Chapter 29: We win!

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Cato's p.o.v.

The girl returned not too long after that we finished. We had one more hour to go, and as far as I know, there are except for us 4 tributes left. So 12 tributes in the death match. Clove runs up to me and whispers something in my ear. It takes me a second before I realise what she just said. ''This is it. Only four more tributes are going to die.'' And then she bites in my ear.

The next of the evening passes slow. Too slow if you ask me. Clove and I shared one kiss, and after that she walked away, and talked to every other tribute in our ally. It would happen soon. Soon we had to kill each other, so I guess that she was just saying goodbye to them. I should too, but I don't want to.

Prim sits down next to me, and gives me something. It's a small wood carved puppet. ''Were is this good for?'' I ask her as kind as I can. She thinks for a second before she answers my question. ''Your son. Arthur.'' She says. I sigh. ''He'll love it.'' I tell her. ''I know you're worried about him. She's too.'' Prim says, pointing to Clove. I close my eyes. ''He'll be fine. Just like we are going to be.'' She says. I don't know what to answer. It reminded me of what I told Clove before we went into the arena.

The next thing I hear and see, is the lightning slamming into the tree. A few of us jump like one meter up into the sky. I sigh and walk over to Clove.

I hear four cannons, what means that it's just us left. I sigh, and press Clove closer to me. Weird enough, no one attacks the others. We all just stand there, not knowing what to do. Clove and Johanna step into the circle we formed. ''HAH!'' Johanna screams. ''THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED US TO DO! IS IT?!?'' She screams. ''YOU JUST WANT US TO FIGHT. KILL EACH OTHER. MAKE SURE THE OTHERS SUFFER!!!'' Clove screams. ''WELL, THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. IT NEVER WILL!'' Johanna shouts. It take me a second until I realise what they are doing, and other's join them already. ''YOU CAN'T JUST PUT US IN HERE! WE HAVE FAMILY AND BELOVED ONES OUT THERE TOO!'' Finnick screams. Prim is the next one to join. ''YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM! YOU KILLED 1711 CHILDREN AND 16 GROWN UPS! YOU KILLED MY SISTER!!!!!'' She screams.

All the others join in too. I'm the last one to. ''YOU CAN NOT JUST KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE! WHAT HAPPENED 75 YEARS AGO HAPPENED 75 YEARS AGO!'' I scream. I grab my sword and throw in onto the ground in front of me. I see the others do the same. Prim throws her small knife onto the ground, Johanna her two axes. Finnick his trident, Haymitch his pipe. ( A pipe is a weapon to shoot little arrows like darts. Mostly of the time filled with poison.) Beetee doesn't have a weapon except for his smarts, so he can't really throw something onto the ground. Blight throws his bow and all of his arrows on top of it. Clove is the last one to throw her knives onto the ground. But I know she keeps at least one close to her body. Probably in her shoe or sleeve.

The next thing that happens is very weird. I knew we were close to the edge of the arena, but I never saw this coming. Something almost door look alike opens next to us. Prims eyes widen. I walk towards it. ''Cato don't!'' Haymitch shouts. ''It could be a trap.'' Blight says. Someone walks out of it. A man. An old one. White beard and hair. Snow.

''It's over! We win!'' Clove shouts. ''That's exactly what it is Mrs Hadley.'' Snow says. Something almost smoke like fills the arena. Clove grabs my hand, and slowly I see all the others disappear. Even Clove, who wasn't even a few feet away from me. Her hand was being ripped out of mine. ''LET ME GO!'' I hear Finnick scream. ''Stay off me!!!'' Clove shouts. ''What is happening?'' I hear Prim ask. I look around and she's right next to me. I kneel down in front of her, and see tears streaming down her face. ''I don't know. But you're going to be fine. Just like you told me.'' I say. ''You don't know that.'' She says. I get up and lay my hand on her shoulder.

Not very long after that, the smoke disappears. I can slowly see everyone again. Except for......Finnick and Clove. ''CLOVE!!! CLOVE!!!'' I scream. It wouldn't make any sense. Why capture two of the most beloved victors in Panem if they didn't even make this mess. I did. I should've never volunteered. ''Where are they?'' Haymitch asks. ''In the capitol. Fighting for their lives.'' I say.

Clove's p.o.v.

I'm in a hall, being pushed forward by two peacekeepers. How I knew I was in a hall, because of the sounds. Finnick was right behind me. The both of us were struggling. ''Let me go!'' I shout. ''No!'' The peacekeeper on my left said. ''Why not?'' I ask him. ''Orders.'' Is all he said. I sigh. I can't see anything. Something covered my eyes.

Not long after this, I'm being pushed forward and stopped soon. I hear a door opening. The thing that covered my eyes is being ripped off and They literally push me into a room. My face hits the ground. And I swear my nose is bleeding. Finnick is pushed into the same room as I am. I have no idea what to do.

The door closes, and doesn't open for the next few hours. It's dark in this room. Really dark. I sit down on something I guess is a bed. Finnick sits on my right, playing with a branch. Out of nowhere, the door opens, and a familiar silhouette walks into the room. ''Malia?'' I whisper. ''Clove.'' She says. She walk towards me, holding something in her arm. I can't see what it is because of the darkness. She hugs me, careful, making sure she doesn't crush what's laying in her arms. And then, It makes a sound. ''Arthur!'' I sigh, relieved. ''I'm not supposed to be here. They will kill me. I really have to go. Make sure he's okay.'' Malia says. ''Malia!'' I say, before she walks out of the door again. She turns around one last time. ''Thank you.'' I whisper. A tear streams down my face. Arthur lays in my arms right now. Malia nods and leaves the room. I have no idea where I am. I have no idea where Cato is. And I could really use a part of Cato like Arthur right now.

I wake up screaming and kicking. Where the hell am I? The room is grey. Very grey. I can't get up. The next thing I see, is a door opening. ''CLOVE!'' A voice shouts. Somebody comes running into the room. ''Cato!'' I shout, as soon as I recognize him. He helps me getting up, hugs me and kisses my lips. ''It's all over.'' He whispers. I hear cries coming from next to me. ''Arthur!'' I take him in my arms and Cato hugs the both of us. Neither of us let's go. I just rest my head in his chest, staring to Arthur, while Cato wraps his arms protectively around us.

Not long after that, I realize that It was just a dream. I wasn't in prison or something. But I was out of the arena. And I have no idea what happened. What does it matter anyway. I'm alive and am with my love and son now.

Cato's p.o.v

I hear a laughing voice coming into the room. A man. He claps his hands. I look up and see him. The dreaded Snow. He smiles and keeps laughing. Clove turns around and walks backwards when she sees snow. ''We already won.'' She says. ''You don't understand Mrs Hadley, do you? I never lose. I have all the power in the world. You're the one who has been defeated. Your biggest mistake was when you threw all you weapons on the ground.'' He says. But Clove didn't. She kept at least one knife. Did Snow know that? Probably not. ''My games. I ALWAYS win!'' He laughs. ''No.'' Clove says. ''What did you just say?'' Snow asks her. Clove hands Arthur over to me. The young boy smiles. He doesn't know what is about to happen. Neither did I. ''You heard me. I said no!'' Clove says. Snow's eyes grow wide as he sees what she's doing. Mine too, but I expected it to happen. She lets her hands slide into her boot, and pulls a knife out of it. Snow wants to walk away, but two other people show up and block his way out. Finnick and Johanna.

Clove's p.o.v.

I raise my hand, getting ready to throw the knife. You're not a murderer Clove. You're not. You're going to save Panem. You're going to save all the districts. Is what I think. Before I even realise it, the knife has left my hand. It's only a matter of a second, but It feels like a minute. I see the knife flying towards Snow. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. I breath out and step closer to Cato. I burry my head into his chest, as soon as I see the knife hoes straight into Snow's heart. He falls immediately onto the ground. I see the life leaving his body in the corner of my eye. Two peacekeepers walk in. But they don't have any power. They can't hurt us. They don't have a leader anymore. So they just grab Snow's body and take him away.


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