen Clove yet. The wedding starts in several minutes. The people are already in the room. Hundreds of people are here, just to see us marry. I'm walking to the altar. We wait a minute for Clove, and then the ceremony begins.

She looks beautiful in her white dress. Her belly is not too obvious. Her hair is in a bun, with pluck of curled hair falling out of it. In her hair, are some pearls and flowers. The white flowers are accentuated by her black hair. She's beautiful. I smile. She is standing next to me. I see which flowers she's holding. White roses. ''Snow's choice.'' She whispers. I nod.

''I do.'' I say. ''Clove Sevina, do you take Cato Hadley, as your future husband?'' A man asks her. ''I do.'' Clove says. I smile. ''Then I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss her now.'' The man says. And I do what he told me to. I kiss her passionately. When the ceremony is over, we walk out of the room, together.

We both smile. ''Let's get you in another dress miss Hadley.'' I say with a British accent. ''Let's get me in another dress mister Hadley.'' She says with the same accent. We both laugh. Clove walks in to the dressing room and comes back after a few minutes. Her long white dress is replaced by a knee high yellow one. ''You look beautiful.'' I tell her. ''I know right.'' She says, and smiles. I grab her hand, kiss her cheek, and we walk back to the ballroom. We dance, eat, dance and talk. Eventually, Clove's getting tired of the heat, and walks outside. I run after her.

I follow her, and end up on the roof. She's standing there, on the edge, staring to the streets. ''My love.'' I say. I lay my hands on her belly, as soon as I reach her. ''How long?'' She asks me. I count the months that she was pregnant. ''Any moment now.'' I tell her. She nods. I can tell by the way she looks she's afraid of giving birth. ''You'll be okay.'' I whisper in her ear. She smiles. ''As long as you're with me.'' She tells me. I kiss her neck and smile. She turns around, slips, and I'm just on time to catch her. We laugh, and I kiss her warm lips.

The party goes on and on. I don't even know what time it is. After several more hours, we return to the train. While walking, I grab her hand. Her warm hand. She squeezes my hand a little. We were both tired. Clove is heavily leaning on my shoulder, and my head rests on hers. It's dark outside. I press Clove as close to my body as I can, to protect her. I don't know why I'm so afraid. When we are inside the train, I start to relax.

We get redressed in comfortable clothes. I wear black joggers and a grey shirt. Clove wears grey joggers with a light green shirt. I walk over to her. It wasn't that long to district 2. Sleeping made no sense. I sat on the windowsill. Clove rested her head on my shoulder. Anything could happen right now. Our baby could be born. One of us could die. We could live. I didn't even know how many options there were. ''What's going on?'' Clove asks me. ''Nothing yet.'' I tell her. She sighs. I kiss her head and close my eyes for a second. When I open them again, Clove drifted off. I stare out of the window. These ghost creatures are here again. I sigh. I see the gates of district 2 appear.

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