Chapter 9: The interview.

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Cato's p.o.v.       

''So, what do you think?'' Chloe asked. I looked into the mirror. ''it's awesome!'' I said. first, I didn't even recognize myself in the suit. ''It's just.....Wow!'' I continued. ''I know,'' Chloe said. ''I think you look really handsome in this suit.''  

They walked out of my room. Probably to get a glimpse of Clove. I was left alone. I took a deep breath and thought about how I would answer the questions.  How I would react to questions about my district. How I would answer questions about my family. Because, if I gave the wrong answers, It could cost me sponsors and my life. Somebody knocked on the door. ''In.'' I said. Enobaria opened the door. ''Ready for some question training?'' She asked. ''Of course!'' I answered. I walked towards Enobaria to the living room.

Clove was already there. She wears  a pink orange dress, some pink eye shadow and lip gloss. ''Hey! You look great!'' She said. ''You're also looking good.'' I said. Enobaria pushed me on the couch, next to Clove. ''So, ready?'' She asked us. ''Yes!'' We both said.  ''Alright. Cato, what were you thinking when you volunteered for the games?'' She asked. I took a deep breath. ''I thought it would be an honour. Even when I die.'' I lied. ''Good. Clove, what did you say to your family, before you went to the reaping?'' She asked Clove. I'm so happy she didn't asked me that question. Clove looked at me, she knew what I was thinking. ''I said I loved them.'' She answered. Them? Her brother was the only one there.  Or did she.... No, that wasn't possible. She didn't meant me. She didn't! ''Are you okay Cato?'' Brutus, who sat next to Enobaria, asked. ''I'm fine.'' I said. ''You say so.'' Enobaria said. Clove looked at me. ''What?'' I asked her. ''Nothing, I was just wondering if we could continue this.'' She answered my question. ''I'm sorry.'' I said.

Clove's p.o.v.

Why was he acting so weird? Did I do something wrong? Was this about the games? His sister? The girl from district 1? I didn't even knew. I just stared at him. He look so..... so confused. ''Good, now Cato,'' Enobaria started. ''What is your quote in the games?'' She asked him. ''Ehm...'' He started. ''I guess it is 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' It's something my trainer always told me.'' It was true what he said. It's something Samuel, our trainer, always told us.

They asked us a lot more questions, but when we were finished, we couldn't go to our rooms. They told us to stay sitting on the couch. Caitlyn, Enobaria, Brutus and the other members of our crew left the room. When we heard doors slamming and no walking or talking we started talking ourselves. But it wasn't that great. I was kind of awkward. ''So....'' I started. ''So....''  He repeated. ''I'm just going to ask you this. Why where you acting so weird?'' I asked him. ''I was just thinking.'' He answered. ''Thinking of what?'' I said, and gave him the what- the- hell- are- you- talking- about look.  ''I'm sorry Clove, for everything. Who the hell knows what they're doing to Cass.'' I knew he changed the subject. I knew it! ''Cato this isn't about my brother!'' I said, getting a little frustrated. ''I'll explain to you later. I don't want to talk about this right now.''  He answered. ''Cato....I'm......'' I started, but he cuts me off. ''No, don't say it.'' He said. He took one of the pieces hair that hang down against my shoulder.  I heard the door opening and turned around. ''Clove, Cato, time to get downstairs! It's ShowTime!!!'' Cailyn said.

We took the elevator. Our prep teams were trying to make us look even better. When we arrived on the studio floor, other tributes where already there, like district 5,7 and 11. They looked awesome. I catch a look form the girl from 5. She was just staring at me. I didn't like the dresses, they just weren't Clove.  

After a while, district 1 arrived. They were the last ones. ''Looking good!'' Glimmer said to Cato. I rolled my eyes. Cato saw it. ''Remember?'' He said. ''Yes, yes I do remember.'' I answered.  ''Everybody line up!'' A woman shouted. ''The show is about to start!'' The male next to her said. ''Two minutes!'' The woman said. They both where talking to a headset. ''First interview, Glimmer!!!'' The male shouted. Glimmer walked towards the man. He took her to the stairs. You could hear Caesar talking. ''Good evening ladies and gentleman!'' He started ''Tonight, you will hear the voices from this year's tributes!'' He continued. ''So let's get started, ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Glimmer!!!'' He said, shouting the last part. Glimmer started walking to the podium. The crown went wild! Glimmer had her interview. As soon as she was done, they screamed for Marvel. He started waving and I bet some girls faded out.

Marvel had his interview. They had a little break, just five minutes. The woman shouted my name. Cato held me back for a second. ''Good luck.'' He said. ''Thank you, you too.'' I answered. ''Thanks.'' He said. And I walked to the woman. The man pulled me towards him. ''Okay dear, you're going to walk up these stairs, and give them what they want.'' He said. ''Okay.'' I answered. I heard Caesar talking again. ''Ladies and Gentlemen, CLOVE!'' He shouted. I walked up to the stage. Caesar took my hand and kissed it. We sat down. ''So Clove, what are your plans?'' He asked me. ''Of course I'm going to win.'' I said. Caesar laughed. ''And did anybody came to see you?'' He asked. ''Yes, my brother.'' I answered. ''Just your brother?''  He asked. I shut my eyes just a little too long. ''Yes, just my brother.'' I answered. ''And what did he say?'' Caesar asked. ''He wished me good luck.'' I answered. ''Sure he did.'' He said. ''And is there a special person? Just some boy out of district 2?'' He asked me. Stupid questions! He always asks this to the people from 2, 4 and 12. I didn't even knew why. ''Not yet.'' I lied. I couldn't answer this question. It would make me and Cato look weak.

We talked for another minute. Then I heard the buzzer, my three minutes where gone, finally!  ''Thank you Clove!'' He shouted. He kissed my hand once again and I walked off stage.

Cato's p.o.v.

Clove walked towards me, touching my shoulder. ''Good luck.'' She said. I nodded. I already walked over to the man. I heard Caesar shout my name, and walked up stage. ''Cato, Cato.'' Caesar started. We sat down.  ''These where some exhausting days, weren't it?'' He asked me. ''For some of us it where, for others not at all.'' I laughed. Caesar laughed with me. ''And, same question, is there a special girl?'' He asked me. I thought for a second. ''No, not at all.'' I lied. ''O c'mon Cato.'' He said. ''No, I'm being serious.'' I said. ''Well, I think that's about to change.'' He said. And sure it was. ''Well, well, well.'' He continued. ''Could you do me a favour?'' He asked. ''Why not?'' I answered. ''Please just shake my hand?'' He asked. I did exactly what he asked me to do. ''IIEEKKSS!!!!'' He screamed. I laughed. ''Pffff, muscles.'' He said. I laughed again. He continued. ''How were you're training days?'' He asked me. ''They were great. I showed of my skills. I scared people, and we met the other careers.'' I said. ''Well, that sounds quite interesting. Could we hear some details?'' He asked me. ''Well, I don't think I'm supposed to give those away. You'll just have to wait until the games.'' I said. ''Aww, that's too bad.'' Caesar said. I heard the buzzer. ''Well, especially for the ladies, Cato!'' He screamed. I shake his hand one last time. And then walk to the others again. I walked kept walking and immediately went to my floor.

The doors opened and I walked to my own room. I locked the door and got into other clothes. These where just stupid. When I was done, I laid down on the bed. My rest didn't last long, because I heard a knock on the door. ''Cato?'' I heard a soft voice. ''Yes?'' I answered. ''Can I come in?'' The voice asked me. ''Sure.''  Clove came in. I stood up and she almost ran into me. Our lips melted together.  

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